
Started by dravage, March 11, 2016, 07:30:11 AM

This is just a niggly thing, but I can't help but feel 'think' could allow much more open 'thought' rather than only allowing for an adjective. For example:

> think (looking back on the first time she met him, the smell of the food in the room) We'll never have that again. Never.

> think (recalling the stabbing pain in his right knee) Definitely the worst wound I've had in battle.

> think (feeling queezy) Don't feel so good...

The human vagabond steps forward, blocking a filthy grey rat from the curtain.
The human vagabond says, in sirihish:
     "You're not allowed in there."

With some creative wording when using the think command, I think you can achieve what you're looking for?

>think (a hint of nostalgia as you recall the smell of the food in the room the first time you met the green-eyed woman) We'll never have that again.  Never.
Feeling a hint of nostalgia as you recall the smell of the food in the room the first time you met the green-eyed woman, you think:
We'll never have that again.  Never.

>think (a vivid recollection of the stabbing pain in your right knee) Definitely the worst wound I've had in battle.
Feeling a vivid recollection of the stabbing pain in your right knee, you think:
Definitely the worst wound I've had in battle.

>think (queasy) Don't feel so good.
Feeling queasy, you think:
Don't feel so good.

I guess it's the use of 2nd person which is frustrating. Your examples are definitely feasible! Guess I'll just have to learn :D
The human vagabond steps forward, blocking a filthy grey rat from the curtain.
The human vagabond says, in sirihish:
     "You're not allowed in there."

Also, try sleeping and use think... it echoes as a dream.

Good stuff for when you're konked out recovering from a wound or on the receiving end of an unexpected tok-pile of damage and left unconscious.  Great way to reflect on the meaning of life for your character while you're staring at the screen and waiting for the mantis head.

Quote from: BadSkeelz
Ah well you should just kill those PCs. They're not worth the time of plotting creatively against.

Quote from: whitt on March 11, 2016, 09:37:15 AM
Also, try sleeping and use think... it echoes as a dream.

Good stuff for when you're konked out recovering from a wound or on the receiving end of an unexpected tok-pile of damage and left unconscious.  Great way to reflect on the meaning of life for your character while you're staring at the screen and waiting for the mantis head.


Oh wow, interesting! Do you just enter it like a normal thought or do you enter an editor of some kind?
The human vagabond steps forward, blocking a filthy grey rat from the curtain.
The human vagabond says, in sirihish:
     "You're not allowed in there."

You just use think command when sleeping and it will say, "You dream [...:]".
i love being a nobles health points

This is why I wish there was an "imagine" option.  Instead of "feeling a vivid impression" you could just "imagine" and the only thing it would do is swap out the word "feeling" for "imagining."

I work around it all the time, but I find it pretty clunky.
Former player as of 2/27/23, sending love.

I also find the tense/syntax switch a little hard to fit into my flow.  I will sometimes do what I do with the way:

think *amusement* That's a really shitty top she's wearing.

I wish you could include objects in your feels.  I kind of wish 'feel' were just 'femote' like this:

femote feels %bald salty breath seeping under ^me skin and an irresistible urge to kill rising at the back of ^me throat.
as IF you didn't just have them unconscious, naked, and helpless in the street 4 minutes ago

feel an amusing memory come back to the fore... that dwarf who did that strange thing

feel events from a troubled past come rushing back, stepping on Malik's fingers as he clung to the shield wall

feel the teeth-clenching trauma of some past event returning: kill figure killed the wrong figure
The neat, clean-shaven man sends you a telepathic message:
     "I tried hairy...Im sorry"

For reasons, I don't like putting information that should be in thinks, in feels. Instead I would split them up. To each your own but this is how I personally try to do it:

think (amused at a memory) Ha, that one time that dwarf did that strange thing.

think (troubled) Sometimes I can still see that moment when I stepped on Malik's fingers.

think (his teeth clench) Shit, I wish I hadn't killed that man.

I also treat feels the same way emotes are treated - I use "his/hers" rather than "you/yours".

I have a bad habit of mixing my thinks into feels.

Instead of.

think I don't like the sound of that.

I do.

feel like you don't like the sound of that.
Now you're looking for the secret. But you won't find it because of course, you're not really looking. You don't really want to work it out. You want to be fooled.

Is it a bad habit? Often it feels better to write it that way.

think (worried) I don't like the sound of that.

I'd hesitate to call it a bad habit, but I'd call it a less ideal one?

I feel like there used to be a note somewhere that said you shouldn't use people's names or descriptions or literal imagery or something in "feel"s, but I can't find it now.  Am I crazy?  It always made me kinda hesitant with using feel.  Was this retracted?
Quote from: Lizzie on February 10, 2016, 09:37:57 PM
You know I think if James simply retitled his thread "Cheese" and apologized for his first post being off-topic, all problems would be solved.

Well I don't see why that would make you hesitant. Just operate by the "show, don't tell" rules when using feel.

>feel confused

is fine. You don't need to explain WHY you are confused. That is what think is for.

March 11, 2016, 03:13:29 PM #15 Last Edit: March 11, 2016, 03:16:16 PM by Delirium
Read the Grey Hunt log to see how it looks syntax-wise for an outside observer and I think (har har) you will understand why I use it the way I do:

My opinion has changed over the years, I used to be a lot more free form with it.

Not saying my way is the highway, but this is definitely what I prefer after having seen logs like this and considering how it appears syntax wise - and the dubious realism of being able to essentially broadcast your thoughts via a feel command. I think it's best to keep them split up between actual thoughts and actual feelings.

Feelings I view as more hazy and instinctual, thoughts as more detailed and complex.

I would like to split up think and feel more distinctly because I know they should be separate, but since not all thoughts are as strictly verbal as the think command requires, feel really does work better for a lot of thoughts.

In real life, I think the only time I think in coherent sentences, is when I've been spending too much time in Mud. Then even my actions are accompanied by an internal command.  :(
Or maybe I don't think when I'm acting normal.

I use feel/think in whatever way strikes me as entertaining or interesting in the moment. They don't need to be separate. Human thought is WAY more complex than code lets on.