Genie in a bottle - Grant me one wish.

Started by ShaLeah, March 19, 2018, 04:55:52 PM

March 20, 2018, 07:28:41 AM #25 Last Edit: March 20, 2018, 07:36:47 AM by Eyeball
Give PCs more to spend their coin on than booze, spice and clothes/gear/furnishings. Land (beyond apartments) and NPC hirelings comes to mind, even if the cost is enormous, having them available in some sort of automated way would remove a huge barrier. Recruit a builder to support it if none of the existing staff want to deal with that.

Give greed some outlets and plots will be generated.

Aging penalties are ridiculously punative and unrealistically harsh, and I'd like to see that improved to encourage more people to play long-lived PCs without storing or suiciding.

Quote from: ShaLeah on March 19, 2018, 04:55:52 PM
My wish is that magicks would go back to how they were. Alllll of them.

THIS. And not just because ShaL said it, this has been my heartfelt wish ever since I played one of the new elemenentalists one and a half years ago.  :'(

I'd be happy with the full magick guilds just having been made subguilds with no further changes.

Just one wish?

One genie-wish to improve Arm?

I wish that Armageddon Staff, as an organization, would treat themselves as such and not some local Rotary Club or social group that "volunteers to do good works" for the players of the game. Standards, Expectations, and consequences for negative or harmful behavior.
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.

Quote from: RogueGunslinger on March 20, 2018, 04:49:53 AM
I'd just wish for staff have less workload to get their own ideas and plots into the game. Working around the code, other staff, the players, and their own lives must be pretty exhausting sometimes.
Staffing has actually been pretty awesome. We have work we enjoy and the climate is very supportive of creativity. It's not like working alone because there must be communication and accountability, but I and I believe staff as a whole are enjoying the work and the game a lot. We hope all the players are as well.
Can we count this as 1 wish granted?
There are people already knowledgeable in game.  Find them and kill them so no one has cures and then poison everyone. -Kefka 2018

Give Helper player's PC's a chance to jump into start room in NPC avatars to guide newbies oocly. (by quitting their actual characters)
We know that retention is very critical and each new player is valuable. This would improve their curve.

Quote from: najdorf on March 20, 2018, 10:54:25 AM
Give Helper player's PC's a chance to jump into start room in NPC avatars to guide newbies oocly. (by quitting their actual characters)
We know that retention is very critical and each new player is valuable. This would improve their curve.

This would actually be pretty awesome, too.

Look down. All toxic attitudes and worst assumptions have been left at the door.

Back up. Everyone is now positive, willing to work with each other, and assumes the best intentions.

Where are we? The game is cut-throat, but the playerbase is not.

March 21, 2018, 06:56:01 AM #34 Last Edit: March 21, 2018, 07:06:39 AM by tapas
Don't whine about the loss of good faith.

Create systems that encourage and generate good faith rather than punish it.

My genie wish goes for players AND staff.

Magick thunderdome. People can be taught sorcery by sorcerers, people can opt-in to have a small chance to randomly manifest as an Elementalist, can also choose just to be an Elementalist. No guild restrictions on magickers, you are a magicker on top of your guild/subguild choice instead of either-or.