The Murky Waters: What to do after death?

Started by Reiloth, July 28, 2016, 11:55:43 AM

Quote from: Reiloth on July 29, 2016, 01:30:39 AM
Quote from: Clavis on July 28, 2016, 11:55:40 PM
cry hard, then roll up a new idea, cry more as it's getting approved. Delete all your old loving memories, but those you would know with your new coat of paint. Roll your shoulders, and just go do what your new freshly laundered toon would do. See that one that killed you, rp with them, figure out of your new face likes him, or not.

In the past I've mated someone that killed a prior toon, killed a former mate, hated someone a toon loved. and was terrified of someone i knew I shouldn't of been, but hey my new cyber meat sack didn't know that.

I think you're misinterpreting. I have absolutely no tears shed or misgivings when a PC of mine (even a really long lived one) dies. It's usually a relief, i'm more bummed when I store. The proximity effect i'm talking about is something that is purely unintentional -- If you have 9 active PCs kicking around Allanak, and one of them dies, but the other 8 are still around, there's little chance to not intermingle streams so to speak. It's fine, and I think most people can figure out justifications after a time. What is definitely missing is the bounce you could do between Tuluk and Allanak, which was very simple in my mind.

I also abhor the fact you call it a toon.

yeah I miss the bounce I could do between tuluk and nak. Sadly though there will always be the intermingling do to many hunting all over, and if your playtimes match you usually end up bumping into them. As for the toon thing, eh, just wait one post it'll be a toon, another will be a pc, another a char, another a charie, I honestly call my characters over a dozen things.
Sweet chaos let it unfold upon the land.
Guided forever by my adoring loving hand.
It is I the nightmare that sleeps but shall wake.

I call all my PCs "Doom Fodder".
Quote from: Synthesis on August 23, 2016, 07:10:09 PM
I'm asking for evidence, not telling you all to fuck off.

No, I'm telling you to fuck off, now, because you're being a little bitch.

On the whole, I'm glad Tuluk is gone.

I watched Tuluk get rebuilt, and completely respect the work everyone did for it. It was a huge undertaking. Impressive.

For me, it just never fit the theme quite right. Always felt too big and too empty.

That said, when I came back, I went through a handful of characters in rapid fire (as I tend to do, on #249 right now), and found it extremely difficult not to get sucked into the same group with each one.

Red Storm, however, is different enough. No, it's not Allanak, but it's definitely more populated with PCs than I've ever seen it. The clanned characters of Allanak aren't allowed to travel there, for the most part, so it forces interaction with different PC groups when you base your play there vs. Allanak. It's also close enough that you can travel back and forth when you need some variety or interest. Much less isolated than Luir's Outpost.

I still haven't figured out where Morin's is. Or what Morin's is.

Southern life FTW.

Quote from: Kankman on July 30, 2016, 05:41:12 PM
On the whole, I'm glad Tuluk is gone.

I watched Tuluk get rebuilt, and completely respect the work everyone did for it. It was a huge undertaking. Impressive.

For me, it just never fit the theme quite right. Always felt too big and too empty.

That said, when I came back, I went through a handful of characters in rapid fire (as I tend to do, on #249 right now), and found it extremely difficult not to get sucked into the same group with each one.

Red Storm, however, is different enough. No, it's not Allanak, but it's definitely more populated with PCs than I've ever seen it. The clanned characters of Allanak aren't allowed to travel there, for the most part, so it forces interaction with different PC groups when you base your play there vs. Allanak. It's also close enough that you can travel back and forth when you need some variety or interest. Much less isolated than Luir's Outpost.

I still haven't figured out where Morin's is. Or what Morin's is.

Southern life FTW.
Lets say you just left Tuluks main gate.
You'll hit a road that goes East and south.
South is towards Gortoks and Luirs, East is back to Nak.
If you go north one room there will be a small dirt road to Morins.
I don't think this counts as meta or anything because, well, it's not that hard to find.

Morin's was the Kadius lumber outpost, and has become a home to displaced Tulukis and traders.

Jihelu's directions are a bit off - since the road out of the Tuluk gate goes west, not east. But yeah - Morin's is just off that road, near the first turn after the gate.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

Personally I sit in the shower and cry.

Seriously, though, this is tough. Particularly since I prefer to play humans. I think a race switch, gender switch and guild switch would help a lot. Go from a social character to a military one or to the tribes, the elf tribes, escaped slave, build a skimmer crew, sift spice, become a grebber for rare herbs and flowers, sink into the gutter of the rinth, app a leadership role. I think there's still plenty of room to switch it up, but the Tuluk thing was almost too easy. I used it, too, and it was helpful.

Lately I think a lot about how to change my characters and playstyle and writing style so my PCs aren't too obvious, one to the next.

I never have green eyes or hunt, which actually narrows me down considerably. Other than that, I've done everything.

I've thought about getting a ranger for that sweet forage food, or a burglar with listen, hide and sneak, when I store. One of these days I'll capitulate.
Do yourself a favor, and play Resident Evil 4 again.

