How Many PCs Have You Had?

Started by a french mans shirt, December 20, 2016, 07:48:57 AM

June 10, 2018, 02:23:04 AM #200 Last Edit: June 10, 2018, 02:57:02 AM by Nao
I've been away for so long (and back for less than a year) that I don't recognize anyone, but Sakra, I think I remember your Amos.
A rusty brown kank explodes into little bits.

Someone says, out of character:
     "I had to fix something in this zone.. YOU WEREN'T HERE 2 minutes ago :)"

Holy Toledo Sakra! You did win the game! I loved Tasok when I got to interact with him!

Fucking Tolan.
Quote from: roughneck on October 13, 2018, 10:06:26 AM
Armageddon is best when it's actually harsh and brutal, not when we're only pretending that it is.

I hate this post, with jealousy.

1. Naph - Dead - AoD Private Died on the trip back from an HRPT... from thirst. I idled out in the wagon because I had to leave for work! Doh! Managed to land an arrow into a Tuluki soldier PC before they completely escaped. Special thanks to QuillDipper and several others for showing me the ropes.

2. Mund - Stored - Took a hunter job for Salarr when there weren't any Salarr folks to hunt with.

3. Lach - Dead - AoD Private Also known as "Lick". Got into some -crazy- stuff.  ;) Stole... so many things... from so many people...  ::) Got burned up trying to drag his friends corpse away from some angry rabble. Had a serious amount of fun.

4. *** - Dead - Spec app, died within first 2 hours of play. New starting area for me as player.  :o #forevernoob

5. *** - Dead - Indie To soon to speak of. Hopefully some folks might have had good memories of this one, I know I do.  :-X

6. I'm writing this one up, and waiting until I have time to invest in playing a character.

Quote from: The Warshaper on June 12, 2018, 04:11:33 AM
4. *** - Dead - Spec app, died within first 2 hours of play. New starting area for me as player.  :o #forevernoob


June 20, 2018, 01:31:49 PM #206 Last Edit: June 20, 2018, 03:05:01 PM by Medena
What a fun read this thread is.  So many memories!

1) Jaleeza - Dead --  Allanaki pickpocket.  Dipped her hand into a couple of pockets.  Died to NPCs after 5 hours played.

  2) Mezzi - Dead --  Rinthi pickpocket.  Dipped her hand into a couple of pockets.  Died to NPCs but this time after an epic 2 days played!

  3) Yzbella - Stored -- Coded pickpocket but this time I learned you didn't have to actually play your guild.  Street juggler who did a lot of shows all over Allanak.  Had many, many adventures.  Went through the Atrium, became aide to Lord Prian Borsail.  Promoted to senior aide and beyond.  Stored after played for over a year.

  4) Darian - Stored  -- Was my 1st Tuluki bard.  The foppish, ringletted man.  Partisan to a Tenneshi Chosen Lord.  He was hated by most people except for a few women who were always giving him gifts looking for sexual favours but he wasn't into women.

** Long Break **

  5) Dakbellatina - Stored -- My one and only Bynner.  The burly, gap-toothed woman.  Stored to take a sponsored role.

  6) Shandral - Stored --  Atrium hostess.   Loved the Atrium but it was a challenging role for I always felt tied to the location and it was hard to have a personal life.

  7) Lapitia - Stored -- Lady Lapitia Fale.  The plump, prismatic-haired woman.  The house had just reopened for play and it was so much fun to play one of the nobles.  Had a beribboned Kank named Binky who she wrote a poem about.  Taught her bodyguard to recite it and other dreadful poems she'd written.  Exciting time to play in Allanak with lots going on there and in the whole world. Played for about 1.5 RL years.  Force stored after doing some "bad stuff".  To be clear, it was the character who did bad stuffz, not the player!  Really.

  8) Sekrit - Stored

  9) Billsie - Dead -- my 2nd Tuluki bard -- the tawny, braid-crowned half-giant.   Went for a grittier bard this time with a HG.  My favourite character ever.  Had a Faithful Lady (or Fateful Lady as Billsie called her) for a patron then later worked for Kadius besides doing bardish things in Tuluk.  She died to Allanak gate guards, aka spice code.

