Share your first character

Started by Yam, July 22, 2016, 10:31:22 AM

Short Desc: the gaunt, silver-haired teen


You see before you a horned human woman, very slight of build. Her silver
locks fall partially across her face, down to her shoulders and reflect
the light with a slightly greasy sheen. Her face is oval, with large gold
eyes. The dark fringes of her lashes ring her eyes with a deep kohl
shade. Her nose is narrow, and the tip is upturned slightly. Her lips are
full and hold a deep blush. Along the upper left side of her face is an
elaborate tattoo of an agafari tree, done in black ink so that the
branches come out to wrap her left eye. Along her upper arms are several
deep puncture scars of a small size. She has a set of very small black
horns, barely rising from just above her forehead. Her limbs are long and
as rather as thin as as her face and torso. Her arms lead down to slender
and slightly calloused hands. Her fingernails are cut neatly with no
white edge to them. Her legs are long almost to the point of being gangly.
They are thin, and match her torso for soft, barely existing curvature
and a lack of obvious muscle development. They lead to small, somewhat
narrow feet. Her torso boasts little curvature in the bust, a very small
waist, and a rounded but very small buttocks.

Initial Background : Jan 31, 2008
It was high sun on Yochem, the 106th day of the Descending Sun
In the Year of King's Reverence, year 41 of the 21st Age

The daughter of Dira and Lihne, her father, a noble aide who died before she
was born.  Her mother, Dira, was a merchant, from whom she learned about the
creating and bartering of goods, during her early childhood.  After living with
Raya and her husband, Munn, the lumberjack, for several years, her uncle Munn
took her under his wing and taught her about how best to harvest and work with
the various types of wood.  The year she turned thirteen, her aunt conceived a
child, and she was kicked out of the house.  Leading to her quiet and
introspective personality, as well as her distrust of and general disdain for
the company of others.  Since then, she has wandered about the city, listening
to the music of bards and carving small trinkets for sale, and has carved out a
meager living for herself, but still has not ventured all the way to the
forest on her own. 


Yeah, I didn't realize the marriage thing at the time totally invalidated the husband part in the background. She never died though. I eventually stored her.
Quote from: Maester Aemon Targaryen
What is honor compared to a woman's love? ...Wind and words. Wind and words. We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love. That is our great glory, and our great tragedy.

Ctchori ,  the slight curly-haired half elf
Ranger physician

She died before I could spell her name. (Chichory in some eastern tongue)

Fellow noobs, when you disconnect, GO TO A QUIT ROOM, THEN TYPE QUIT.
My first post on this board was along the lines of  "When I logged in my character was dead."

I have always been interested in the plants of a game, and herbalism.
My first two rangers never recognized a pickable plant.
None of my branched rangers or physicians ever brewed a tablet because ooc I couldn't figure it out. One day I will use all my ranger OOC knowlege I have since accumlated!

If I see a blue-eyed pretty breed nowadays, I feel a secret oneness with them. :)

These days my backgrounds  fit on the back of an envelope. Unlike this.

Child of the northern scrublands, her parents  a couple for a night of the Gathering that some call the Tupping, others the Gate of Dying.  The night the tide of life begins to ebb in lands where there is still life and death, sprouting and seeding,  sap rise and berrying.  Places where there is still water and air and sunshine to be captured, and out of the dance of chaos, life.
Her father was an elf, passing through her mother's life that night. Her mother was a healer, a nomad who ranged over the land searching for her herbs.  In her tribe, women who strayed too far were known to bring back half bred babies..  The halfbreeds were accepted into their family hearth, though as a healer, her mother always had status.
Ctchori was short for one with elf blood, as a youngster, puny.  Her uncle whispered to her at bedtimes of a Halfling babe left at a forebears' hearth while they slept. But her uncle was a story teller.
From the time she was old enough to obey instructions, her mother took her with her on her collecting forays and she spent an unusual amount of time away from her age group and their herds.  While she was not persecuted in any way, she was marked as "the elf". She was always part of her whanau, but made no close friends . Among her cousins she was the submissive one.  Her social skills were backward, and talking was hard. 
The dream of her heart  was to search out plants in all the diversity of the land, to follow tracks to new places, new ridges, new horizons. 
She did not know how well her survival skills would suffice in other regions. She wanted to be Known , but she did Not want to die in her seeking.

>point Tuluk

I remember Bardly's first character.  Unsure of whether I saw/met her as Garyx, the Kuraci breed, or as Sorgron, the Tor Cadet.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Quote from: Armaddict on July 22, 2016, 08:37:31 PM
I remember Bardly's first character.  Unsure of whether I saw/met her as Garyx, the Kuraci breed, or as Sorgron, the Tor Cadet.

Prob the kuraci breed, as she never got as far south as Luir's even. She had the most inappropriate taste imaginable. 2 crushes: Hawk the breed, and Zalranris Tenneshi, after he gave her a ginka fruit. Heh. :D
Quote from: Maester Aemon Targaryen
What is honor compared to a woman's love? ...Wind and words. Wind and words. We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love. That is our great glory, and our great tragedy.