November 05, 2016, 01:44:20 PM #32 Last Edit: November 05, 2016, 01:45:58 PM by Reiloth
Touching back on this issue, honestly my solution is taking a break from the game. While I feel tempted (like on a Saturday where I don't have anything to do and my wife is working), I just get tired of interacting with the same people in the same PCs. The long-lived Soandso's, and honestly the same Templars and Nobles (No offense guys, I think most of you are great, it's just like watching the 11th season of the Friends. I'm familiar with the cast, and it's the same old hijinks with a different twist on it).

Not having large turnover puts the onus on me, the bored player, to come up with an exciting new concept. Most of the time I draw blanks, but sometimes I get a diamond in the rough. Taking a break gives me a higher % chance of writing something new and interesting, because I have a bit of space from what i've done recently/previously, and I also forget who's who.

So, in essence, before I didn't feel the need to take a break because I could bounce to a different city with a whole different cast of people. Considering I play typically long-lived characters because i'm such a GENIUS (See: Code Guru, Synthesis), this means by the time I bounce back to a different city, it's a typically new crew of people with some exceptions in leadership positions. Mind you when I say Long Lived, I do actually put my PCs in dangerous situations on purpose because of this. Low wisdom PCs don't necessarily think 'Oh, maybe an invitation to an apartment means death!', and that sort of thing. Dangerous missions, hunts, sign me up.

I know we like to get down on Tuluk for not fitting the setting, but honestly, Armageddon seems a lot more 'One Trick Pony' without Tuluk around. Tuluk was Zalanthas for me, and without it around, I feel a lot less driven to play the game.

"You will have useful work: the destruction of evil men. What work could be more useful? This is Beyond; you will find that your work is never done -- So therefore you may never know a life of peace."

~Jack Vance~

November 05, 2016, 03:13:10 PM #33 Last Edit: November 05, 2016, 03:19:38 PM by Barsook
Quote from: Reiloth on November 05, 2016, 01:44:20 PM
I know we like to get down on Tuluk for not fitting the setting, but honestly, Armageddon seems a lot more 'One Trick Pony' without Tuluk around. Tuluk was Zalanthas for me, and without it around, I feel a lot less driven to play the game.


I'm also burnt out for the same reasons stated above and other reasons that I can't think of, though one is the lack of player to player interactions at times.
i love being a nobles health points

You know it could just be as simple as when someone actually encounters conflict that could result in death, they leave the public eye, perhaps over multiple characters?.. I mean, yes, it's a crapsack world but sometimes when you're playing a non-suicidal concept you're enjoying, socializing, though it's an OOC desire, is not ICly appropriate for your PC... to my understanding, this ducking of socialization was more prevalent in Tuluk, for various reasons.
Quote from: Synthesis on August 23, 2016, 07:10:09 PM
I'm asking for evidence, not telling you all to fuck off.

No, I'm telling you to fuck off, now, because you're being a little bitch.

This hits very close to home, for me. Years back, when I played, my go-to was to change locations.

Now.... It is still possible, and I did to an extent, but encounters due to playtimes still happen...

I am dreading seeing a PC I used to love, because my new character wont love them.

It will be so fucking sad. :'(
All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

I bail as far away as I can. What fun is pretending I don't know everyone's secrets when I do? I have to get out and away to avoid the temptation of using my other character's knowledge.
We were somewhere near the Shield Wall, on the edge of the Red Desert, when the drugs began to take hold...

You don't have to do any of this if you kill everyone first.

Shameless use of meme is shameless.

For a serious answer..  I agree with the ideas of others.  Taking a month break can both refresh your mind, give you plenty of time to get that special app approved, AND a lot of people will... disappear in that short of a time.
How about a scavenger hunt?

Yes, breaks are great to return and get right into the character you want to get into without having the stigmas, mindset and emotions you had from your past PC. You can be as trained into writing another character as you want; you will still feel -something- when you see /that/ PC that killed yours, or /that/ group of PCs you used to be friends with rolling about without yours. In fact, you might be tempted to make some jokes while thinking that because it's not the same style of jokes you issued in the past it's fine: nope. Not for me.

I take a break, I use the break to plot my next PC, and then when I feel absolutely disconnected to my previous PC I roll my next one. Playing in games with lower playerbases than Arm helped me with that.

I guess it's easier to write a book and kill off a character you created there with another character you also created, than to lose your only character in a MUD. It's sort of the end of the book, with no possible sequel. So yes, breaks. Breaks. Breaks everywhere.

Quote from: Jihelu on July 28, 2016, 01:51:22 PM
The feeling of becoming an enemy with a pc you were friends with is a good one.
QuoteSunshine all the time makes a desert.
Vote at TMS
Vote at TMC

I just roll another and get playing and put no thought into shit like remembering who's who and what their secrets are. After you've run into an old friend so many times it becomes easy to roleplay appropriately.