  10) Saetta - Dead -- My first magicker.  An Elkrosian gemmed who eventually worked for Oash along with quite a big group of gemmers.  Fun group to play with. Died to spiders as did several other gemmed in the group (I think).  Lord Anthinius was probably not pleased!

  11) Aysun - Stored -- 2nd magicker -- Nilazi -- Played a few RL months.  Stored to play a sponsored role but I think would have stored pretty soon anyway as the isolation was hard.  She wasn't the type who, you know, made friends or even wanted to.

  12) Lyris - Dead  --  Tuluki noble.  Lyris Dasari.  In her quest to promote her House in commercial ways and not just for herb/healing lore, she made some new wines and invented sparkling wine.  Had a long-time relationship with Raleris Winrothol but turned down his marriage proposals as she was ambitious and wanted to move up in her House.  Had a wonderful death, dying to a disease induced by post-flood molds.  (staff killed me at my request because I didn't have time to play the role any longer)

  13) Noholds - Stored  -- 3rd Tuluki bard -- really put the gritty into bard this time with a belching, cursing, unsubtle dwarf.  For some reason, had trouble finding a patron!!  Worked for an indie Trading Company.  Stored because I just didn't enjoy playing a dwarf.

  14) Adia - Stored -- throwaway crafter who worked for Kadius.  Stored to play a sponsored role.

  15) Tiana - Stored  -- Tan Muark

  16) Adieri - Stored  -- 3rd magicker.  Whiran gemmed.  Lots of gemmed playing at the time so enjoyed the Quarter but I sucked as a magicker mainly because I sucked at learning the code stuff.

***  Uber Long Break ***

  17) ***** - Alive
Quote from: J S BachIf it ain't baroque, don't fix it.

Quote from: Medena on June 20, 2018, 01:31:49 PM

  4) Darian - Stored  -- Was my 1st Tuluki bard.  The foppish, ringletted man.  Partisan to a Tenneshi Chosen Lord.  He was hated by most people except for a few women who were always giving him gifts looking for sexual favours but he wasn't into women.
Danu thought this guy was great.  I remember when they found a mantis hiding in a wagon in the wagon-yard together.  Was it Darian who had those awesome drinking songs?

  7) Lapitia - Stored -- Lady Lapitia Fale.  The plump, prismatic-haired woman.  The house had just reopened for play and it was so much fun to play one of the nobles.  Had a beribboned Kank named Binky who she wrote a poem about.  Taught her bodyguard to recite it and other dreadful poems she'd written.  Exciting time to play in Allanak with lots going on there and in the whole world. Played for about 1.5 RL years.  Force stored after doing some "bad stuff".  To be clear, it was the character who did bad stuffz, not the player!  Really. [/q]
Oh, oh, Lapitia.  The merrry, pedestrian-terrorizing joyrides on the ContraBandWagon.  Dinner dates under the pergola in the evening on the Fale Estate, drinking and watching the bats together.  You finding the live, still-beating ensorcelled heart in the hidden pocket of my cloak.  So many, fond, fond memories
  8 ) Sekrit - Stored
So many talks under the tower of melted faces.
  9) Billsie - Dead -- my 2nd Tuluki bard -- the tawny, braid-crowned half-giant.   Went for a grittier bard this time with a HG.  My favourite character ever.  Had a Faithful Lady (or Fateful Lady as Billsie called her) for a patron then later worked for Kadius besides doing bardish things in Tuluk.  She died to Allanak gate guards, aka spice code.
Boots.  Poor, poor Boots.  He had it so soo bad for Billsie.

***  Uber Long Break ***

  17) ***** - Alive
I admit it:  I will be keeping a hopeful eye out, everywhere.  Everyone else should be, too.
Sitting in your comfort,
You don't believe I'm real,
But you cannot buy protection
from the way that I feel.

This should really be brought back into the light.  It's been 4 years!  Come on people, who have you all played? :P

Will forever be beyond content that my 69th PC  was a Fale.  8)
Try to be the gem in each other's shit.

Quote from: Brytta Léofa on June 06, 2018, 02:35:39 AM
  65) current - alive for over 3 days.

