
Started by OSOK, September 03, 2016, 10:33:49 AM

I haven't found much info on this.

I'm sure different foods have different effects when it comes to the level of hunger they satisfy.  Are there any tables with data about this?

And on the same topic, is it possible (and practical) to live as a vegetarian?

It's possible to live as a vegetarian.  I've had some grebber-type characters who have lived solely off roots and tubers because it's all they could get.  ;)
Former player as of 2/27/23, sending love.

If I were to believe this, I would go by monetary value. One steak's value over another steak could be it's rarity, sure, but I typically think it's the quality. Who knows, though. Sounds like a focus a dwarf should have.
Quote from: Miradus on January 26, 2017, 11:36:32 AM
I'm just looking for a general consensus. Or Moe's opinion. Either one generally can be accepted as canon.

Somewhat related, but also not...

Regardless of how much it fills you, I wish 'portions per eat' were the same, so that I didn't have to eat something six times that's only as filling as that other other thing I 'eat' twice.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Wow.   Interesting that after so many years, this topic isn't one that is well known.

There probably are tables - I'm guessing the code is readily available to staff.

But the IC function of food is to satisfy hunger AND nourish, and provide the body with efficient functioning.

So just because a raw slab of mek meat will codedly fill you more than a half dozen strips of jozhal jerky, doesn't mean the raw slab of mek steak isn't going to run you the risk of getting worms and gastrointestinal virus or the Zalanthan version of salmonella.

Your character should be selecting the food types he selects based on his IC situation, not because the code determines that "this" will get you fullest.  If you learn that raw mek meat will get you full the fastest, then maybe for your next character if you really want to go that route, you can pick a dwarf whose focus is to live exclusively on a diet of raw mek meat. Just be sure to let the staff know, so that they can provide you with the appropriate gastroinestinal response to it :)
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

Very cool stuff.  Thank you!

I'm playing a vegetarian.  Is there anything I should let the staff know?

I think, purely from anecdotal experiences, that some foods can also have an effect on your thirst levels (i.e. some stews and juicy fruits seemed to make my PCs less thirsty, and some spicy/salty/burned foods made them more dehydrated).

Sitting in your comfort,
You don't believe I'm real,
But you cannot buy protection
from the way that I feel.

Quote from: Seeker on September 04, 2016, 11:22:22 AM
I think, purely from anecdotal experiences, that some foods can also have an effect on your thirst levels (i.e. some stews and juicy fruits seemed to make my PCs less thirsty, and some spicy/salty/burned foods made them more dehydrated).


I have had this experience as well; and it makes sense, and it ALSO makes sense for the appropriate character type to prepare appropriately. Example:

A warrior gladiator in Borsail spends most of his time in the city, and very rarely leaves the gates. So he has no need to carry jerky around - he could very easily manage a loaf of bread and enough sids for an ale at the bar, and never worry about starving or dehydration because he's only steps away from a House Cook.

A ranger hunter is typically outside the city on a regular basis, so he would know to take plenty of water, dried meats, and perhaps a couple of fresh fruits for a day's excursion. As a ranger he can usually find something edible no matter where he goes, though his findings might not be very tasty or appetizing.

A noble - has servants to get choice victuals for him and might carry his own favorite bottle of wine with him (carried by his aide, of course). He never worries about a damned thing with regards to food and hydration.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.