Protip for our Highborn. Hand a commoner a fruit, and it will be your slave for life. :P

protip for templars screw with my pc's and I'll be your slave forever and evers!
Sweet chaos let it unfold upon the land.
Guided forever by my adoring loving hand.
It is I the nightmare that sleeps but shall wake.

Short Desc: the grizzled, unkempt man

The man before you is grizzled and unkempt; his body is tight, compact
and slightly hunched.  His face is a mess of scars, facial hair and tanned,
leathery skin.  His eyes are a dull brown and his hair a greasy, dirty mop
of black; Tufts of hair are missing in places on his head.  His hands are
knotted and as equally scarred as his face and end in blunt, thin fingers
which have shattered and jagged nails upon them.  He is very thin and his
legs are slightly bowed and covered in the same oily tanned skin. 

Initial Background : Jul 14, 2006

It was before dawn on Huegel, the 63rd day of the Descending Sun
In the Year of Dragon's Agitation, year 28 of the 21st Age
Raised an orphan who was lucky to survive on the streets and in the
desert; He never knew his parents and was raised from an early age by his
cousin who died in a mugging when he was still very young (about 10).
Relied on petty thievery to survive and scavenging for earning a little to
support himself.  A typical vagrant with no hope for the future and no goals
but to survive on the streets, time has taken its toll over the years and
Malachi is a man of simple pleasures and simpler living.  He has nothing to
lose and everything to gain at the bottom and has a surprisingly optimistic
outlook on life. 

I had about thirty unmemorable characters that died horribly quickly, in absolutely stupid ways, most of them with just a few hours played.  In those thirty, I think I had two who made it to a day played....Maybe?
My first PC was in 2001 but since backgrounds/bios before 2005 or so aren't saved, I really have no idea any of their stories.  Like I said, unmemorable.

Not having known about things like skills or branching...I have a nice history of things like ranger/hunter, ranger/scavenger, burglar/thief etc etc.  I also made an embarrassing number of rangers (who died oh, immediately in some cases, it seems) because I was determined to figure it out eventually and have things work out "one of these times".  After thirty-something nobody PCs (mostly horrible rangers) I gave it another go with a city-based character and something clicked.  I tend to regard him as my first, because he's the first I really managed to do anything with other than die, and he's the one that I finally kept alive long enough to be able to really work out the emoting/roleplaying/connecting with others part of the game.  After having almost every other PC die within hours, I kept Gein alive for 2 years, 7 months and had just about 50 days played on him.  I don't know what it is that clicked with him, it just did though.

sdesc: the weathered, muddy-eyed half elf
The man before you is a rather non-descript, average looking man.  He
stands at an  average height for his race and his frame is just slightly
larger than what is typical.  His skin is fairly light in colour and is
quite weathered in appearance.  There are dry, rough patches over much of
his body and several of them seem to be crusted with both blood and scabs in
various stages of healing.  His shaggy hair hangs  limply around his face
and it is a dull, light brown shade.  His wide-set eyes are a muddy brown
colour and his nose is long and slightly pointed.  With thin, pale lips and
a  mouth full of crooked, uneven teeth, this man's visage appears slightly
out of proportion.  The shoulders of this man slope downward slightly,
giving the appearance of a permanent slouch.  His arms, though very average
in size, do appear to be rather well-toned and his hands are rough and
calloused looking.  His fingernails are ragged and uneven in appearance and
they seem to have a mixture of dirt, grime and dried blood beneath them.
With a fairly shapeless torso, this man's waist and hips are nearly the same
width and his legs are slightly thick looking, particularly in the thighs. 

Initial Background: May 11, 2010

Born to a human mother who had no want for a child, Gein spent most of
his early years by himself.  His mixed heritage caused an enormous amount of
shame to his mother and she regularly abused him, both verbally and
physically.  He would often be left alone for days at a time sometimes would
wonder whether his mother had abandoned him.  To pass time he taught himself
to craft and weave basic items such as baskets and rope which he would
sometimes sell in order to make a meager living.  As he approached
adolescence, the constant abuse began taking it's toll on Gein and he
started acting  out in bizarre behaviours, each one more disturbing than the
last.  Gein spent his early teen years scavenging around the dirtier areas
of Allanak, often crawling amongst the dirt and debris, chasing the various
vermin that habitated in the city.  Shortly after he turned sixteen, Gein
was disowned by his mother when she found him in his room with an odd
collection of animal remains and dismembered animal corpses.  Her attempt to
kick him out into the streets failed when she went at him physically, and
for the first time in his life, he fought back.  The sixteen year old Gein,
with a strength and rage that shocked his mother, proceeded to beat her to
death.  He kept her body with him in their cramped apartment  for several
days before deciding the best way to dispose of it.  Without his mother to
abuse and demean him, Gein was free to continue living his twisted life as
he had been for so many years, only now there were no questions to answer
and he had an odd sense of capability, knowing he was able to finally fend
for himself.  He continued crafting his mediocre ropes and baskets, mainly
as a means of survival, while he carried on with...

