Ideas for staff.

Started by Hauwke, December 07, 2016, 05:34:12 AM

So given the massive conflict topic, I was thinking we could collectively come up with ideas for staff to run as large perhaps worldchanging plots for most folks to get involved in.

Combat hrpt idea:
All of Borsails muls are inexplicably forced into a blind rage, and anyone who spends a bit of time around them in forced into a rage (affecting npcs and vnpcs only of course as a forced thing, pcs are fully welcome to rp that they are affected though not forced) whoch gradually builds up until a not insignificant portion of Allanak is in a somewhat broken state, mostly cosmetic damage so that it is indeed reversable.
Those who do not wish to possibly die can just stay indoors or something along those lines, but those who wish to be involved in the glory that is a city wide riot can most certainy get involved.

Political hrpt
Everyone has heard that a new Noble House hasbeen on the verge of opening, something completely new and unheard of. Talk is that near anyone with the right political savvy could become a member of this family through marriage before the order goes through, and thus become a noble themself!

Just a pair of ideas I randomly thought of just to fill the space, you guys probably have better than that!

Except - if you put them on the GDB, everyone will already know about it, and staff won't be able to use it. If they implement a plotline that was already published, it'd just seem ridiculously contrived and take all the fun away from organic discovery.

Maybe if you have an idea, you could submit it to the staff via the request tool under "ideas."
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

Give people the ability to rent a second apartment, but remove the ability to use "rent renew" until they have only a single apartment rented.

Why? Because in its current state, it's a pain in the buttocks to move to a new apartment. You acquire more and more items as you live more in an apartment. When you have to move, it will almost always be impossible for your character to move all your items and furnitures in one go to the new apartment. With the removal of the 'rent renew' for people holding more than a single apartment building, it wouldn't be open to much abuse.

Let predator animals in the wild "eat".. If there's a body/food item in the room, let them emote eating that item, remove that item and start a delay in their mobprog.

Further improvement could be setting them into a "calm" state when they fed based on the removed object's weight. During the "calm" state they wouldn't attack and attack only when attacked. Even giving rangers and hunterlike subguilds the ability to see something like;

A dark-shelled scrab stands here. (It looks fed and calm)

.. would be a great improvement possibly, also a great burden though.

Why? I once saw a mekillot with a dead inix body in the same room. In real fantasy the mekillot would eat it in two bites, based on their descriptions in the website. I once saw a single scrab sitting atop tens of corpses of chaltons, still fighting a new one. Even the fiercest lion would ignore the prey when it was well-fed.

Invasion of skary guys from the east. Turn the salt flats into a warzone. Randomly load wandering skary patrols that Nak has to handle, lest the trade in salt die out. And not just a month of 'oh they are scary' and then one big battle to settle it. Make it a lasting war of attrition. Danger and opportunities for Houses, militia, Byn, grebbers, all sorts. Bounties on badguy heads. Prices on salt and mekillot goods rise steeply, but the risks increase tenfold. Recon in force, skirmishes, guerilla warfare, hooray. Let's go to war!
We were somewhere near the Shield Wall, on the edge of the Red Desert, when the drugs began to take hold...

Quote from: Lizzie on December 07, 2016, 08:29:14 AM
Except - if you put them on the GDB, everyone will already know about it, and staff won't be able to use it. If they implement a plotline that was already published, it'd just seem ridiculously contrived and take all the fun away from organic discovery.

Maybe if you have an idea, you could submit it to the staff via the request tool under "ideas."

I get what you are saying, I even support it somewhat. But I personally wouldnt feel wierd about it if staff used ideas from the gdb.

Quote from: WarriorPoet on December 07, 2016, 09:32:14 AM
Invasion of skary guys from the east. Turn the salt flats into a warzone. Randomly load wandering skary patrols that Nak has to handle, lest the trade in salt die out. And not just a month of 'oh they are scary' and then one big battle to settle it. Make it a lasting war of attrition. Danger and opportunities for Houses, militia, Byn, grebbers, all sorts. Bounties on badguy heads. Prices on salt and mekillot goods rise steeply, but the risks increase tenfold. Recon in force, skirmishes, guerilla warfare, hooray. Let's go to war!

