T'zai Byn Leadership Role Call

Started by Orsus, July 17, 2017, 11:16:26 PM

You were a veteran trooper, the last surviving grunt of all those grubby runners you came in with. Or you've been a sergeant for long enough to prove that you have what it takes to build a solid team. And now it's time to pass that team on so that you can build another. You have seen the worst The Known has to offer. You've got the scars and skills to prove it.

Whether recently promoted or newly reassigned, a new sergeant PC is needed for the T'zai Byn.

Here's what we like:
-regular reports, be they concise or hyper detailed
-frequent and consistent play times
-a patience for dealing with newbies
-knowledge and experience
-a desire to get out there and sergeant like a superstar

Here's what we don't like:

Submit a role application request for the T'zai Byn if you fit our "likes" (but not our "don't likes") with your full character proposal. I will take the coolest one from the right player, if it's submitted by 7/24 and I don't already have one that's blown my mind.

This is over and done with. Everyone has been contacted.