Watch and see emotes

Started by Chettaman, May 12, 2016, 01:10:39 AM

May 12, 2016, 01:10:39 AM Last Edit: May 12, 2016, 11:15:05 AM by Chettaman
**edited to add: also lowering and raising hoods isn't seen by watch.

In the spirit of Laura Mars and ... anyone who had an idea. poundsignNauta. poundsignArmfortheplebs

As it stands, while watching a direction you only see movements.

You see movements and some actions and command emotes like "nod" and "wave" and etc, but you don't see people mount or dismount. You also don't see it when people speak - although sometimes you do. It's weird. Um... you also don't see it when people use the actual command "emote / :" and the like. Or hemote or semote. This has made me so angry since I use the watch command near constantly.
Also - while I think this isn't that bad, while there is a huge storm and you can only see one room - if you are say, watching east and someone is spamming the "wave" command emote you can see them doing that wave three rooms away instead of the one.

I hope this thread spurs a new love for the watch command, by the way. It may take away my advantage, but it'll make it harder for me to gut your pansy asses. ... and I know you'll like that.
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Love like God.

"Don't let life be your burden."
- Some guy, Twin Warriors

May 12, 2016, 09:22:29 AM #1 Last Edit: May 12, 2016, 09:58:26 AM by nauta
Yes!  I think the two things you point out are bugs/oversights -- they've certainly caused a bit of headscratching for me when, e.g., I can see a beetle curl up on the ground, but not see the person dismount, in the first case, or, in the second case, be able to see something three rooms away via watch even though I can't see anything but sands and they sting.

To sum-up:

1. Watch <direction> should return everything that someone in the room woud see (but not hear) if they were there -- so no hemotes, semotes, but emotes, command echoes, and says (without the content).  This is all with the proviso that the weather permits -- see #2.

2. Watch <direction> should be sensitive to the weather in the same way that look <direction> is sensitive to the weather.  (I think maybe watch <person> could be non-sensitive to the weather -- you are tracking that person in particular after all... but I'm on the fence there.)

To add a couple more (more wishlist variety):

3. Watch <room> or make scan hemote sensitive.  Hence, either 'watch room' would allow you to be sensitive to hemotes in the room (or bump the chances); or change scan so that it is sensitive to hemotes in the room.  Or both!

4. Watch <table|bed>.  If you are at a table or bed, you could be automatically more sensitive to hemotes at that table or bed.

5. Watch <bob> <george> <sam>.  For the threesomes and moresomes.  You'd have a higher chance of picking up the first person's hemotes, a lower chance of the 2nd, and lowest still of the third.

6. Move weather into the look output?  Heck, while we are at it, what if we had some weather information in the look output?  I know that I've sometimes done: look east and everything looks fine for three rooms, then I move east and BAM it's a big-ass storm and I can't even see in front of my face.  So, something like:

look east
West of here is Scoria Plains Edge
[Very far]
Nothing.  A harsh sandstorm fills the air.
Nothing. A harsh sandstorm fills the air.
Nothing. It is clear.

7. Bug with look <direction>.  If you are in a room with good weather next to two rooms with crappy weather, you can look in that direction is see more than you should.  For instance, if I'm on the Outer Circle near Allanak (which always has good weather), I can look west and see three leagues, even if immediately to my west its awful one-room-look weather.
as IF you didn't just have them unconscious, naked, and helpless in the street 4 minutes ago

-I love the watch table idea.
-not so much the watching multiple people. That can be defeated by "targeted" hemotes, I think. (which should totally be a thing) and after some thought, it could defeat the watch table thing too, I guess.

-watch direction /and/ weather? Hell yeah. I mean... why not?

- scan works really well. I wouldn't mind it being a hemote like watch and listen. No need for a "watch room" with scan. *wink-wink

Definitely coded oversights, the not seeing people mount, raise hoods and through storms. I'm just bringing them to light, to unhinder myself since I use watch so often. -except the storm thing, because it's saved some asses in the past, let me admit that.
Live like God.
Love like God.

"Don't let life be your burden."
- Some guy, Twin Warriors

I'd love some watch revamp and tweaks. Some watch thoughts:

I like being able to see emotes and people talking in the direction you're watching.

+123 on watch (and look) being weather sensitive.

I don't think scan needs more boosting, though I could get behind a "watch room" that gives a bonus to notice chances.

I think you shouldn't have to be "watch"ing someone to notice a hemote that targets you.

I don't think you should be able to watch a list of people.

I don't really have much thought on being able to watch tables, but I don't see why not.

If it doesn't already, watching someone should give a bonus to listen attempts on that person.
Former player as of 2/27/23, sending love.