This sounds like a lot of fun.

Especially if they are vague enough, I would have no problem with Staff seeding ideas from players they see on the GDB. It might even make it seem like we're playing the same game!
"You will have useful work: the destruction of evil men. What work could be more useful? This is Beyond; you will find that your work is never done -- So therefore you may never know a life of peace."

~Jack Vance~

Quote from: zztri on December 07, 2016, 09:06:10 AM
Give people the ability to rent a second apartment, but remove the ability to use "rent renew" until they have only a single apartment rented.

Why? Because in its current state, it's a pain in the buttocks to move to a new apartment. You acquire more and more items as you live more in an apartment. When you have to move, it will almost always be impossible for your character to move all your items and furnitures in one go to the new apartment. With the removal of the 'rent renew' for people holding more than a single apartment building, it wouldn't be open to much abuse.

Let predator animals in the wild "eat".. If there's a body/food item in the room, let them emote eating that item, remove that item and start a delay in their mobprog.

Further improvement could be setting them into a "calm" state when they fed based on the removed object's weight. During the "calm" state they wouldn't attack and attack only when attacked. Even giving rangers and hunterlike subguilds the ability to see something like;

A dark-shelled scrab stands here. (It looks fed and calm)

.. would be a great improvement possibly, also a great burden though.

Why? I once saw a mekillot with a dead inix body in the same room. In real fantasy the mekillot would eat it in two bites, based on their descriptions in the website. I once saw a single scrab sitting atop tens of corpses of chaltons, still fighting a new one. Even the fiercest lion would ignore the prey when it was well-fed.

We used to be able to rent more than one apartment, it resulted in there rarely being apartments available because people could rent space in every building and just use it as storage.  In game I sort of see this one-apartment limit as Nenyuk wanting to rent housing to people, not small warehouses, and I imagine that if I tried to rent more than one apartment some Nenyuki would get on my case telling me they aren't supplying cheap storage and if I wanted a warehouse to see them about their actual warehouses.  Also, making good friends goes a long way when you find yourself having to move a lot of stuff. :)

p.s. now with actual warehouses!

Sorry for continuing the derail: the more I play, the more I wish the apartment gank were somehow eliminated as an option.  (And no, I haven't been apartment ganked in at least a year.)
as IF you didn't just have them unconscious, naked, and helpless in the street 4 minutes ago

Im mostly fine witha derail so long as someone gets back on topic.

Another idea:
Make it possible for a select few with ridiculously intense IC leading up to it, to become immortal (from aging obviously). Like the only sorts who will ever be able to achieve it are folks who live for 50 ig years sort of intense.

- If you see people doing good solo RP or world interaction, maybe reward the player with something small like a room echo. Anything. I'll take interaction over karma any day at this point.

- Facilitate characters in reaching their goals, not crushing them. I'm reminded of a story someone told about their character anxiously thinking about a moon or something, and they look down at the bartop after emoting *idly tracing with their finger* and a staff slapped them with an echo about how'd they'd been tracing moons. Something small like that will FIRE UP A PLAYER and sink them in deeper to their character. More of that. Less planning HRPTS.

I dunno why I know this, but that moon thing was Sanvean.

(At least I'm pretty sure.  Not that it matters.)
QuoteSunshine all the time makes a desert.
Vote at TMS
Vote at TMC

Quote from: Feco on December 07, 2016, 06:03:17 PM
I dunno why I know this, but that moon thing was Sanvean.

(At least I'm pretty sure.  Not that it matters.)

Thanks, actually. Nice to have a source.