65) Vaisha (the severe, smoke-skinned female) - gemmed Rukkian, got two bios but didn't do anything. 4 days.
67) Eshak (the rugged, obsidian-maned man) - generic Bynner. Bailed out of jail by Sergeant Cilla of blessed memory. I ain't do nothin' wrong. 6 days.
68) Agwostaka (the rangy, night-haired woman) - stalker/whiran who haunted the scrub and grasslands. 9 days. Stole a couple mounts. Never did get Kukuali to sit down for tea.
71) Dakin (the crop-eared half-elf) - Byn and then Garrison. 18 days. Badass. Rode an inix off a cliff and died.
73) Kavya (the young blue mul) - 1 day. Hit a templar once. Later got ate by 13 spiders.
76) too soon
77) in play

Quote from: Bio: Still Keep Expecting Him : Apr 13, 2021
It was dawn on Ocandra, the 78th day of the Low Sun
In the Year of Silt's Defiance, year 75 of the 22nd Age
On a completely routine patrol down the southern caravan route, Sentry Joz was killed by an unknown raider. Me and the new novice, the one named <censored>, brought his body back. I know I'd only known him a couple years, but it feels like it was longer. It feels like I lost a brother.

I still keep expecting to turn around and see him. Expect his hand on my shoulder, surprising me one last time.
<Maso> I thought you were like...a real sweet lady.

I could go through the whole list but that might take awhile, a lot of my early pc's were not memorable in the least. Here's some more recent ones that I have some fond memories of.

  75) Lazvr - Dead - the harsh, razor-thin elf, known as Two Moons (two moons tribe didn't exist yet), eventually known as Howls at death. Red Fang Packleader, possessed by something terrifying, eventual reason for their downfall.
  145) Aldren - Dead - the spartan, peshek-brown man, Sergeant Aldren, lyksaen slave granted his "freedom" to lead and help evolve the Tuluki militia, good times! Found out more than a RL year after his death someone raised a clan in his name which was pretty dang cool!
  172) Diz - Stored -the worn, short-haired woman - Sergeant Diz of the Byn, my first ever Byn Sergeant I think? Good times!
  188) Laea - Stored - the pale, short-haired elf, known as laea the jeweler, Painted Elves assassin, then leader.
  189) Kiff - Dead - the swarthy, dark-bearded man - Captain Kiff, had a family with a whiran (which nobody spilled the beans on or exploited!) likely one of my top 3 faves to date due to the sheer amount of craziness they were involved in. His fight to become Captain, his eventual fall and exile, his violent climb back for vengeance and a whole lot of betrayal in that story.
  191) Kutai - Dead - the waste-worn, starveling elf - (favorite sdesc ever) sorceror believed to be a force of good by so many, how horribly wrong they were. Ended up dying to a room link error during an rpt, the rez was worked in as a thread of story involving things going on by Rathustra which added even more fun. Return to play involved loss of memory, loss of magick ability and a freakish wound in her chest that wouldn't heal because of [sekrits]
  192) Ayen - Stored - the large, big-bearded man - likely one of the most hilariously racist pc's I've ever played, I thoroughly enjoyed being both racist and inclusive with roleplay at the same time. I thought he was a blast.
  196) Ijji - Stored - the broad, notch-eared elf known as Bends Bows of the Two Moons, mage, part-time assassin, mentor to some. First time playing a Two Moons.
  198) Rhast - Dead - Known as Ribi, the thick, dark-skinned mul, quite a unique experience all around. Surrounded by SO many amazing roleplayers at the time that really made this experience unique.

  203) Current.
A staff member sends you:
"Normally we don't see a <redacted> walk into a room full of <redacted> and start indiscriminately killing."

You send to staff:
"Welcome to Armageddon."

Quote from: Brytta Léofa on June 06, 2018, 02:35:39 AM
71) Dakin (the crop-eared half-elf) - Byn and then Garrison. 18 days. Badass. Rode an inix off a cliff and died.

Quote from: Majikal on July 19, 2022, 05:12:59 PM
  198) Rhast - Dead - Known as Ribi, the thick, dark-skinned mul, quite a unique experience all around. Surrounded by SO many amazing roleplayers at the time that really made this experience unique.


Best Garrison ever.
You try to climb, but slip.
You plummet to the ground below...

Quote from: Majikal on July 19, 2022, 05:12:59 PM
  198) Rhast - Dead - Known as Ribi, the thick, dark-skinned mul, quite a unique experience all around. Surrounded by SO many amazing roleplayers at the time that really made this experience unique.