My background got cut off there, but it was leading into something like "...while he carried on with his unsettling way of life."

- He was an assassin who never fought anyone or anything.  He really was just a crazy basketweaver and a ropemaker.  He actually introduced himself as Gein, Basketmaker Extraordinaire.

- He collected the dead rat bodies from the Ratsucker and kept them in his apartment as his friends, and he fancied himself the Rat King and had disturbing dreams about this.  On account of being the Rat King, he wore a vine-braided crown.

- Because of the connection he had with his dead rats, he would sometimes pluck the hairs out of the bodies and eat them, one by one.  This was usually done crouched at the side of the road, looking around and fretting that someone would see him and not understand...that it was because he was the Rat King...

- He was arranging some ropes on the balcony in Red's one day, because he felt it wasn't terribly safe up there, and he thought some makeshift railings would serve to warn people back from the edge.  A couple Arm recruits found him and he explained that he was making use of his own ropes instead of trying to sell them, and then he tried being clever and asked if either of the recruits needed a rope.  They ran to find a templar and reported Gein for trading without a license  ::) Must have been a slow crime-day in Allanak because Torgun showed up with Lord Templar Validos Fale to see what the terrible trouble was.  In the end Gein ended up with a merchant's token and sold ten ropes to Validos, then Torgun threw him off the balcony.

- One of his lifetime achievements was coming third place in some city scavenger hunt and winning a really nice black leather coat.  If I recall, it was basically a long black leather trench know, -really fine- desert wear.  Heh.

- He ate for free, because he filled up on the shitberries outside the west gates.  Sometimes he ate noble beans too...the old Arboretum had bean vines growing and you could pick them, Gein called these noble beans.

- He also drank for free because he snuck into the Arboretum to fill his waterskins from the fountain.  It was such a long, drawn-out process...he'd change his clothes and hide outside, waiting for dusk when it wasn't a brightly lit night.  He'd hemote the shit out of things while he waited for the street echos to imply the crowd of beggars was being more bothersome and persistent and then when the timing was just right he'd sneak in.  He crouched and crept behind tables and the sides of the fountain itself and he'd hold his breath while he was reaching up over the edge to fill his skins.

- He regularly talked to the locust he always had with him, Sackie.

- He often broke into apartments and infrequently took anything.  Mostly he just liked to look around and see who had what.  One time he found a place that had a cradle in it and he had a bit of a meltdown about how he'd never have a family like that and it wasn't fair, that these folks got a family and he didn't.  So he came back and left the disembodied head of a gortok in the cradle.

- One time, the game crashed after I arranged my collection of rat corpses (I think I had eight or so) and I lost them.  I had to send in a reimbursement request for rat corpses.  I'm sure staff was like 'wtf'...

....Come to think of it, I'm sure most of the time staff watched any of his antics, they were like wtf.

Quote from: manipura on July 22, 2016, 11:58:31 PM
I had about thirty unmemorable characters that died horribly quickly, in absolutely stupid ways, most of them with just a few hours played.  In those thirty, I think I had two who made it to a day played....Maybe?
My first PC was in 2001 but since backgrounds/bios before 2005 or so aren't saved, I really have no idea any of their stories.  Like I said, unmemorable.

Not having known about things like skills or branching...I have a nice history of things like ranger/hunter, ranger/scavenger, burglar/thief etc etc.  I also made an embarrassing number of rangers (who died oh, immediately in some cases, it seems) because I was determined to figure it out eventually and have things work out "one of these times".  After thirty-something nobody PCs (mostly horrible rangers) I gave it another go with a city-based character and something clicked.  I tend to regard him as my first, because he's the first I really managed to do anything with other than die, and he's the one that I finally kept alive long enough to be able to really work out the emoting/roleplaying/connecting with others part of the game.  After having almost every other PC die within hours, I kept Gein alive for 2 years, 7 months and had just about 50 days played on him.  I don't know what it is that clicked with him, it just did though.

Sounds like an awesome character. And I think you actually met (well we were in the same room) as Sulmon, because the name, character type and race sounds familiar. Who knows? Is the name Gein a macabre reference to the serial killer Ed Gein who inspired Hitchcock's Psycho?
Light RP is like light beer: It fucking sucks and makes me fall asleep.

I miss Tuluk....

That's absolutely where the inspiration came from.  He was never meant to be any sort of accomplished killer but I intended him to have the broken personality of one.

I did a bunch of research on various serial killers to find a suitable one to base a number of the PCs traits and mannerisms on.
Ed Gein only killed two people (technically...three or more, following the same method is one characteristic of a serial killer) but he was a body snatcher and exhumed many corpses.  Since our corpses in-game disappear, I initially had it just in his background, I didn't think it would be something I'd manage to play out except virtually...and then the Ratsucker plot came along!  And there were suddenly...corpses that were actual items!  It was like my birthday and Christmas all rolled into one!

