I like this game BUT

Started by Silent Bob, November 01, 2003, 07:48:26 AM

Everytime I turn around I find something new to gripe about.  Like the programing from hell in absolutes and the nice admins who tried to fix something but got me in more trouble later.  I was arrested because I tried to sell my sword ... I was given this sword by the admins.  I was given this sword because their program screwed up and sent me to jail once.  Sp now I ask please the crap stop giving me wanted items you potato heads!  Why is it everytime the game acts up you are have noone on line to stop it?  I give up.

Because other then Sanvean (who is a cyborg), the people who run the game are prone to such human failures as having lives and not being able to do everything for everyone at the same time.
quote="Teleri"]I would highly reccomend some Russian mail-order bride thing.  I've looked it over, and it seems good.[/quote]

You could also try roleplaying it out...

If a templar comes to discuss the charge, you can describe the sword in detail (assuming you "examined" it, and maybe even tried to "value" it to see if it was made by a merchant house, or in the north, or whatever - if you have the "value" skill)...

And let them know the merchant shop was obviously distracted and wasn't paying attention when he accused you of selling a special weapon that isn't supposed to be sold.

I have no idea what kind of weapon it was, but it's always a good idea to examine things before you try to sell them, just in case there's some indication that selling them would cause trouble.

Bugs are annoying, especially when they result in trouble for your PC. But you're posting at 7:30 in the morning on a Saturday, which is a time when most of the real world is either dead asleep, or just waking up from bed, or barhopping and nowhere near their computer.

It's a little unrealistic to expect the staff to a) be monitoring the game 24/7 and b) be able to address your situation on maintenence day and c) be able to address it the day before a worldwide HRPT, and d) be able to address it if there's something even more weird/buggy/clan-specific going on at the time.

I feel for ya - but I hope you're just venting a frustration and not being that sincerely critical of a mistake.

Wait...  You were given a sword because their program 'screwed' up and sent you to jail?

That makes no sense.  I've never gone to jail and been given a sword.  Did you maybe find a sword in jail and then decide to keep it?

There is no 'programming from hell' in this game.  At the worst there is wonkiness from the Diku legacy but I think that's more than a little understandable.

I think he means he was returned his sword after some error in the wanted  code sent him to jail.

But that doesn't necessarily mean the sword was legal to have in the first place.

I guess it depends how it was done - if the sword was actually ICly given back to you by the authorities, and was illegal to have, that would be kind of silly.  

If it was kind of a  "do-over, the arrest never happened" situation, then that's no guarantee that you don't have illegal things on you.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

I was given the sword because the game threw me in jail for doing nothing wrong the first time.  Now I go to jail for the fun fix.  Rats never and admin on line when you need one.  Why am I always being hauled off to jail.  Evil curse I tell you!!!!

And oh yes I examined the sword and it did not say it was some guard weapon so shame on the admins! Shame shame shame .... golly sergant Carter!

Silent Bob>

I find you annoying and let me tell you why.

This is a harsh world.  Do you know how many characters get thrown in jail for not doing anything wrong?

Any idea?

Secondly, not having a weapon is not a end-all to your character. If you find your character in jail unjustly, join the local templar-haters club.  I'm sure they'll find you a weapon.

Bob, ROLEPLAY.  Cripes.  Stop bitchin' already.

Let me give you what used to be (and perhaps still is) a common situation.  You're out in a very dangerous part of the desert.  The game crashes and you loose your mount.  Highly unlikely you are going to get back to a safe place with out it.  
You could wish up asking for a new mount.  
You might be heard and you might be responeded to - but maybe not on both accounts.
Either way, its time to roleplay the hardships.
Your character may die, but he may not.  He may have some really nifty experiences on his way back to the stanky-city he calls home.  Might steal someone else's mount, might tame another - or maybe he' bite it hard to a patrol of Gith.

Just keep moving forward and keep roleplaying.  Glitches and crap will continue to happen.  Perhaps after your next ten beloved characters die you'll get it.

Still, it hurts.  I just had a great character die to what I think is bad combat code and bad RP - and though it hurts you move on and roll with it.