Loved that mul.

Quote from: Tranquil on July 19, 2022, 07:23:55 PMBest Garrison ever.

<Maso> I thought you were like...a real sweet lady.

Quote from: Majikal on July 19, 2022, 05:12:59 PM
I could go through the whole list but that might take awhile, a lot of my early pc's were not memorable in the least. Here's some more recent ones that I have some fond memories of.

  75) Lazvr - Dead - the harsh, razor-thin elf, known as Two Moons (two moons tribe didn't exist yet), eventually known as Howls at death. Red Fang Packleader, possessed by something terrifying, eventual reason for their downfall.
  145) Aldren - Dead - the spartan, peshek-brown man, Sergeant Aldren, lyksaen slave granted his "freedom" to lead and help evolve the Tuluki militia, good times! Found out more than a RL year after his death someone raised a clan in his name which was pretty dang cool!
  172) Diz - Stored -the worn, short-haired woman - Sergeant Diz of the Byn, my first ever Byn Sergeant I think? Good times!
  188) Laea - Stored - the pale, short-haired elf, known as laea the jeweler, Painted Elves assassin, then leader.
  189) Kiff - Dead - the swarthy, dark-bearded man - Captain Kiff, had a family with a whiran (which nobody spilled the beans on or exploited!) likely one of my top 3 faves to date due to the sheer amount of craziness they were involved in. His fight to become Captain, his eventual fall and exile, his violent climb back for vengeance and a whole lot of betrayal in that story.
  191) Kutai - Dead - the waste-worn, starveling elf - (favorite sdesc ever) sorceror believed to be a force of good by so many, how horribly wrong they were. Ended up dying to a room link error during an rpt, the rez was worked in as a thread of story involving things going on by Rathustra which added even more fun. Return to play involved loss of memory, loss of magick ability and a freakish wound in her chest that wouldn't heal because of [sekrits]
  192) Ayen - Stored - the large, big-bearded man - likely one of the most hilariously racist pc's I've ever played, I thoroughly enjoyed being both racist and inclusive with roleplay at the same time. I thought he was a blast.
  196) Ijji - Stored - the broad, notch-eared elf known as Bends Bows of the Two Moons, mage, part-time assassin, mentor to some. First time playing a Two Moons.
  198) Rhast - Dead - Known as Ribi, the thick, dark-skinned mul, quite a unique experience all around. Surrounded by SO many amazing roleplayers at the time that really made this experience unique.

  203) Current.

Ijji! You were actually the first mentor I'd ever had from someone in the same tribe/pack, and also the same magical element. That was a blast. I was the young, black-footed elf or something.
Fallow Maks For New Elf Sorc ERP:
some of y'all have cringy as fuck signatures to your forum posts

I have 313 characters of which I don't believe anybody remembers any of them vividly. Lol, died a lot early on for sure.
Respect. Responsibility. Compassion.

Quote from: LindseyBalboa on July 19, 2022, 09:59:16 PM
Ijji! You were actually the first mentor I'd ever had from someone in the same tribe/pack, and also the same magical element. That was a blast. I was the young, black-footed elf or something.

You were one of the more memorable experiences I had, super fun. One of my favorite aspects of the game to play out actually!
A staff member sends you:
"Normally we don't see a <redacted> walk into a room full of <redacted> and start indiscriminately killing."

You send to staff:
"Welcome to Armageddon."

Gortok's Cowl - The scar-etched, long-haired elf.

He and one other awesome RF player. We began the demise of RF by doing something Staff forbade us from doing. We created the first camp. It was basically a bunch of tents and some ldesc changed items to make it look lived in.  At that time RF would just get created in the outpost and their lifespan heavily depended on how quickly they could change clothing to appear as SR, or ATV before SLK murders them.  We would collect the loosely survived RF and bring them to the camp. We did that inbetween all the MUD crashes that our multitude of unpacked tents created :).   Then Loonsh took over the tribe and helped made it sooooper awesome. But alask, that came after Gortok's Cowl's death.

