
Started by panda, November 01, 2003, 07:30:45 PM

Im back and ive got something else to complain about....arrows! as I can recall there has been some debate about making them easier to craft but wait! before you go saying "but they were changed stupid" hear me out, this may seem a bit demanding of me to make arrows easier to craft, but considering the time to get the wood stones and feathers and then the process of making them and breaking them, and then the fact that making 5 arrows a day is an accomplishment (yes I know you think arrowmaking is only for lightening the cost for arrows and maby it is an im wrong), however primitive hunters often made most maby all of their arrows they used for hunting.And considering that zalanthians have been making arrows for a while I dont see how hard it is to stuff a rock in a stick and tie some feathers to it, like I said before its already hard to find the material.... so go ahead yell at me and tell me it cant be done and its wrong in some way.

I see your point, but your forgetting GOOD wood should be hard to find and well, depending on where in the Known World you are, it's pretty easy. So I see part of the hardness to compensate for how easy wood is to find in certain places ;)

Also, I imagine zalanthan wood being fairly unhealthy, and probably not very good for arrow making (or just about anything). But this isn't represented by the code, so you have to RP it. So you can RP making 10 arrows, but RP that with 7 of them, the wood was too rotten. ;) (code wise you make 3 arrows, RP wise you make 10 but lose 7).

Also, code-wise you always get a fairly good arrow (AFAIK), however you'd probably get a crooked arrow that wouldn't shoot straight some of the time IRL. So unless you want a "semi failed attempt" to give you a poor arrow that's fairly useless, arrow making SHOULD be hard (IMO) :)

I'm not going to yell at you.

I am going to do two things:

First:  I am going to ask you what the fuck you are trying to say/ask.

Second:  I'm going to answer what I think you might have meant... but I can't tell, so I'm just guesstimating.

I'm guessing you want arrows to be easier to craft... they actually are decently easy to craft, with some patience.  One thing you might also be forgetting... even 'primitive' tribes use tools.  Do you have tools?  Very useful things, those tools.

And as for being easy to
Quotestuff a rock in a stick and tie some feathers to it,
have you ever tried?  Sure, it's pretty easy to stuff that rock on there... but getting it to stay?  The feather?  Sure, lash it right on there, Captain, but if it aint done right, it's either going to do nothing, or fuck things up further.  The basic steps of the process may look very easy, but they are not... trust me on this.  You are taking a semi sharp rock, a bent ass branch, and a feather and making a lethal device of insta-doom that can be shot on a good day up to a football field away.

Another reason that 'primitive' tribemembers were able to make arrows when they are adults is because those 'primitive' children were taught to make arrows, and have been fucking up sticks and feathers and rocks for YEARS before they were allowed to hunt.

To, let me reiterate:
stuff a rock in a stick and tie some feathers to it:  very easy
sharpen a rock, straighten a stick, find a good feather, put them all together in order to make a very efficient killing instrument:  not easy at all
Yes. Read the thread if you want, or skip to page 7 and be dismissive.

Words I repeat every time I start a post:
Quote from: Rathustra on June 23, 2016, 03:29:08 PM
Stop being shitty to each other.

Well reeeeooowwww!!

All skills take a while to get good, most of them take quite a long while.  When you get good at fletchery, and good at the skills that you use to get the raw materials (killing, foraging, bartering, etc.) you will be able to make more than 5 arrows a day.

Crafting is a perk, not a necessity.  If you enjoy crafting, then fletchery gives you something to do when the weather is too nasty to hunt.  Rather than sitting around doing nothing or logging off until the weather improves, you can sit and fletch arrows, which gives you something to roleplay off of.

If you do not enjoy crafting, do not craft.  There are few truely poverty stricken hunters, most seem to aquire larger bank accounts than guild merchants, and some experienced hunters have bigger bank accounts than the average noble PC.  If you don't want to craft your own arrows, just buy 'em.  Obviously buying arrows will be easier if you live in Tuluk than if you live in Red Storm, which is probably why archery is more popular in the north.

If you don't want to make them OR buy them, then I guess you can try to find PCs and NPCs that have arrows, kill them, and steal their arrows.  

There is more than one solution to every problem.

Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Well thank you Ac thats more the response I was looking for.