This spoken by a man who (from what Sanvean has told me) was the first player to have a character killed by a songbird.
 taste the sands.
I smell my death.
Is that the Mantis head?
Oh, fek!

Going to jail and being interrogated is fun, IMO.  Its all dark and creepy and you have no idea who's going to open that door and what they will do to you.  You could be killed, tortured, simply tossed out, or even offered a job (that happened to a PC of mine once).

As for unfortunate code or admin glitches, those are just incorporated into the game world as bad luck.  I've seen several long-lived characters get killed because of odd crim-code behavior.  As unfortunate as it always is, the end result is adding to the overall atmosphere of the game.  You can die anywhere at anytime and often for no good reason.  Welcome to Armageddon!

QuoteThis spoken by a man who (from what Sanvean has told me) was the first player to have a character killed by a songbird.

Wow... is there any chance this story can be told?  :shock:

Quote from: "witchman"Silent Bob>

I find you annoying and let me tell you why.
First thing, first...I agree with this statement...let me tell you why.  For some reason, you received a weapon that was illegal to posess...Now, you've been around the game here for a little while.  How many characters have you gone through?  How man militia/legion guys have you seen walking about?  Why haven't you looked at them occasionally as you walk past, paying attention to the environment?  Why didn't you pay attention to the swords they were wielding so that you could have put two and two together and realized that you had an illegal weapon?  Now, I'm not trying to be cruel or derogatory here...I'm making the observation that you, over a few months as the very least, you haven't paid as much attention to this well-built and -loved game as you could have...and should have, according to many people's beliefs.  Seriously, try it from here on out and when mistakes happen, you'll be better equipped to avoid them.

Quote from: "witchman"This spoken by a man who (from what Sanvean has told me) was the first player to have a character killed by a songbird.
Funny.  That is all I can/will say.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Let's try and keep this polite, folks.

We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world."

QuoteI find you annoying and let me tell you why.

Oh yeah? Well I find you annoying.
musashi: It's also been argued that jesus was a fictional storybook character.

Quote from: "Callisto"
Quote from: "witchman"I find you annoying and let me tell you why.

You should hook up with crimercy witchman, you've got a lot in common.

W00t, I have my very own matchmaker.

But maybe I'm holding out for my sekrit fantasies of you and your little piglet, Callisto.  :twisted:
Quote from: tapas on December 04, 2017, 01:47:50 AM
I think we might need to change World Discussion to Armchair Zalanthan Anthropology.

I come to play for relief from real life.  You say I should accept bad programming, game crashes, and just plain whatever happens as right.  When the frustration of playing exceeds the fun I think why waste my time.  Its mine and I can find something else to do with it.  Let me think what would have been more realistic.  The owner of the shop saying I cant sell that give it to a templer.  How about the gate guard saying that or even taking it.  Maybe if the jail had some pc's who let you out.  Maybe if your stuff was placed in a bag and given back to you for mistakes.  But this is not programed.  Their was no pc interaction either time.  Their was an attempted fix gone bad taking me back to where I started.  I add to this other in game frustrations and in all honesty find the game so easy to acquire wealth by various legal mehods so numerous that I guess now perhaps this programing might have been done this way to make the world workable to some extent.  So off with my head for I promise to not bother anyone here anymore for a few years at least.  Oh please have a nice day 8)
I used to play here a long time ago.  I returned to see if the game was different now from then.  I still remember my first character dieing outside by one bite from a creature.  I remember my second dieing when the game crashed and I was left outside with no way to reconnect to put him in someplace.  So I think the programing has improved since then.  But being held to higher standard everyday in work in life and so on I should hold the games I play to the same level.  I will come back in another 5 years and see where it is then.

QuoteWhen the frustration of playing exceeds the fun I think why waste my time. Its mine and I can find something else to do with it.

So either roll with the punches (and trust me, you're going to eventually deal with much worse) or go find something else to do with your time.
"We pay for and maintain the GDB for players of ArmageddonMUD, seeing as
how you no longer play we would prefer it if you not post anymore.

-the Shade of Nessalin"


Quote from: "Silent Bob"I will come back in another 5 years and see where it is then.

Quote from: "Mark Twain"When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.