
Started by Dresan, April 09, 2019, 08:31:51 PM

I really like the new interesting functionality these two commands. I bet this has been suggested before but since i can't find it, I'll bring it up again.

I think search would work better as a toggle command like scan. This will better allow people to stumble upon a room and discover a secret entrance. At the moment unless you are searching every random room its most likely most likely you learned about a secret entrance previously and not by actually searching.

Additional secret entrances or rooms shouldn't be easily used unless you search for them. That way whether or not you have access to that area/room depends on whether you have the skill or have hired someone that does. This makes these places much more cool to discover and use, making it less it slight less about just ooc knowledge and more about IC abilities.  Also would also bring more bringing more value to sub-guilds with the skill.

I am not sure what the bury command works off of if anything at the moment, but the bury command should work with the hide skill(non-modified or modified by stats only), basically people who are good at hiding themselves should be better at hiding loot. Alternatively it could also work based off the search skill itself.

Bury simply puts something in the room. To find it you use forage artifact, if you succeed on the forage check (just a straight check AFAIK) you find a random buried object. No opposed check.

I agree on search. It seems of minimal use to me. Your suggested changes seem like a positive one.

Search as a toggled skill would be great, as opposed to spamming it in every room. Bury just literally buries something, I don't think a skill check is really needed there, as even low levels of forage regularly turn up buried things when I've tried them.
3/21/16 Never Forget

Search can lead to... really beneficial stuff, and sometimes "fun".

Making it auto, like scan, would diminish the "ooh!" factor, when you do find something. The reasoning is, once YOU know its there, you know forever. Discovering all search has to over in one go, would be... informative, but immediately diminish the enjoyment of a new discovery, since you just do laps around the city/zone/world and spot everything without trying.
"Mortals do drown so."

Quote from: Vex on April 12, 2019, 12:37:12 PM
Search can lead to... really beneficial stuff, and sometimes "fun".

Making it auto, like scan, would diminish the "ooh!" factor, when you do find something. The reasoning is, once YOU know its there, you know forever. Discovering all search has to over in one go, would be... informative, but immediately diminish the enjoyment of a new discovery, since you just do laps around the city/zone/world and spot everything without trying.

If it were similar to scan, and you had to beat a check everytime you looked, that might be a start.

Search has led to me discovering at least ONE secret thing in game that I will probably never know about, but searching every room is just... foolish.
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.

Quote from: Vex on April 12, 2019, 12:37:12 PM
Search can lead to... really beneficial stuff, and sometimes "fun".

Making it auto, like scan, would diminish the "ooh!" factor, when you do find something. The reasoning is, once YOU know its there, you know forever. Discovering all search has to over in one go, would be... informative, but immediately diminish the enjoyment of a new discovery, since you just do laps around the city/zone/world and spot everything without trying.

I played a miscreant and had search and was unable to find more than a few things that I already knew was there.

Now granted I didn't go:


So maybe that's what I was doing wrong?

Quote from: Riev on April 12, 2019, 12:42:20 PM
Search has led to me discovering at least ONE secret thing in game that I will probably never know about, but searching every room is just... foolish.


Quote from: Cerelum on April 12, 2019, 12:43:56 PM
So maybe that's what I was doing wrong?

That's how it works. You won't find anything, if you aren't actively searching.
"Mortals do drown so."

Quote from: Vex on April 12, 2019, 02:02:30 PM
Quote from: Riev on April 12, 2019, 12:42:20 PM
Search has led to me discovering at least ONE secret thing in game that I will probably never know about, but searching every room is just... foolish.

Because it is inside a GMH/Noble compound, and is locked. The character, at the time, didn't have the ability to try and pick it and find out what was there, if anything.

The last time I discovered something with search that I didn't know was there, I did have pick... opened it... and found an already open chest in this hidden area that was completely looted.

That area is now no longer accessible by PCs. :(
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.

Quote from: Vex on April 12, 2019, 12:37:12 PM
Search can lead to... really beneficial stuff, and sometimes "fun".

Making it auto, like scan, would diminish the "ooh!" factor, when you do find something. The reasoning is, once YOU know its there, you know forever. Discovering all search has to over in one go, would be... informative, but immediately diminish the enjoyment of a new discovery, since you just do laps around the city/zone/world and spot everything without trying.

The way search currently works feels just slightly clunk. From a playability point of view it feels tedious to search every room. I believe exploring would be more fluid if this were a toggle like scan and not dimish any ooh factor. This would also promote more stumbling upon secrets rather than ooc sharing of info.

It takes time to process, breaks sneak and hide, and requires you to be on foot.

You're not walking down the road and happen to proc Architects Sense and a door appears, you are actively hunting, searching, checking loose bricks, feeling along door frames, peeking behind paintings, assessing the floor. It is an active inspecting, with the intent of discovering that which was intentionally hidden. The places I've discovered, have all been amply described as obscured and hidden with intent. I cannot reasonably see Brie the Bogus Bynner walking down the road to the Gaj, and spotting three different hidden door, because she has "search" turned on 24/7, just like most of us do scan. Embrace the spirit of exploration, take the time to search, and enjoy your 1/100 chance if finding something neat.

Or don't, but please, don't encourage another "turn on and never rp it" skill, like scan and listen.

Scan should show up in an "assess" imo, and if search goes the way of the lazy, so should it. Listen should give an obvious tell, if you're not advanced/master, as it's RARELY difficult irl, to tell when someone is snooping on a convo. If you're actively doing something, you should be visible ACTIVELY doing it, or have a chance to be noticed doing it, at least.
"Mortals do drown so."

Sorry Vex, there isn't anything in your post I agree with.  :-\

I like the idea. I don't think you are suggesting that with search skill on you have a one hundred percent chance of seeing every hidden thing.
I think you mean like (old school) dungeons and dragons as your skill to search increases, you have a larger percentage chance to 'notice' it, while an active search would increase that chance. Seems completely reasonable to me.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."
― Michael Scott, The Warlock