July 23, 2016, 04:23:35 AM #35 Last Edit: July 23, 2016, 04:25:33 AM by Malifaxis
I need three sections.

1:  First character listed in 'Biography' section:  Nuu'bi the Halfling
2:  First character listed in the Accounts section:  Traekir the Bynner/Bodyguard to Pearl Terash
3:  First character I can reasonably remember pre-account:  Rimstalker the giant

Nuu'bi the halfling rukkian
a titanic, verdant-skinned halfling
Truly a behemoth among his kind, this olive-skinned halfling's height is
added to by the massive spire-like stretch of hair rising proudly from his
crown like an ancient, gnarled agafari.  Pitch-black eyes rest deep within a
spider web of crows feet, shadowed by deep-set sockets.  Bulging, swollen
musculature threatens to shred his skin at every bit of motion.  Knuckles
marked deep with scars, the bones knobby and sharp.  Tiny scars of a lighter
green throw common chaos in to the normally subdued green of his flesh.
Sharpened, brown-stained teeth rise to fierce tips behind thin, taut lips
and a wide mouth.

Bio 1:
Initial Background : Jul 12, 2004
It was late morning on Ocandra, the 122nd day of the Descending Sun
In the Year of Lirathu's Slumber, year 11 of the 21st Age

Nuubi's passing through the tribe has been left with one death within The
People:  his mother.  Nuubi was huge at birth, and just kept on growing
taller and larger.  As soon as he was able to understand, he was told by a
seer that it was his duty to forever defend those of the tribe.  And that he
was chosen by stone to harden those of the tribe to weather any storm.  He,
at first, opposed the move, as stone does not change.  But after close
examination, he realized that it was for the best, and accepted this fact
with the typical stoicism of Ruk.  While still very mystical at heart, he
tends to avoid the more 'frivolous' rituals and gatherings of The People.
At no time does danger stop, and so he sees no reason he should rest either.

Nuu'bi lasted I think almost an RL year before storage, which I'm guessing at because my transition to Many Faces Sejah happened in May 2005.  He did some seriously epic shit.  He subdued and bit off the ear of a Salarri hunter over the archway; he met and grew "familiar" with the spirit of North Road; he heard enough people scream for mercy that he developed sirihish... which he would do to scream things like "NO PLEASE DONT EAT ME!" in order to calm his prey down as he rushed at them to try to eat them.

Traekir the Bynner/Bodyguard of Pearl Terash... Yes that Pearl Terash.

Traekir had this lame fucking sdesc... The old grey man, I think.  But if you looked at him, he looked like Ron Perlman.  Big muscles, big warrior type.  Wanted to get in to the Byn... gave his 300 coins to an elf who said he could handle everything for him.  Traekir, btw, had poor wisdom.  Met a Byn Sarge named Slim, gave her his remaining 150, she let him in with a debt, and then died on his second contract.  After getting back to Allanak with the remainder of the unit, he met some guy named Sujaal.  Trained for like a year with this Sujaal guy, then near the end did a contract for Pearl.  Pearl really liked his style, offered to buy him from the Byn as a fulltime bodyguard.  Sujaal asked him if there was anything he could do to make him stay, that he thought Traekir would make a great Sergeant.  Feel free to kick me for giving up that opportunity.  Went to Pearl, met Vedelarin, met Vortex, was buddies with Sergeant Anath... all big names.  Anath was a Borsail Wyvern that 2 members of the templarate wanted to build a statue to honor.  Vortex was........ well, lets just say he was aptly named.  Traekir, at one point, got in to a brawl in the arena stands which was somehow far enough away from npc soldiers to not auto-trigger arrest and the victim fled in to the arena and fell in front of a braxat.  I mean, cool stuff, you know?  He ended up getting croaked by some asshole city elf who got him crim coded, then subdued by a half giant, then backstabbed him on his way to the jail.

First I can remember:
Rimstalker the half-giant warrior.  I don't even think there were subguilds, and if there was, I can't remember which one.  Rimstalker was a half-giant from Red Storm who was titanically dumb and loyal.  Named because he used to stalk up and down the rim of the silt sea hunting for treasure, he slowly became a trusted assistant to a water mage half-elf named Talon.  The most pivotal part of his existence was this massive meeting he went to as a Templar's guard.... a meeting between a huge number of tribes, including the gypsies, and I swear there was a halfling there somehow.  Anyway, whole meeting went fucking ballistic, people dying everywhere, and the Templar croaks the fuck out.  Rimstalker, still trying to be loyal, grabs the whole body and fucking skulks it.  Just hauls ass out of there as magick starts flying and people are dying left and right.  Heads out of town to the north side of Allanak past outer circle, loots the motherfucking shit out of the corpse, then buries him under a heap of stone.  Waits a day because "Hey, it should be long enough."  And then heads to Salarr to get his new steel bracers tailored to his size.  Yeah... wasn't as high of a roleplay standard back then.

