Reinforcements Required - Do you look good in blue?

Started by Shalooonsh, July 07, 2020, 07:03:39 PM

It's that time again.

No flowery story.  No big video intro.

The Allanaki Templarate is hard.  Its a demanding role in all facets of the game, and you will be running under a storyteller who, it seems, is somewhat known for his brutality. 

You will need martial prowess both codedly and built in... you will need to know how to run a combat character for this role.

You will need magickal prowess as well... you've got to know how to sling spells when they need to be slung, and what to do with them once you have.

You MUST be able to politically maneuver.  Being a Templar is a political role, like it or not, and you will be hob-nobbing with the nobles.  You need to know how to scheme, how to keep your enemies close, and how to manipulate your friends.  Not being politically savvy is NOT an option.  Just because your PC is focused on a specific Ministry does not mean they will get it without political maneuvering.  I can not stress this enough.

You MUST be able to keep your minions and contacts moving and engaged.  Being a Templar is a high leadership role, and I hold my players to very high standards when their character puts on the robe.  If you have not yet played a noble, you may want to look at that role first in order to get some experience under your belt on how to do this.

You will need to be able to hold on the spot RPTs like sudden patrols as well as plan and arrange long term RPTs such as multi-day desert trips as well as Ministry ceremonies.  Anyone who's done this before knows how stressful it can be, but it is a requirement.

You must be able to read through the documentation and keep it all in mind.  As a Templar, in character, you will be in charge of enforcing the laws, and in return, there are VERY FEW laws that you yourself can not break.  The few laws that are not optional for you to follow, however, MUST be upheld.  There's no negotiation here, and the penalties are severe.

What you get from the role:

  • A really snazzy robe
  • Some cool jewelry
  • A bitchin apartment in a good part of town
  • Built in minions
  • An endless supply of little black rocks for people's necks
  • Lots of MCB
  • Nice shoes

What I need from you:

  • An Application - I don't much care for what your character looks like in the app, so just give me a vague idea.  Members of the nobility do often have common physical traits with their family, HOWEVER there has been tons of inter-house marriage through the years, so a dark skinned Borsail or a blonde Oash is perfectly acceptable.  What I want to know about is your character's background, psyche, and driving goals.
  • Decently common reports - Once every week or two is about perfect.  If there's an URGENT need for a response, put URGENT in the subject line.  I'll prioritize.
  • A can-do attitude - Being a templar IS HARD.  You will face a lot of challenges, and many of those challenges may come from other people wearing the same robe.  In the Templarate, the strong survive.
  • High Playtimes - Nuff said.
  • High PUBLIC Playtimes - So this requires some example.  I'm not looking for a templar who is going to spend all their time in their office with one or two people.  I am looking for someone willing to pound the hard streets of Allanak and bring life to the role.
  • Your ability to use a laptop or tower - Phone players have slower reaction times and typically are less expressive.  In a game where reaction times and expression are key, especially with a high value role, I do prefer that you are set up for success instead of hobbled coming out of the gates.
  • Honesty - This is a big one.  I'm fine if your PC fibs to their superiors.  In fact, I expect it!  What I'm not fine with is you occluding or misrepresenting the truth.  I'm here to work with you to make this role awesome and vibrant, and the more time I have to spend verifying things sent in, the worse mood I am in when I need to do things.

One Last Thing:
When I invite a templar role into the game, I give them a lot of rope.  I am a largely hands off staffer who's there to support your role, your choices, your plotlines.  That includes the good, and the bad.  I will not coddle you, I will not protect you from your own choices.  You will succeed or fail based on your own merit, and while that's difficult no matter where you are in Zalanthas, when you are a member of His Ministries, it is a constant razor's edge you must walk.

So if you're up for the task, if you're ready for the most challenging role that Zalanthas has to offer, feel free to step right up with an application.

I plan on making my choice by Monday, July 13th.
I seduced the daughters of men
And made the death of them.
I demanded human sacrifices
From the rest of them.
I became the spirit that haunted
And protected them.
And I lived in the tower of flame
But death collected them.
-War is my Destiny, Ill Bill

You came up from the ground
from a million little pieces.
You're a pretty human being.
Yeah you're pretty human being!
When it all comes crashing down
try to understand your meaning.
No one said it would be easy.
This living it ain't easy!
-No One Said It Would Be Easy by Cloud Cult

A gap in the ranks has again opened up for the true test of Armageddon Hard Mode.
People say it's city elves.... and to a point, they're right.

But city elves don't have bosses who will flay you for a mis-step.
City elves don't have friends who are more daggers than smiles.
City elves don't have rules and regulations.

You want to test your merit?  Be put through the crucible and experience everything the southlands can possibly offer?

Join His Templarate!

Same benefits and restrictions as above, with the following notations:

Applicants are preferred to focus on Ministry of War or Ministry of Trade.  You will not start with a Ministry, but it would be good to have one of those two as a desire.

Applicants will naturally be pure-strain human, no breeds or elves with docked ears.  No tall dwarves.

Applicants will preferably be from one of The Nine... the noble houses of Allanak.  Templars applying for GMH family association will only be considered for K2 and K3 players because this is a HUGE difficulty setting that people may not originally understand. 
I mean you're basically a Templar without 100% of the respect given to your actual noble compatriots.

Players wishing to apply should be VERY AWARE of the Allanaki social structure, and how rigidly defined it is.  I understand people may want to wiggle outside of some perceived boxes, but I'm not interested in any Templars who want to empower The People.  This is not how Allanak works.  I want pure, hard, vicious, glorious Templarate who rigidly enforce the stratification of Allanak's populace and help drive the known game world forward.

So get those apps in, and remember if you are accepted... nowhere in Allanak is safe. 

Everyone is gunning for you.
Everyone wants what you have to offer.

Drov is Listening... and will take the first robe that screams.
I seduced the daughters of men
And made the death of them.
I demanded human sacrifices
From the rest of them.
I became the spirit that haunted
And protected them.
And I lived in the tower of flame
But death collected them.
-War is my Destiny, Ill Bill

September 05, 2020, 08:40:06 PM #2 Last Edit: September 18, 2020, 09:57:51 AM by Shalooonsh
Guys, come on.  I said pure-strain humans.

Were-tembos need not apply.

This rolecall is now closed!
I seduced the daughters of men
And made the death of them.
I demanded human sacrifices
From the rest of them.
I became the spirit that haunted
And protected them.
And I lived in the tower of flame
But death collected them.
-War is my Destiny, Ill Bill