Ashad Lyrun - lithe unruly-maned elf

My first take on a merchant PC. Started somewhere midrank, but ended up being a Dealer and played his full in Akai Sjir. Very very very awesome. I enjoyed a lot of aspects of that gameplay. Including my small rivalry with Qoriya. I would consistently disrespect and insult her via subtle means and in my mind. And I, as a player, was very proud that Qoriya did not kill Ashad for good 3 months.  He had a lot of very good memorable stories. He was the one who sent a dwarf who tried killing Anthinius Oash and blew up the Azure Dragon. And he did it ... for free, because Ashad figured out which buttons to push with that dwarf.  Ironically, the proudest moment I had was about 6-12 months later after Ashad's death. When one of my other characters witnessed an insult Ashad crafted for Qoriya finally get realized by Qoriya. The fact that I was in the room to see it with another character was extra fun. I don't know if the player recognized my play style and made an effort to be extra graphic with their reaction, or not. But it was very satisfactory.  Ironically, being an elf Ashad was insulted and dissed all the time and he was pretty much indifferent about it. The reason for the rivalry with Qoriya was due to a joke Qoriya made about the quality of stone craftsmanship that Akai Sjir had leading to the death of some fool that Ashad arranged the death of. He finally forgave the slight when Qoriya saved the life of his tribemate.

Ash (Halves) - the gaunt, filth covered elf

He was a Drovian rinthi elf. His background was that Oashi captured a rinthi elf, massacred his entire tiny tribe, then performed experiments on him to wake him up as a Drovian.  He actually had a sublimenal law inserted into his head to worship and adore Oashi nobility. But I never had the opportunity to explore that character trait.  About ... 2 days in his gameplay, he got recruited into a Jaxa Pah that was just just just created as a clan. Another elf that was a Nilazi was also recruited in. These two rogue mages created a schism in the tribe. The Staff didnt want the clan to have gickers in, but they didnt write it into the theme yet. The mundane part of the tribe divded in those who want to be mundane only and those who were okey with Drovian/Nilazi.  Ash solved the problem by killing the Nilazi and leaving the tribe.    After that, I simply ... wanted ... to ... fucking ... die. I hoped the character to play in Jaxa Pah, so once staff made it clear they hope to make it mundane only, the whole character concept became redundant. So I tried very hard to die and move on. But he just fucking refused!  He became the 'guardian' of the Labyrinth, protecting it from mages.

He did a lot of weird shit. As probably one of the most memorable crazinesses, he gave Nyr 2 weeks forewarning that he is about to raid the Estates where Red Robes lived in. Then had Nyr watching over the heist. He outwitted the magical defenses that the templarate quarters had. Infiltrated the Red Robe Estate and began the process of robbing it blind. Had a Red Robe NPC show up and chase him. Finally the templar caught him. On the way to the jails, Ash tried to steal the NPC's metal dagger and got smacked around. Finally the Red Robe NPC gave Ash over to the Blue Robe PC, who interrogated him. During the interrogation, Ash weaved a story that the Templar (who was abso-lutely-fucking awesome) later used for an AoD rp event and all together stalled and delayed until the magick that Red Robe placed wore off. Once that happened, Ash disabled the Templar and escaped the Jail. Instead of running away, he went BACK to the Red Robe Estates and began to continue trying to rob it.   The NPC Red Robe ... came back. But not immediately. First, they placed guard NPCs on every escape to prevent Ash leaving the templarate quarter.  All except One. Which Ash figured out and escaped when Red Robe began to chase him again.   Someone tells you ooc, "How The HELL did you escape !?!?!"  message from staff just ... made ... my ... day. When I was chilling in Red Storm. Totally naked, but alive. 

That Elf and that Templar became useful to each other afterwards. Eventually, Ash was instrumental in a plot that caused a plague in Oashi vineyards (wasnt intentional :).  He also killed a Jihaen Templar and brought his gear to the Templar, who then dressed a Borsail npc slave in it and then publicly executed a 'Jihaen Templar' in the arena.

Ripples = the dreadlocked, haggard elf

I'm going to refrain from describing the bio of that elf, because Loonsh stole that idea and is using it right now.

Shaze = the hawkish, brown-haired man

He was a nilazi/jeweler.  He became an aide to Takharion and I totally loved playing him. He did not manifest for 99% of his entire gameplay. But I took my time manifesting him over the months. Being so extremely exposed to a lot of magickal shit working for AoD.

Showe = Mdesc/Sdesc changed ... too many times.