Next day, still waiting for tailor, still have the tickets, get an escort mission for Talon and his mate.  Head north.  About half way there, get ambushed by a five pack of mantis.  Take out two of them, they drop Talon and his mate, so Rimmy bails.  Runs through the sands without a mount.  Eventually runs out of stamina, I rest... aaaand the mantis catch up.  I stand.  I hide.

I swear that fucking mantis hunted for 5 fucking minutes straight before it finally triggered aggro on my PC.  Motherfucking mantis... or motherfucking giant crit-success hide somehow.  Anyway, that's the story of Rimstalker.

There were others before him... Nox the Halfling who knew Khann Salarr, Syra the mul who used to spar in the middle of a tavern somewhere.  Yeah, but Rimmy was probably the most fun of that early set.
Yes. Read the thread if you want, or skip to page 7 and be dismissive.

Words I repeat every time I start a post:
Quote from: Rathustra on June 23, 2016, 03:29:08 PM
Stop being shitty to each other.

Stop giving us your first good characters guys.*  We want your shitty characters.  Everyone else is giving their shitty, nobody knew them first characters.  Shame.  Shame!

*Statement made in personal capacity, not as resident moderator/Angry Computer Woman.
Former player as of 2/27/23, sending love.

July 23, 2016, 09:26:55 AM #37 Last Edit: July 23, 2016, 09:51:40 AM by nauta
Nose aka Nauta

What I remember: She was a rinther poet who had big dreams of going north to see the bards.  She used to play card tricks in the bars southside with the steal/plant code -- which, of course, meant she spent a lot of time in jail or en route to jail.  It looks like she lived 8 RL days until gankage in the alleys.  Learned about slip/palm and sleight of hand code later.  I also think she joined the Guild under Glass(?) and Dealer(?) -- both of whom were great mentors -- when some giant was running around smashing things in the narrows.

Short Desc: the platinum-blonde, blue eyed woman

Her platinum blonde hair is shaved short on the left half of her head,
the other half falls in jagged strokes drifting to her shoulder.  Below even bangs
and a set of brown eyebrows rest two blue-grey eyes, a thin line of dark
purple kohl adding highlight around each.  Her skin is lighter than it is
tan, although not perfectly pale, and her lips are full.  She is tall, with
well-formed long legs and a violin-shaped form.  Her breasts are ample.

Initial Background : Dec 01, 2013

It was early afternoon on Detal, the 11th day of the Low Sun
In the Year of Drov's Reverence, year 13 of the 22nd Age
A decendent from a somewhat notorious family of spice smugglers and
dealers, she grew up shuffling between Storm and East Storm.  After the
assassination of one friend, the overdoes of another, and suicide of a
third, she has opted to change venues and move to Allanak for a fresh start.
as IF you didn't just have them unconscious, naked, and helpless in the street 4 minutes ago

first char: uggg been so long ago. Drottling was waaaay back, before luirs was infected and retaken.
sdesc: hell if I remember.
clan: joined up with kurac under some dude with x shaped scars.
guild: assassin

Honestly don't know how he survived anywhere near as long as he did. cept Sarge X was a bad ass, and watched his skinny, backstabbing ass. This was an early login that I have forgotten the password, and stuff for. Had some other char's then after coming back after a long haitus, where I trolled around in hack and slash muds, forum rp, yahoo rp rooms 'users rooms', then continued to drift.

Adahy was my first one after all my looking for rp days, after a pair of others, I made up Serav who was killed trying to protect the one he loved. 'Live by poison, die by poison.'
Sweet chaos let it unfold upon the land.
Guided forever by my adoring loving hand.
It is I the nightmare that sleeps but shall wake.

Short Desc: the athletic young man


Athletic and of average height, just over five cords, this man has dark
blonde hair, light blue eyes, tanned skin, and toned muscles.  His legs are
noticably more fit than his upper body, with a scar running from his ankle
to just below the half-way point of his calf.  His hands are callused, with
a small mole on the back of his right hand.  He has a small goatee on his
chin that appears to be well kept and groomed, with his bangs reaching just
past his eyebrows.  His hair is straight, with his bangs reaching just past
his eyebrows, while the rest of his hair reaches just to his ears.  He
appears youthful, perhaps in his mid-twenties to thirty years of age. 

Initial Background : Jun 14, 2009
It was late at night on Waleuk, the 17th day of the Ascending Sun
In the Year of King's Vengeance, year 52 of the 21st Age

Ralken was born twenty-seven years ago, and his life carries nothing that
the average commoner would find interesting.  His family lived in the city.
His father was a merchant, and his mother was a weaponsmith.  Ralken didn't
seem to take to either of these professions, regularily sneaking into the
houses of friends and snatching things from them, only to return them the
next day.  He took joy in the confused looks of his friends when he returned
their valuables.  One day, at the age of twelve, Ralken was scaling the
house of a friend.  Well, he thought it was the house of a friend, when it
was really the house of a mentally unstable thug.  When Ralken stumbled into
the window, he knocked over an obsidian...       Knife at Ralken.  By this
time, Ralken was already scrambling out the window.  It struck him on the
calf, catching on the window, and it cut down to his ankle.  He now carries
the scar today.  Ralken ceased breaking into the houses of friends that day.
Eventually, Ralken learned that what he was doing was called burgularly.  He
then learned that this was a way that he could supplement his family's
income.  He would play it off as finding a job as an errand boy or something
of the sort.  This continued for a few years, until a sickness struck his
mother.  She died within a week, and Ralken's father was left to take care
of him.  He ousted him of their home at the age of eighteen, telling him to
make his own living, as he was unable...    To care for him by himself.
Ralken continued this style of income, while also using his skills to
perform on the streets as an acrobat when he needed money.  He rarely
performs nowadays, mainly making a living on the hard work of others. 

