Whatever happened to...?

Started by mirk_o_loio, July 28, 2016, 05:16:41 PM

August 14, 2016, 01:22:25 PM #75 Last Edit: August 14, 2016, 02:21:50 PM by Armaddict
Quote from: Samoa on August 13, 2016, 08:46:09 PM
OK, I'll bite. The ones I wonder about...

Angela Christine? Where did she evaporate to? I honestly have no idea who she ever played, but her board presence was amazing.

Moontug :(

What's Bhagharva been up to these past few years? Is he in a metal band? Where did he go?

Kholdarian and Koeishna Oash were the first two nobles I ever interacted with, and they were amazing to my little newbie brain at the time, and I wonder if they're still out there. They antagonized my PC ENDLESSLY in Trader's.

I know Dyrinis and Halaster retired, but to where? Could they ever be coerced to come back? I've had no luck with Tlaloc, sadly. Maybe now with the new magick changes...

Where did Naatok go? I remember his sorc that would walk around with floating heads and talk to them...

Pai'ta? I forget your board name. You were fun to play with!

People keep making families and things, you all need to stop.

Moontug is indeed a frowny face that he's not around anymore.  Back when IRC was prevalent, he was one of those who constantly served as an example of how to be responsible with it and an excellent roleplayer.  He was the first one who showed me emotes that weren't just his actions, but livening the atmosphere of the game.  He and I were friendly at the time that the 'It's in my Belt' log submission was made; I was still pretty noob at the time, but he showed me even friends OOC can still kill each other.

I don't miss Bhagharva.  I stand by, to this day, that what he was doing with his whole playing a Red Robe while staffing the Guild was pretty crooked.  Nothing like having the same uber NPC guild assassin chasing you around the city with no regard to her own life, and even dying to soldiers a couple times in a row, until she got you, because you did a random break in on his templar's mansion.   ::)

Sorry about Kholdarian.  When I was newer to the game, probably in year two or three, there were a few posts in a short amount of time about how to deal with linkdead pc's.  I was stuck in the Oashi mansion because of weird circumstances that I won't go into, and he was either linkdead or very afk, and I killed that PC in order to try and use his helm as a disguise to get out.  He played another PC after that, which I played with, but I don't think he ever recovered really from that lack of consideration on my part.  I probably turned him off from the game enough that he just left, which is a shame.

Pai'ta, if it's the half-breed Drovian, was actually very close to my Haruch Kemad character, known to the public as Kiraam.  That was one of the first elves where I roleplayed the internal struggle of being associated with a breed (even though it was a manipulative relationship; Haruch Kemad are literally close to no one).  It kind of opened up the world of elven mindsets to me, along with direct tutelage via email and discussion with Zagren about how the eastside is organized and works, Haruch Kemad's place in it, all the eastside tribes and their roles and relationships, and how elves are disliked not because of the things they do, but because a well-played elf makes sure they win in every relationship/interaction (not necessarily to the other person's detriment).  It's all just jealousy of the superior race, the elves.  ;)  If you're still around, pof Pai'ta, you had a large part to do with my current love of elves, so thanks for that!

Edit:  To respond to the below post, rather than derail further:  I meant from the city-elf's point of view, not an objective one. :P
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Not to nitpick the wording, but I believe it would be fair to say that a well played elf ICly TRIES to win every relationship/interaction (not that this is always possible but find a way to make it a win despite being a setback anyway, even if this requires a bit of, baffling retroactive rationalizing) they are involved in, OOCly, some lines should not be crossed, in my opinion. It's not bad RP to lose despite being presented with certain advantages (and who's to say that the appearance of having lost isn't setting the other party up for some sort of sucker punch). I realize that's probably along the same lines you're getting at.

But then I'm risking a derail which is in poor taste when people are genuinely complimenting memorable characters, so I'll contribute a remembrance. (so if anyone wants to squabble about it, can make a thread)

I remember, Bryl, was it? That old dusty gemmed Rukkian half-elf that once lived with the Red Fangs and had like, a million stories to tell (and possibly more bite marks).
Quote from: Synthesis on August 23, 2016, 07:10:09 PM
I'm asking for evidence, not telling you all to fuck off.

No, I'm telling you to fuck off, now, because you're being a little bitch.

Quote from: Armaddict on August 14, 2016, 01:22:25 PM
Moontug is indeed a frowny face that he's not around anymore.  Back when IRC was prevalent, he was one of those who constantly served as an example of how to be responsible with it and an excellent roleplayer.  He was the first one who showed me emotes that weren't just his actions, but livening the atmosphere of the game.  He and I were friendly at the time that the 'It's in my Belt' log submission was made; I was still pretty noob at the time, but he showed me even friends OOC can still kill each other.

Moontug was such an incredibly descriptive writer, as well as super chill in IRC (I really do miss the IRC room), and I think I learned a lot from the way his descriptive emotes brought life to the world, too -- something I also picked up on from Clegane and Socko (both of whom I also miss terribly as players, though I certainly know Clegane is polarizing).