If anyone saw a scene in the Gaj with a kank fly buzzing around. A rinthi HG creating a little exercise yard for the kank fly to overcome, only to finally drop down into a shot of whisky and dissolving inside. Then moments later, a Lady Fale ran past, scooped up the shot and drunk it dry.    I was playing the kank fly.

Kozh = the gangly, close-cropped youth

A Mindbender youngster who joined the Byn. I genuinely felt bad he was a mind bender, because it was soooo fun playing in Byn. I swear, if I had the option to cease being a psionicist and become a regular ranger, I would've taken that option. I totally enjoyed playing in Byn. With Majikal's sargeant and this one other awesome Pink-haired Sargeant.  Secretive mindbender I was not. I fragrantly teased 'everyone' about being blatantly mindworm.  Whenever we rode out on patrols, people would point out dangers they saw in cardinal directions, while I was pointing out intermediate directions :).  And yet nobody ... noooooobody ousted me, or even 'suspected me' extra.   I think I've got myself found out 8 times? I even had a templar pretend to not notice an obvious goof on my end. 

Wril =  frail elvish male Patch Patches Tusk Scal Ahm Puns Stinkyfoot Jeweler

He began his story as a youth, but he was around long enough to become an old elf. He was at first a crafter in East Side Kings. But later on, ended up being a founder of an elven group called Association, the painted elves, yada, yada.  He did .. a lot of shit. Including literal 'shit'.  Alas, I've grown busier and busier, so a lot of my plots and beginnings got ruined by periodic absences. He was a fun character though.

Being = the hunched, tumor-covered being

A creature living in the sewers. If you played someone who was into sewers last RL year, I might've ... haunted you a little bit.  That Borsail Noble who pretended not to notice when I materialized and shared a bath with him, before winking out. Decades of sewage dissolving in the warm soapy water. My deepest compliments and respects with your character's reaction. I hoped to create enough mischief to have a fun target for Jal and AoD forces to come a-hunting me in the sewers, but I died to something stupid as it often happens.

Daaang, hearing about all of these awesome PCs that've come and gone really makes me wanna up my game all the more.
I only have 18 under my belt so far since starting this February, and only 2 of those were actually memorable, with one being fairly recent. ;D
It's @CalmThyPalm everywhere.

I love this trend. So, I've been playing a long long time, before the account system was around. My favourites are bards, of course.

Klyrr (Groot) - Travelled the world spinning stories about the Grandmaster of all bards, Holt Irofel!
Ceridwen (Irofel) - a bard who had 'bard' in the sdesc! 2002 or 2003 or something.
Lukashi Driamusek - a bard early on in New Poets' Circle history.

Also notable were some Tuluki assassins:
Detal Black

Blades (some mean woman around the time Gin was Guild Leader)

I took a long break and lost an account, then we have this trend:

  2) Vigil - Was a physician around the time Tuluk had a plague
  13) Xera - (Sara) Jade Sabers assassin who got in on killing a Red Robe.
  18) Quinn (Flame) a burglar in the Guild, brief leadership
  22) Logos - Stored - (an Atrium student and teaching assistant)
  27) Veriknotchi - Stored (aka Fate, a Guild leader)
  29) Moxy - Stored (A well liked adventurer)
  39) Taunt - Stored (Guild enforcer)
  42) Olivya - Stored (a tribal from a far off land who believed we were in the land of the dead)
  43) Morlaw - Stored (the poet, Morlaw, a rinthi poet of some 40+ days)
  54) Kvythian - (Driamusek Bard, one of the first Tuluki bards I had played in a King's Age)

Everything else too recent to share I figure! I sometimes take long breaks between characters that I get into.
If you want to reconnect with me because you knew some of these ones, send me a message to this account on the GDB!

At your table, you say in tomfoolery:
     "Most people are smart enough to forget they are insane."

Quote from: Tuannon on June 03, 2018, 11:39:13 AM
Maybe 12 since 1999... Let me log on and check.

1. Kyr - Stored - Borsail recruit who made it to Sergeant, lived about 60 days played as an assassin in an at the time full unit of Amber Wyverns. Stored over something I said OOC to a player.

2. Drokh - Died to a Raptor - Indy ranger around Tuluk, really boring to play and kind of why I never play 'full' rangers any more.