Quote from: Rokal on December 07, 2016, 03:58:36 PM
Quote from: WarriorPoet on December 07, 2016, 09:32:14 AM
Invasion of skary guys from the east. Turn the salt flats into a warzone. Randomly load wandering skary patrols that Nak has to handle, lest the trade in salt die out. And not just a month of 'oh they are scary' and then one big battle to settle it. Make it a lasting war of attrition. Danger and opportunities for Houses, militia, Byn, grebbers, all sorts. Bounties on badguy heads. Prices on salt and mekillot goods rise steeply, but the risks increase tenfold. Recon in force, skirmishes, guerilla warfare, hooray. Let's go to war!

This sounds like a lot of fun.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


The most rewarding echoes I've seen in game have been weather emotes from staff. Not only did they help illustrate the world around me and breathe life into, they didn't sway my char one direction or another (which kept me from feeling awkward or like my continuing roleplay was somehow contrived) but when others were around, it seemed to shake them up and get them to emote more and become more engaged in the world. I'd guess it was because they knew someone upstairs was watching, or perhaps because it made them feel as if this wasn't an average day.
Quote from: Miradus on January 26, 2017, 11:36:32 AM
I'm just looking for a general consensus. Or Moe's opinion. Either one generally can be accepted as canon.

introduce a bad batch of tho or some other commonly used relatively harmless spice.  maybe some skelebain mold grew in it or something.  "nobody eat the brown acid!"
"Historical analogy is the last refuge of people who can't grasp the current situation."
-Kim Stanley Robinson

Maybe everything gets hotter for a little while, everyone but the most hardy of stumps feel uncomfortable with the sweltering heat. Set up some world wide echos or something. Just ramp the heat up to max.

Echoes are fun. Two of my favorites happened to me on the same PC and were prettty 'wtf' moments. This PC was always
scratching his balls when he was sitting in the bar, one time he
was sitting there in the GAJ, hand down his pants as he boredly
watched the crowd (he was also fairly antisocial so sat at a table
by himself a lot) When I got an echo something along the lines of (your fingers come back bloodied) It was a fun moment. He
freaked out. Had scratch marks for weeks, rping out getting it
patched up was great.

Another time, on the same character he was walking down the
road, and got -hit by a damn argosy-. Good times.

Definitely over a year ago, and probably has no bearing on any current IC plots whatsoever.
The Ooze is strong with this one

Quote from: 8bitgrandpa on June 28, 2016, 12:01:20 AM
You are our official hammer, Ooze.

Malachi 2:3

I would like to see the emergence of an exploratory party or fortress of persons from outside the Known, with their own mysterious aims and culture.  Conquistadors on ships from beyond the Silt Sea, warrior monks come out of the west to establish a monastery, a Mohammed-style holy jihad come out of the farthest north, migratory Mongol-style horsemen, etc.

Something really new to shake things up, NPCs mostly.  The world feels incredibly stale to me atm and this would inject some feeling of mystery and excitement.

I like the idea of a scourge or horde coming from <insert direction>. Another one would be the idea of temp dungeons. Temporary areas that are revealed through natural disasters or weather, i.e. sandstorms or earthquakes. Once they've been explored a couple times or by a couple of factions, they're swallowed up by the earth again.

On echoes, one time I was hunting in the grasslands, someone echoed the ground was full of tracks and the area was teeming with life and sounds. Whoever did that, thank you, it added so much to my experience. Little things like that make me ridiculously happy.
Just like the white winged dove,
Sings a song
Sounds like she's singing
Oooo,ooo, ooo

In line with the "echoes are awesome" tribute I suggest more VNPC interactions.   You know when you're trolling through Meleths circle and that woman shoves her baby in your face and ask you for something? Well I think it'd be great if there were a whole bunch more of those, but not individual PC specific, so the whole room sees it happen, not just you.  I think it would generate more opportunity for roleplay to ensue, especially if it just happened randomly not only when traveling between rooms.  (anywhere inside a coded city or village, specific to their realms of course.. of course that means a lot more coding for the coders
The glowing Nessalin Nebula flickers eternally overhead.
This Angers The Shade of Nessalin.