Quote from: Armaddict on August 14, 2016, 01:22:25 PM
I don't miss Bhagharva.  I stand by, to this day, that what he was doing with his whole playing a Red Robe while staffing the Guild was pretty crooked.  Nothing like having the same uber NPC guild assassin chasing you around the city with no regard to her own life, and even dying to soldiers a couple times in a row, until she got you, because you did a random break in on his templar's mansion.   ::)

I won't lie, Ihsahn did do some pretty wildly lame stuff (though that bit about the Guild assassin is a particularly new low), and there was a fair bit of sleaziness to some of it too, but as a staff member, Bhag had a great ability to concoct creepy, fun, enjoyable plots, and I miss those a *lot* (he made a PC of mine vomit up a slug once, which I immediately wished up about as awesome, and Sanvean later emailed (or in-game mailed, back when that was a thing) a snippet of him from the immortal channel cackling about it). His conduct could've been better in terms of playing the game, but when he was just running it... it was good. It's the same reason I sort of miss Dyrinis, because while at the time it'd be things like, "oh great, another monster for no reason that's going to kill five PCs," *not* having those things around turns out to've been... well, they really did add something, I think, as unexpected as it was. It's only with their lack that it turns out there was some thrill and fun in having them around, and I kind of miss it. Current things are very exciting, because my god, *it's something*.

Quote from: Armaddict on August 14, 2016, 01:22:25 PM
Sorry about Kholdarian.  When I was newer to the game, probably in year two or three, there were a few posts in a short amount of time about how to deal with linkdead pc's.  I was stuck in the Oashi mansion because of weird circumstances that I won't go into, and he was either linkdead or very afk, and I killed that PC in order to try and use his helm as a disguise to get out.  He played another PC after that, which I played with, but I don't think he ever recovered really from that lack of consideration on my part.  I probably turned him off from the game enough that he just left, which is a shame.

Awww! We were all newbies and did some kind of shitty stuff once upon a time, in all honesty. If it's any consolation, I don't think you did turn him off of the game -- I recall once a very long time ago discovering he had (or perhaps is still continuing?) to play, but I don't know if that's *still* accurate. He certainly didn't quite post-Oash, however, so you can wipe that from your conscience, at least. The two of them were great -- if I'm remembering right, aren't the wagon ruts that are STILL in the room description southeast of the bazaar from when one of them got hit by... geez, I don't even remember whose wagon it was, but hit and crippled or something? I remember them casually smoking spice in the Trader's, too, and being so totally intimidated by how flagrantly they were violating the law and didn't care.

Quote from: Armaddict on August 14, 2016, 01:22:25 PM

Pai'ta, if it's the half-breed Drovian, was actually very close to my Haruch Kemad character, known to the public as Kiraam.  That was one of the first elves where I roleplayed the internal struggle of being associated with a breed (even though it was a manipulative relationship; Haruch Kemad are literally close to no one).  It kind of opened up the world of elven mindsets to me, along with direct tutelage via email and discussion with Zagren about how the eastside is organized and works, Haruch Kemad's place in it, all the eastside tribes and their roles and relationships, and how elves are disliked not because of the things they do, but because a well-played elf makes sure they win in every relationship/interaction (not necessarily to the other person's detriment).  It's all just jealousy of the superior race, the elves.  ;)  If you're still around, pof Pai'ta, you had a large part to do with my current love of elves, so thanks for that!

That's definitely the same Pai I meant. I was playing a tween (I had literally special apped her in at age 10) Nilazi that was honestly kind of 'out' as a Nilazi, but was untouchable due to being the favoured pet of two templars that treated her like a mom and dad. My character *hated* her, and would stalk her around and stare at her and just generally be creepy and poorly socially adjusted. She was my third character after I started to 'get' the game (the first being the one that interacted with the two Oash above, and a second being a Tor agent that worked for Riandra), and did some amazing things that I don't think I can really talk about, still. She's incidentally also the one that vomited up the slug. Pai was great, though, I remember meeting her player back at an APM many a moon ago, but it's all sort of hazy after that.
<SanveanArmageddon> d00d
[Laeris] (11:52:53 AM): If penicillin started spilling out of your butt, what would you do with it?

Bhagharva concocted some insanely creepy stuff, like the Naenn'Tru, that changed how I looked at the game forever. That being said, Staff back then seemed to just come up with stuff on the fly and inform rather than brainstorm. So a lot of his stuff was off the cuff, and like a DM that does stuff off the cuff without a whole lot of follow through/planning, there end up being plot holes. Big ones.
"You will have useful work: the destruction of evil men. What work could be more useful? This is Beyond; you will find that your work is never done -- So therefore you may never know a life of peace."

~Jack Vance~

Samoa, I didn't realize you were still playing! That's so cool. Moontug is one of my all time favorite players, too. He does a wonderful job of inhabiting his character and evoking atmosphere and he does it all the while with totally unpretentious writing. He's the real deal.

I've had so much fun every time I've played with Socko, too. He's amazing. I just so love our playerbase. We have a ton of rad new players even since those guys have left.

one downside of being a noobie is I cant talk about any of my IC experiences, yet.  Really cool to read these though!
"Historical analogy is the last refuge of people who can't grasp the current situation."
-Kim Stanley Robinson

Quote from: Dunetrade55 on August 14, 2016, 02:20:22 PM
I remember, Bryl, was it? That old dusty gemmed Rukkian half-elf that once lived with the Red Fangs and had like, a million stories to tell (and possibly more bite marks).

