Custom tattooist in HOK or Newbie Starter Rooms?

Started by IAmJacksOpinion, April 03, 2016, 04:26:10 PM

Okay, so you know how we have those custom tattooists where you can pick 3 words to get a custom tattoo? (E.g., "an ovular orange ox")

And you know how we have those PCs that work custom tattooes into their sdesc and mdescs? Except they never actually bother getting an actual tattoo item for their custom tattooes because they cost 300 sid a pop, which is usually about 1/3 of your newbie coins EACH?

Well, lets put a custom tattooist in the Hall of Kings or the newbie starting room, either for free or for a tokenly low cost (25-50 coins?) so that new PCs can arrive IG with their sdesc ink already on their character!

Quote from: musashiengaging in autoerotic asphyxiation is no excuse for sloppy grammer!!!