And now for something a little different for a role call?

Started by Shabago, May 02, 2020, 12:37:20 AM

It's a painful thing to see the majority of your family die and your home destroyed. A powerless feeling when it comes from something entirely beyond your control. In the harsh Known, there is only so much time to grieve before you have to get busy surviving and that is exactly what the remnants of your family has done. These members of your family deeply wish to see not only to the day to day survival of the whole, but to once again flourish and grow strong.

Your family has nothing compared to what it once did - no place to call home beyond your little wagons. You've been here before, so many many years ago, so say your eldest members. You fought, clawed, tricked, stole and used wits to become a force. The road ahead is long, hard and potentially deadly, but by Drov will you give it your all to see that former glory reclaimed.

We are looking to take up to four or five members of the tight knit family touched upon above. Perhaps the blurb is telling enough? Perhaps not?

If the idea of being a struggling, tricky, wagon loving sort of character appeals to you, please submit your interest via 'unclanned' role application with a character name, description, expected play times AND a background based on the blurb above. We're looking for creativity here, over accuracy. Don't worry, we'll let you adjust accordingly if chosen, based upon doc access.

Applications will be accepted until May 9th, 11:59pm server!

Nessalin: At night, I stand there and watch you sleep.  With a hammer in one hand and a candy cane in the other.  Judging.

Closing in 3 hrs and 12 mins from time of this post!
Nessalin: At night, I stand there and watch you sleep.  With a hammer in one hand and a candy cane in the other.  Judging.


Whew, that's a lot of great apps/creativity to see put in on this - awesome stuff guys! Appreciate all of you that took the time to do so. I'll start getting out replies soon.
Nessalin: At night, I stand there and watch you sleep.  With a hammer in one hand and a candy cane in the other.  Judging.