3. Tembrik - Died to a Well - Rinther dwarf, gave me a reason to not like the rinth. But to be fair, dwarves are kinda out of place there in the raw political sense.

4. Emokir - Died to a Whiran (?) - Semi Tuluki Ranger who made his living as a courier. Notable waylaid by a rukkian for a frypan and delivered some troll letters for Ceylara Borsail to Tuluk.

5. Coaxoch - Stored - Tribal warrior who walked to Allanak from Tuluk over the course of a while, joined Kadius out of desperation, ended up running the southern crew.

6. Buhz - Force Stored (93) - Last long lived human slave PC before they lowered the boom on that stuff. Served Ceylara Borsail, most notably saved her from a Roc (thanks Veddi). Long lived, boring personality due to heavy Borsail indoctrination.

7. Greffokh - Stored - Tuluki Legionaire, did a bunch of stuff for a few Jihaens, defied orders to save some little kid templar from a kryl, stored over in clan politics I didn't care for.

8. Otiartes - Templared - Spider disaster survivor, used to slack off in the tavern. Ended up being accused of being a mindworm and executed by his Corporal. Wasn't a mindworm.

9. Khax - Stored - Had a cooler full name (Ilu'Khax) but hell if I remember it, loyal servant of Raleris Winrothol who used to hunt with Fanny a lot for training (and spying) purposes. Used to train with city elves a lot to keep an eye on them and help them out, not as smart as people thought he was.

10. Rihat - Dasari-ed - Some fuckwit stableboy who hired on with Salarr and ended up running the show (from the practical side). Sold out by someone, the usual politics. Also appreciated the gloating DM from a player claiming to have orchestrated this event.

I have three after Rihat but I'm not really keen on talking about them. I didn't enjoy them really also the year thing.

11. Thonapa - Stored - Made a character intended on being a medic in the Legion or a Partisan support character. Tuluk closed and I didn't feel like setting up shop with the Crimson Wind after riding (without direction sense) across the world.

12. Dimerita - Dead - Started as a Bynner, ended up being hired by Beikon Oash as an adjunct and almost made Advisor. Was extremely paranoid so didn't do the seggs, was eventually killed for it (and probably other reasons) in the Elite barracks meeting room by a krathi.

13. Masiri - Stored - Al'Seik hunter I made after a discussion with an ex-staffer about tribal lore, was kind of fun but really joined the Seik at a downswing in good fit opportunities. I ended up storing because I wasn't enjoying being stuck in camp for months on end due to elves, rampaging gith or there being nothing to eat that could be hunted. The solution here would have been take wilderness forage.


So yeah, all mundane humans aside from Tembrik. And really more role players than magnificent world changers as is my wont.

Currently on PC #112, keeping in mind I've had a couple multi-year breaks.  Those are very front stacked; death was a lot more common for for the first 75 or 80 characters.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

203 total since 2003 or something like that. Here are a few memorable ones:

14) Kallot – Kurac Outrider, the experience where I first really fell in love with this game.

21) Zuuros – Mul Borsail slave, killed in Luirs during a dust-up with the Sandman, when the Sandman was leading the Blackmoon. So long ago I barely remember much else.

72) Traum – The crude, meaty half-giant. Loved elves and did whatever they wanted him to do. Enjoyed being a Sandas henchman until he was sent to his demise. Arrested and died in the arena.

83) Hleshma – SLK PC that didn't live terribly long, but caused a lot of shit, and was the first PC that got me into tribal play.

94) Baz - Dwarven Guild muscle. Traded poisons and took assassin contracts from the SLK on gemmed within Allanak. My favourite backstab moment of all time: hunted by militia in the city after a dust-up on caravan way, I was down to 6hp, I see the militia PC aiming their bow to finish me off two screens over. I double-backed for the backstab and put them down before they could get the arrow off. Player filed a complaint, don't try to PK if you can't handle getting PK'd, very lame.

131) Ibdoleth – Human ranger in Salarr. Intentionally a flavour, support role type PC that ended up being super fun. Stands out for some reason, although I've had a bunch of PC's like this. Not sure why?

142) Seulif – Al'Seik – The reedy, yypr-skinned man. Merchant/scouting nice-guy on the outside, ruthless killer on the inside who collected tens of thousands in bounties and fucked up anyone that hurt or threatened his people, or showed up where they didn't belong. Died to a mob with a script I was unfamiliar with. Them's the breaks.

