Random CMUD question

Started by sand, September 07, 2016, 01:41:54 AM

Not sure this is the right forum, but figured I'd ask...

Anyone using the Mapper have luck with the Enter/Leave mechanic? I can't seem to figure out how to train CMUD to treat that as another place... without doing it all manually, is there a trick?

In the helpfiles it says use: >enter archway but that doesn't seem to do anything.

Ideas? There a way to add "Enter/Leave/Quit" as other directions?

For anyone searching on this later, actually figured it out:

I had to delete the room, re-enter it and then type ">enter archway" (which created a new room) and then ">leave" to go back out. Now ironically, it creates a new room when you ">leave" as well, so you have to drag that room ontop of the original entrance and do control-G (or in the right-click menu = merge rooms). Once that is done, as long as you type "enter archway/leave" exactly, you don't need the > symbol anymore. It won't work for "enter arch" though.

Least I got the mapper working with non-obvious exits :)

Nice. :)
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     "I tried hairy...Im sorry"