Bryl was amazing. I was involved w/rp with him during the time w/the red fangs. But anything at all more than that would be too much.

I recall hearing IC YEEEEEEAAAARS of RL time later that he was still alive. I'm glad he lived to get old. <3
Quote from: Maester Aemon Targaryen
What is honor compared to a woman's love? ...Wind and words. Wind and words. We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love. That is our great glory, and our great tragedy.

Angela Christine posts on somethingawful.

Quote from: Case on August 14, 2016, 05:58:35 PM
Angela Christine posts on somethingawful.

What?! Really?! I'm not a goon, but that's fascinating. Ask her where she went and invite her to come back!
<SanveanArmageddon> d00d
[Laeris] (11:52:53 AM): If penicillin started spilling out of your butt, what would you do with it?

ask if she has stairs in her house

Didn't she have like 20 cats?

"You will have useful work: the destruction of evil men. What work could be more useful? This is Beyond; you will find that your work is never done -- So therefore you may never know a life of peace."

~Jack Vance~

Quote from: Reiloth on August 14, 2016, 09:56:29 PM
Didn't she have like 20 cats?

No, that's Malken.
Sometimes, severity is the price we pay for greatness

Quote from: Yam on August 14, 2016, 09:48:05 PM
ask if she has stairs in her house

Ask if she has any man-milk in her fridge.
There is no general doctrine which is not capable of eating out our morality if unchecked by the deep-seated habit of direct fellow-feeling with individual fellow-men. -George Eliot

It is said that things coming in through the gate can never be your own treasures. What is gained from external circumstances will perish in the end.
- the Mumonkan

It is said that things coming in through the gate can never be your own treasures. What is gained from external circumstances will perish in the end.
- the Mumonkan

OOC: Consent for graphic content?

emo puts on ^me ~robe and ~hat.
Quote from: Synthesis on August 23, 2016, 07:10:09 PM
I'm asking for evidence, not telling you all to fuck off.

No, I'm telling you to fuck off, now, because you're being a little bitch.

Whatever happened to Siamaca Kadius?

Quote from: James de Monet on April 09, 2015, 01:54:57 AM
My phone now autocorrects "damn" to Dman.
Quote from: deathkamon on November 14, 2015, 12:29:56 AM
The young daughter has been filled.

Didn't she die to bats in Tuluk?
i love being a nobles health points

And what about Tasok Salarr?
i love being a nobles health points

"When I was a fighting man, the kettle-drums they beat;
The people scattered gold-dust before my horse's feet;
But now I am a great king, the people hound my track
With poison in my wine-cup, and daggers at my back."

Whatever happened to the dwarf Torrian in Tuluk that was in the Legion? (I may be misspelling that name slightly. He went by Tori as well.)

Quote from: James de Monet on April 09, 2015, 01:54:57 AM
My phone now autocorrects "damn" to Dman.
Quote from: deathkamon on November 14, 2015, 12:29:56 AM
The young daughter has been filled.

I think Tasok stored and had a retirement party because he won Armageddon. He was alive when I started my first character, up until just one or two years ago.

Tori the dwarf legionnaire was killed by a Lirathuan.  I'm still angry about that!  LOL.  I'm pleased someone remembers him.

I lost my PC two weeks before the HRPT fight between Nak and Tuluk.  I made a dwarf because I wanted someone with a chance not to be useless in 2 weeks time, so I could enjoy the HRPT.  He was mobbed by the Byn at the first contact and I had to flee immediately, so I still missed everything, lol.  I believe I counted 10 of them taking swipes as he fled.  I was afraid I'd fall off my inix and die trying to find my way to safety, riding around with 6 hp.

I never expected him to live so long!  I had a lot of fun with him.

Quote from: Beethoven on August 15, 2016, 10:21:51 AM
I think Tasok stored and had a retirement party because he won Armageddon. He was alive when I started my first character, up until just one or two years ago.

Yes, this is correct.  What fun stories he had!

Quote from: Refugee on August 15, 2016, 11:02:54 AM
Tori the dwarf legionnaire was killed by a Lirathuan.  I'm still angry about that!  LOL.  I'm pleased someone remembers him.

I lost my PC two weeks before the HRPT fight between Nak and Tuluk.  I made a dwarf because I wanted someone with a chance not to be useless in 2 weeks time, so I could enjoy the HRPT.  He was mobbed by the Byn at the first contact and I had to flee immediately, so I still missed everything, lol.  I believe I counted 10 of them taking swipes as he fled.  I was afraid I'd fall off my inix and die trying to find my way to safety, riding around with 6 hp.

I never expected him to live so long!  I had a lot of fun with him.

Oh Lirathans....you aren't missed.
Quote from: James de Monet on April 09, 2015, 01:54:57 AM
My phone now autocorrects "damn" to Dman.
Quote from: deathkamon on November 14, 2015, 12:29:56 AM
The young daughter has been filled.