July 23, 2016, 09:58:04 PM #40 Last Edit: July 23, 2016, 10:10:39 PM by mansa
What happened to the bios from before 2006?

I lost access to my original email address, as this was before you could use free email address providers like hotmail or yahoo.

I have this in my character list and email:
8 ) Joash - Dead

Wed 1999-05-12 2:29 AM
 Congratulations!  Joash has been approved for play at Armageddon MUD
( [4050]).  Your password is 'jhkibu'.

Please remember to put your race as a keyword with your next character, we'll let it slip this time.

Also you may want to remove 'young' from the sdesc and desc pretty soon since he's already 23.

 Extensive documentation about the world is available both at the game
itself from the logon screen and from our web page at
''.  You and those with whom you will play
will have much more fun if you are familiar with at least most of
the game's documentation.  Please note, if you haven't already, that
Armageddon provides a strictly enforced roleplaying atmosphere.  If you
are more interested in killing stuff and maxing out your character than
in character development, then please play at one of the great many
combat MUDs running on the Internet.

For the first few hours, if your character dies, you can come back into
the game. But whatever killed you will probably kill you as soon as you
come back, so we suggest waiting a while before comeing back into the game
(a day is usually sufficient).

If you are having major problems feel free to mail problems to
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

I do believe my first was an Amber Wyvern named Kyr who made it through the ranks from recruit to Sergeant.

I think he was created in 2000 or 2001, not exactly sure. Was also the second to last Borsail character I ever played.

My first character was a nobody called Hakanai. She learned how to sit out a sandstorm at night outside the closed gates the hard way... about two or three times

She died in a really stupid way (hint: eating a pile of scrab guts you find lying on the ground is not a best idea)

Ohhhh yeses necrothread go. I'm glad this happened. Looking back is crazy fun.

I was Brace, the lean, shadowy man. Many people thought he was a secret drovian until my obvious newbishness showed. (emote hopes he's going to be ok)

Skimmed the world docs, mustered all my teenage literary prowess, and knocked out the most bitchin mdesc of all time. It is sadly no longer available. Probably, I hope.  Also made him an escaped slave that immediately got hired by Borsail because harsh world I guess.

Eventually made lieutenant in the wyverns. He was mentioned in a rewrite of the clan docs years ago. Got killed during the occupation by raiders because after like 50 days played he'd hardly branched a thing and had abysmal stats to begin with.

Quote from: Bahliker on November 02, 2016, 11:52:30 PM
Ohhhh yeses necrothread go. I'm glad this happened. Looking back is crazy fun.

I was Brace, the lean, shadowy man. Many people thought he was a secret drovian until my obvious newbishness showed. (emote hopes he's going to be ok)

Skimmed the world docs, mustered all my teenage literary prowess, and knocked out the most bitchin mdesc of all time. It is sadly no longer available. Probably, I hope.  Also made him an escaped slave that immediately got hired by Borsail because harsh world I guess.

Eventually made lieutenant in the wyverns. He was mentioned in a rewrite of the clan docs years ago. Got killed during the occupation by raiders because after like 50 days played he'd hardly branched a thing and had abysmal stats to begin with.

I remember you specifically for this sdesc.  I think I was in a state of constantly dying at this point though, so I think you saw me as like ten different PC's.  I could be mistaken.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

November 03, 2016, 12:07:17 AM #45 Last Edit: November 03, 2016, 12:22:51 AM by Bahliker
A case of "eh he's new just push the app through cause he'll be dead in a few hours and his second app will be better after a little in-game experience." Three years later, got a Sdesc change and kept shadowy.

Weren't you part of the group that killed him, Armaddict? Somebody from irc was.

My first character...

Short Desc: the lithe, brown-haired young woman

A young woman with brown hair that extends past the shoulders just a bit,
being a dark brown with many golden-brown sun-stained streaks about it, she
has petite hazel eyes in comparison to the rest of her features, with a
smooth and proportionate nose, soft features upon her face with a full lips
and light dimples, her physique is lithe with a light form of muscle
developing upon slim and light limbs, with a modest bosom and torso that
curves nicely into notable hips notably athletic, and strong legs, with skin
tanned by the sun, that possess a variety of mild and minor scars or marks
of previous hardship.  