145) Amhazeir – The leathery, squint-eyed dwarf. Called himself the silt prophet and would "trade" silt charms for coins or valuable items... and kill you if you didn't accept the trade. Favourite method of killing? Knock you out, drag you to the silt sea, and make you walk out waist deep in an area of known mean creatures, to allow the silt to decide your fate.

179) Flint – Half-elf with the Crimson Wind. Wore a Nenyuki signet ring from a raid. Was hunted by Kurac, hunted by Kadius, and was outlawed in every major city, as is my favourite way to play this game. Had some really fun confrontations and battles with the byn.

183) Gazanzar "The Fortuneteller" – The scraggly, septum-pierced man. Used a kruth deck to tell fortunes, and sometimes to decide whether or not it was time to shed blood. Told fortunes in and around Red Storm, shot soldiers with arrows, fucked up desert elves, assassinated some special ops type Kuraci... forget how he died, but probably stupid. Had no end goal, just followed the deck and the moons' guidance. Outlawed everywhere, and rumored to be a sorcerer (he wasn't).

184) Ashes – The bleak, pallid-eyed mul. Byn slave that eventually rose to Slave-Sergeant. One of the hardest roles I've played, but oddly satisfying. Lack of meaningful PC vs PC conflict and a hard time accommodating late night playtimes that are often needed for Byn contracts caused me to store this character. *Public service announcement* If you're a raider with a hardcore reputation, and a byn slave calls you out over the way while they're on a ride, go to battle.

190) Jallal known as "Obsidian" – The septum-pierced dwarven female. Escaped slave who's children were still missing somewhere in 'nak or in the mines. Ruthlessly and ceaselessly hunted and tormented 'nakkies as a Crimson Wind reaver, in search and in retribution for her missing children. Assassinated a Templar's Aide Vivaduan, took down a couple of byn troopers, would take on 3-5 PC soldiers at once by herself in the sands and escaped with her life... then tarantula'd in a flukey death. Oh, the highlight was staging a battle of 5-6 PC's on each side of a showdown between Allanak and Red Storm at the crumbling pillar.

341 since 2006, 98% I loved, but only a few stood out in any way.

Tarkas: the sun-bronzed, golden-eyed man- The first ever warrior I played who became somewhat badass, a Bynner who joined Salarr. Death by 30 hidden spiders

Drusim: the giant, burn scarred man- Another Bynner who ended up joining the Arm of the Dragon, trained with the Scorpions a lot, considered Meso a mentor and did a lot of crazy shit with the Lady Templar at the time, whose name I forget but she was called the Butcher. Stored, and I regret it to this day

Drusus: the towering, curly-haired man- my first and only Byn Sergeant, he left the Byn to pursue his brother who had became a sorcerer and promptly died. This was the character I found out Spiders, Beetle and Scrab -will- work together to kill your ass.

Rexus: the burly, scar-ravaged man- A sergeant in the legions, killed by a Rantarri. Had a lot of fun with him, seeing how all those fancy upper-class Tuluki folk acted behind closed doors. The people in the Legion at the time were also a lot of fun, especially this Corporal I had who kept getting into trouble. Once made his whole unit march around the commons naked holding cutlery as weapons because they pissed him off.

Grezian Kadius: the titanic, spike-haired man- Dude didn't live long because I'm a bit of an idiot, but did a lot of stuff with the help of his crew at the time, found out radiation poisoning was a thing with this guy.

Telo: the athletic, amber-eyed man- another former Bynner who left to work with a dwarf named Polain, met a lot of interesting people with him, this is also the guy I was playing when I convinced my now-wife to start playing Arm and now she's better at the game then I've ever been.

Karom: the bestial, yellow-eyed mul- My first ever mul, he struggled with being both so valuable and so hated due to be being pretty mutated.

There are a bunch more, but I think those are my favorites that I can talk about, I may have never added much to the game world but It's all so much fun.

Quote from: Cutthroat on August 22, 2009, 10:57:13 PMSo Eunoli Winrothol, Samos Rennik, and Thrain Ironsword walk into a bar. The Red Fang bartender looks up and says, "Get the fuck out of my bar."