Noobs are a pain

Started by Norcal, June 02, 2016, 07:57:48 PM

That is right. New players are so -bothersome-.  They can't find their way around town,  have no idea how to get jobs and die like places where I am unable to even retrieve their boots.

We should just have the old players around..just our little inbred community. That would make the game better right?

We need new players.  So go vote. Being number 12 on TMS will not get us as many new players as being number 1.

                                                            VOTE NOW
                                                            (please  ;D)
At your table, the XXXXXXXX templar says in sirihish, echoing:
     "Everyone is SAFE in His Walls."

Got me.  :D
A staff member sends you:
"Normally we don't see a <redacted> walk into a room full of <redacted> and start indiscriminately killing."

You send to staff:
"Welcome to Armageddon."

You take the last bite of your scooby snack.
This tastes like ordinary meat.
There is nothing left now.



*this has been a nice and polite public service message from your friendly, neighborhood Malifaxis.
Yes. Read the thread if you want, or skip to page 7 and be dismissive.

Words I repeat every time I start a post:
Quote from: Rathustra on June 23, 2016, 03:29:08 PM
Stop being shitty to each other.

Click, click, done! 

Join me in the voting!  The links are literally in the top right corner of this page!
How about a scavenger hunt?

Really? Only 56 votes as of this evening?  Come on folks.  Or hate noobs.
At your table, the XXXXXXXX templar says in sirihish, echoing:
     "Everyone is SAFE in His Walls."

I wonder if it might be more effective to get new players from sources other than TMC.  Like some of those play-by-post webforums, or advertising on MUSH OOC boards or something.

come on now..don't make me get my frying pan out.

At your table, the XXXXXXXX templar says in sirihish, echoing:
     "Everyone is SAFE in His Walls."

I mean this with all the love I can muster.

We already have two major voting threads.

People who want to vote will, people who don't, won't.

Please for the love of god stop making endless voting threads.

I understand you want people to vote and I think it's fair to prod someone maybe once a day, but when you post incessantly throughou the day verbally bashing people.  If I was a noob, I probably wouldn't play.
<19:14:06> "Bushranger": Why is it always about sex with animals with you Jihelu?
<19:14:13> "Jihelu": IT's not always /with/ animals

Since the above post by Asmoth was added, we have sunk to number 16 on TMS and  as Natua pointed out in another thread, we have relatively few new accounts.  In spite of the summer slow down, this is not good news. Clearly the strategy of not reminding people to vote in order to appease those who do not like voting threads has not been working.

QuoteDear Ginka, I confess that I voted, and not just because we only had twenty new accounts created last week.

As opposed to 2013 where we had 130.

(Caveat emptor: I have no idea what 'new accounts' means.  Is it new mud accounts or new characters?)

At your table, the XXXXXXXX templar says in sirihish, echoing:
     "Everyone is SAFE in His Walls."

6 votes in 48 hours. You noobs really ARE a fucking pain.

A staff member sends you:
"Normally we don't see a <redacted> walk into a room full of <redacted> and start indiscriminately killing."

You send to staff:
"Welcome to Armageddon."

Quote from: Norcal on June 02, 2016, 07:57:48 PM
They can't find their way around town,  have no idea how to get jobs and die like flies..

I just realized that this describes me perfectly, even after 6 years of Arm...

88 votes to put us in the top 10.

We're not in the top 10.


Also, our blurb on the TMS page is kind of boring, we should spruce it up a bit...

Zalanthas: a harsh low-technology desert where settlements and shelter are few and far between, and once you're within the walls, you may not actually be any safer. Over two decades old, this Roleplay Intensive MUD is free to play. New website!
A staff member sends you:
"Normally we don't see a <redacted> walk into a room full of <redacted> and start indiscriminately killing."

You send to staff:
"Welcome to Armageddon."