Initial Background : Sep 18, 2014

It was high sun on Yochem, the 40th day of the Descending Sun
In the Year of Silt's Reverence, year 20 of the 22nd Age
  Keyrena is a fourteen year old girl who lost contact with her family,
she doesn't know if they left her on purpose, or simply moved on, or some
other worse fate came upon them, but she had to find someway to struggle and
survive    She did so for a while by trying to live off the streets and
sneak away what she could through theft, but eventually took interest in
wanting to try and work as an aide or assistant of one of the nobles of
Tuluk if only for the security of such a position, or so she feels.  She
just knows she needs some way to survive.  

I had really been lazy with the background and was just really excited to get into the game, even though the helpers at the time were screaming at me to not play a pickpocket or start so young.

Yet. I did it, and I stuck through to it til the end of her character even after some pretty big bumps.

I know a lot of things I did on keyrena could have been as silly, or downright funny, but she was literally first my character and I saw ending days of Ralerth (was that his name?) and was there during his end, too.  all the way up to the closing days of tuluk.

I owe a lot of thanks to the people who played tuluk at the time due to how much fun that character was and how much I learned.

I don't really think i managed to play a good aide on her, but i was trying my best :p

November 03, 2016, 12:40:22 AM #47 Last Edit: November 03, 2016, 12:42:07 AM by Feco
Oh my god.  My first character was so bad.  I swear they got better.

Short Desc: the empty eyed man

Before you is a man who in most respects does not differ from other people of
his race.  He is obviously toned, but not especially muscular.  His dark hair
is trimmed to a uniform short length on both his face and head. His appearance
has an intentional ruggedness which almost seems as if it takes great effort
to keep.  Some scars peak out from the edges of his facial hair, but they are
not easy to make out. He has high cheek bones, a square jaw, and sunken eyes.  
His light eyes look empty and they seem fixed to the side of where he is

Initial Background : Mar 31, 2010

It was high sun on Barani, the 43rd day of the Low Sun
In the Year of Ruk's Vengeance, year 59 of the 21st Age
Feco lived a relatively uneventful childhood, and spent most of his adult
life as a house servent.  He has always been an empty hearted individual,
which lends itself to his ability to kill others.  His experience as a house
servent provide the perfect front for his true love of assassination.  The
actual killing involved is of no concern to Feco; it is the challange of the
hunt and execution that gives him real joy.  There were not actual events
which triggered his cold nature, it has always been natural to him.  His
family is of little concern to him, as are friends;  Feco left all ties far
behind the moment he was able to.  

Killed by a scrab after 21 hours.  His "true love of assassination" didn't get him very far.
QuoteSunshine all the time makes a desert.
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Quote from: Bahliker on November 03, 2016, 12:07:17 AM
A case of "eh he's new just push the app through cause he'll be dead in a few hours and his second app will be better after a little in-game experience." Three years later, got a Sdesc change and kept shadowy.

Weren't you part of the group that killed him, Armaddict? Somebody from irc was.

Uhhhh...if I was, I don't recall.  I'd need details or a timeline to look at the character I was playing at the time.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

My first PC was a ranger in Tuluk who died almost instantly by walking into the Grey Forest and getting pwned by a halfling warrior.  That was in 1998, before the current biography system.

My first PC in the biography system:

Short Desc: the mangled, bestial half-giant
Warrior/Scavenger (if I recall correctly)

I think this may have been the first half-giant I ever played.  Atrocious stats.  I had to whine to Staff to get his agility bumped so I could hold two objects in my inventory.  Then I lost agility points due to redacted and had to spend the rest of his life carrying around a chest and dropping it on the ground to do anything inventory-related.  Poor strength.  Poor wisdom.  I mean...utterly the worst you could reasonably expect to roll.  Despite of the funnest PCs I ever played...mainly because people don't idly attempt to PK half-giants, and everyone expects that you have karma, so you get a lot of benefit of the doubt when it comes to playing out conflict.

Towering above the average Zalanthan, this male half-giant presents a
brutish and imposing figure.  An unkempt mane of greasy, stringy, black hair
hangs from atop his head, framing a puffy, sore-ridden face from which
squint a pair of weeping, sickly yellow bloodshot eyes with dull red irises.
Most of his nose has been torn off, and a corner of his thick lower lip
hangs separated from the rest of his mouth, exposing a few diseased teeth.
His visible skin is filthy with grime and debris, tanned darkly, yet
criss-crossed and pocked with scars, wounds and sores in various states of
healing or infection.  Broad shoulders hunch forward over his expansive
torso, which is leanly muscled save for a protruding pot belly.  His arms
and legs are long and muscular, but appear somewhat malnourished by the
standards of his race.

