Code Suggestion - Hitting O in Main Menu

Started by Asmoth, March 21, 2016, 07:34:18 PM

It now currently only shows main guild.

Would be nice if it showed subguild options as well.
<19:14:06> "Bushranger": Why is it always about sex with animals with you Jihelu?
<19:14:13> "Jihelu": IT's not always /with/ animals

As subguilds become more and more tied to karma, yes, I would like this too.

I'm not sure if this will change since there are many more guild changes on the horizon, but for now I think psionicist is the only karma guild. Showing subguilds would be a lot more useful than showing guilds at this point.

Quote from: Beethoven on March 21, 2016, 07:45:55 PM
I'm not sure if this will change since there are many more guild changes on the horizon, but for now I think psionicist is the only karma guild. Showing subguilds would be a lot more useful than showing guilds at this point.

Half-giant and mul are also karma options for main guilds now. But yeah there are more subguilds now than main guilds - the "O" option on the login menu is sparse, with lots of blanks where things used to be and no longer exist. And you can't see any of your available subguild options.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

It might be easier codedly to just have 'O' (a) state what karma you have and (b) point people to:

(With an update on the new magickal subguilds...)

Dunno, just saying it might be easier to update a help file than fiddle with coding a dynamic options list at chargen prompt.
as IF you didn't just have them unconscious, naked, and helpless in the street 4 minutes ago

Quote from: nauta on March 21, 2016, 07:57:12 PM
It might be easier codedly to just have 'O' (a) state what karma you have and (b) point people to:

(With an update on the new magickal subguilds...)

Dunno, just saying it might be easier to update a help file than fiddle with coding a dynamic options list at chargen prompt.

1) That helpfile is now outdated.
2) I don't want to see it broken down by karma points. I want to see the ENTIRE list of options available to ME personally, given whatever amount of karma I happen to have at any given moment. In other words, I want to see the exact same thing I'd see in chargen, when it asks first to select your race, then to select your guild, and next to select your subguild. In that order. Listed by selection letter.
3) This isn't the chargen prompt. It's the main login screen.

Currently, this is what most people see:

You may:                    ~-       __--~`_    /   _-~         ~.     ~_
(C) Disconnect from character      -~        \     _~       ___,  \ ~-_  \
(L) List your characters         ,~ _-,       ~  _~         \   \  | , \ \ 
(V) Toggle ANSI/VT100 mode      / /~/      -~   /            ~  /  /  \~  \
(B) Toggle 'brief' menus        | | \     _~    |        __-~  / _/  \~  '\
(O) Show Race/Guild Options     \ ~-_~   -   |  _      ~-____-~ .~  \~    |
(P) Change account password     /`.  __~~   ~   `_          __-~   \~    \~
(D) Documentation menu          \_ ~~   .  |  .   ~-____--~~   \ \_~   _/~ 
(S) Stats of your character     /\___--~       ~--_      /   ____~ _/~~     
(E) Enter Zalanthas             \         /        ~~~___  /     _-\\~\     
(X) Exit Armageddon             /\       /                   _-\~\\~\\~\   
(?) Read menu options          / | \   \ | /    /         _-~ )\\~\\~\\~~\ 
                              { /\ \             /      _~ \  ~`~~\\~~\\~~\
Read the documentation        { |\     __ _           _-\   \  \\~~\\~~\\~~\
menu before creating your     | ||~_ /`    ~\  /    _/~  )   | |\\~~\\~~\\~~
character, please.            | ||  \|"""""""|_ __-~     ;   | |~\\~~\\~~\\~
                              \ \\  ({"""""""}\\        _~  /  /~~\\~~\\~~\\
Armageddon is OPEN.
Choose thy fate: You have the following options available for character creation:

Select a race:
a) Human                b) Elf                  c) Dwarf               
d)                      e) Half-elf             f)                     
g)                            h)                      i)                     
j)                      k)                      l) Desert-Elf           


Select a guild for your Human:
a)                      b) Burglar              c) Pick-pocket         
d) Warrior              e)                      f) Ranger               
g) Merchant             h) Assassin             i)                     
j)                      k)                      l)                     
m)                      n)                                 o)                     
p)                      q)                      r)                     

It's basically just a simple extraction of the guild/race group in your pfile. There's nothing preventing the coder from adding the subguild extraction to this list.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

Not to be needlessly contradictory but neither half-giant nor mul is a guild. I was referring to guilds and I do think psi is the only karma guild now.

Quote from: Beethoven on March 21, 2016, 08:18:53 PM
Not to be needlessly contradictory but neither half-giant nor mul is a guild. I was referring to guilds and I do think psi is the only karma guild now.

It's just confusing because when you type O, you DO get to see which races you can pick, and those choices are based on how much karma you have. So the total net result is you presently can see TWO sets of information: race and main guild. The third set, the set that is missing, is the subguild set.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

Yeah I know. I think we're on the same page here. My point was that the available guilds section is almost useless now anyway. You only see a change in it when you reach 8 karma. Might as well replace that list if it'd be easier than adding a third, because if you have 8 karma you will know by looking at the subguilds anyway.