The Case for Posting Craft Recipes on Clan Forums

Started by boog, February 12, 2019, 07:56:20 PM

I am in favor of posting ALL (yes, all) CLAN SPECIFIC recipes in an archive only accessible to family members and full on crafters and merchants. Joe Shmo recruit apprentice should not have access to these recipes. For me it has always been frustrating and utterly unrealistic for a family member not to know his own family's wares. All of them. They've spent 20 yrs learning their business, they know how to read and write? Are you telling me the GMHs aren't keeping track of these things? That just doesn't sound plausible.

Hey sponsored role family crafters types! Write down your creations put that shit in the library. Posthumously hook a homie up. 

As the crafting system is now, you can't make clan specific shit once you're out of the clan anyway so until you get a master forger class wtf are you even worried about? They can't be made outside the clan!

I agree, one could just ask staff and wait the hours, days, weeks or months (yes, months) it can take them to answer back. OR! Interrupt your Merchant's Byn-Borsail-Gick orgy and get them to tell you between mudsex marathons!

No interaction? I call kankshit on that.  I've watched craters shoot the shit about the things they make for hours upon hours anywhere they meet.   As long as they're creating in the same place, you're bound to run into each other. Come on, don't use lack of interaction as a means to keep information that should be available suppressed. Y'all know damn well in a clan people are a way away. 

The biggest "problem" I see with this is staff having to put in tedious annoying hours combing through hundreds of thousands of items clanned salarr/kadius/kurac and create separate "adult" boards for each clan. I dunno if there's like a search option that'll make that easier but I can only guess that maybe it's not as simple as a copy paste thing.  Prrretty sure this wouldn't be a priority to them.

Yo, and all you crafters out there don't even play.  I have seen y'all's lists. How you think Lord Foofybritches knows about that special jewelry box/spice pipe/sekrit magick potion component? His player made it 5yrs ago when he played a kuraci crafter as a mul.

This should be given serious consideration I think.
I'm taking an indeterminate break from Armageddon for the foreseeable future and thereby am not available for mudsex.
In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.

Have items not been moved to a database yet? This could be part of that project. If they are, there might be a very elegant solution here that requires almost no man hours. Maybe minimal for verification. If they are in a DB, is there a column in a table for clan?

A web portal to that specific view of the DB seems like the best approach.
3/21/16 Never Forget


Many years ago, I discovered that there was a way to make this one particular food item that was an intermediary. Think... pie crust, or pancake batter. There was no way to turn this pie crust into a pie. This pancake batter worked in no way to make a recipe.

I bugged it. I think someone passed it over.
I bugged it a couple months later, after trying every combination I could think of.

Morgenes looked, and it turned out the Pancake Batter was an intermediary in ONE other recipe. It was a Kadian-only recipe and nobody knew it. He later determined that if the Pancake Batter was craftable by anyone, then so should the pancake, and if Kadius wanted their own fancy Pancake they can make one.

Since then, a lot of people have been using that recipe, because the description was very well done. But nobody, for years, knew about it, despite it being a clanned recipe.

I am in favor of posted clan-only recipes in a place where AT LEAST Clan Leaders can access them. If they're a clan leader, the assumption is you trust them enough to not tell everyone the secret pancake recipe... but if they do... I'm sure Kadius has ways to remedy that.
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.

Quote from: Riev on February 13, 2019, 12:49:15 PM
I am in favor of posted clan-only recipes in a place where AT LEAST Clan Leaders can access them.

Pretty much my take on this.
Former player as of 2/27/23, sending love.

Quote from: MeTekillot on February 12, 2019, 08:05:04 PM
I think craft recipes should be a dropdown on the main website.

I just really really wanted to echo this. In other games I love making stuff! But, on Armageddon I almost dread even trying it because recipes, even for simple things, can require such specific items out of such a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge database of them, let alone if you wanna make something fancy and fun that you KNOW is craftable but hey oh, you don't need a slender, twisted half-branch of agafari, you need a slender, half-twisted branch of agafari or you can't make it. Sucks for you, loser!

I believe that there should be at least a way to easily access clan-specific crafting recipes for the clan leaders. I think that clan turnover happens a great deal, and I, personally, don't remember any clan-specific crafts. And I don't keep a list of crafts I've been told about or discovered. So this sort of thing would help.

I'm also for all clan-specific crafts to be makeable with the appropriate clanning.

Just wanted to add that the reason I think Clan Leaders should have access:

  • Clan leaders should have staff trust, in their role, to handle the information appropriately
  • It allows a leader to showcase their 'knowledge' that they've attained from years of studying and training
  • Clan-only items are, likely, being made or talked about in the clan halls, virtually. Leaders should at least know what is being made in their own crafting halls.
  • Auctions and other social events often hinge on these "one time offers" or "rare goods". Leaders should know what their people are adept at creating, to feed these social gatherings.
  • GMH leaders should know if they have plans for Borsail armor, or other clan-specific armor AND WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE. Too often someone has ended up with clan-only armor, not being in that clan, because it randomly loaded in the warehouse.
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.

I'm absolutely in favor of this.

I was given an item with a character I had and turns out it was actually a player created item and it didn't actually fit the scenario since it had only been designed a few IG years back.  I've also found a ton of clan-specific stuff that I had no idea existed.  Nobody did.  Or even what it was for.

Not only do I think this should be a thing, I believe the documentation and lore behind each item between a thing.  Why was this created?  For who?  Should these only be going to certain people in society?  I also think that every clan leader should have a list of any clan specific items that are available IG, even if it's livery they have to purchase from Kadius.  Call it a picture catalog.  Stationary, clothes, weapons, etc relevant specifically to your clan are things clan leaders should know about.  Otherwise, why should they exist?

I think this is definitely more doable on an OOC level than an IC one too.