Initial Background : Jan 24, 2006
It was before dawn on Barani, the 98th day of the Descending Sun
In the Year of Drov's Vengeance, year 24 of the 21st Age

Born into the squalor and misfortune of Allanak's Labyrinth, Wak has been
a pawn of powers struggling for control of the alleys ever since he was old
enough to be of use in a fight.  He is aggressive and quick to anger when
alone (especially so when hungry or thirsty), but after years of taking
orders he has developed a strong instinct for authority figures, and once
attached to one, will follow their orders virtually without thought.  Having
been attached at different times to gangs of the east and west sides, he
harbors no personal like or dislike toward any race, tending instead to
conform unwittingly to the hatreds of whoever he happens to be taking orders
from.  Having recently emerged as the sole survivor of a minor turf battle
on the west side, for now he wanders the 'rinth, on the prowl for basic
sustenance and possibly a new master. 

Year of the Blue-Rags : Mar 21, 2006
It was late afternoon on Huegel, the 63rd day of the Low Sun
In the Year of Desert's Slumber, year 25 of the 21st Age

   After a brief stint wandering the alleys without a master, Wak ran
across a pair of fellows named Shorty and Zakal, the leaders of a unit of
the Guild that Wak has taken to calling the "blue-rags," for the turquoise
bandanas they wear.  They initiated him into the gang, and he now takes
orders from them.  Significant events in Wak's life thus far: 1.  At one
point, he was redacted to the Xytrix-za Valley by a redacted magicker.
By some stroke of luck, he managed to walk back from the Valley, emerging
relatively unscathed.  He still remembers the event, and vaguely recalls the
route he took to walk back (since it mainly consisted of following roads).
2.  After returning from the Xytrix-za, Wak ended up wandering the sewers
for several weeks, eventually redacted.
He doesn't exactly remember the entire stretch of the tunnel system (even
though he may think he does), but he remembers the general route, and
definitely knows that the sewers redacted.  3.  A month or so
later, a different magicker started causing trouble with Wak's gang.
Eventually, Zakal was killed and the magicker was (supposedly) killed also.
After Zakal's death, Wak and another blue-rag (Kagi) stalked across the east
side of the 'rinth, killing Sandas gang members in retaliation.  (The
magicker was believed to have been a Sandas.)   

The End of the Beginning? : May 09, 2006
It was late morning on Cingel, the 158th day of the Low Sun
In the Year of Ruk's Defiance, year 26 of the 21st Age

After a couple more years doing The Guild's bidding, and surviving
through several different Bosses, Wak drew the attention of a mindbender,
who influenced him to do a couple of important things.  First, he caused him
to attack a Tor Scorpion in front of a Templar, killing the Tor guard
quickly.  Afterwards, the Templar pursued him vigorously and essentially
initiated a manhunt for him.  Second, the mindbender caused him to attack
his current Boss, Ralek.  After the attack, Ralek managed to talk him down a
little, but the mindbender's sown seeds of distrust forever severed the
bonds between the Boss and his minion.  Unable to go into Allanak for fear
of being cut down in the streets by soldiers, and unable to trust his Boss
any longer, Wak felt no reason to remain in Allanak or the 'rinth, so redacted
Confused and friendless, he wandered north, where he seeks new companions,
and a new master. 

(Apologies to that Tor Scorpion, by the way, if you still probably thought it was epic powergame twinking goddamnitwtf fucking fuck piss-poor half-giants player complaint filed so fast omg fuck this game.  I felt really bad about it.)

The War : Jul 21, 2006
It was early morning on Yochem, the 161st day of the Descending Sun
In the Year of Dragon's Agitation, year 28 of the 21st Age

During the war between Allanak and Tuluk, Wak served as a sort of scout
for the Tuluki Army.  While technically conscripted (he received the red and
white circle conscript tattoo), he was assigned to duties outside the camp
by the Lirathan templar Felysia, since he is not a Tuluki citizen.  Wak
spent his time during the war felling trees and delivering logs to the camp,
transporting water and fresh recruits, and reporting whatever Allanaki troop
movements he spotted (among various other things).  However, he hasn't
developed any real bond for Tuluk, as an abstraction.  His loyalties were
more the result of his hatred for Allanakis (he has been nearly killed by
Allanaki soldiers three times in the past 4 years) and his friendship with
Felysia and other individuals in the Tuluki army.  (Since the templar keeps
herself somewhat distant, he doesn't yet regard her as a "Boss".) 

I also vaguely recall hanging out with some preserver chick near the Gem and fighting off some zombies or vampires or zombie vampires or something.  I found it hilarious at the time that he was hanging out with a rogue magicker and working for the Tuluki templars, simply because nobody ever told him to kill the preserver, and it wouldn't really have occurred to a 'rinthi half-giant that a Tuluki templar might want a preserver dead.  Eventually Wak died to a Whiran on the Dol-Takar road who did something that I'm pretty sure Whirans can't do anymore, because that guy abused it so badly.

Another thing I remember was getting in a fight with a warrior and an assassin at the tail end of the Shield Wall...I smooshed the assassin after he foolishly backstabbed me, but the warrior and I were just swinging at each other and missing for a long-ass time.  Eventually he was like, "Hey, you wanna call this a draw?" and I was like, "Yeah, GG bro" and we went our separate ways.  Never saw that guy again, but it was funny.
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.