City hide (master) Wilderness hide (novice)

Started by Harmless, February 04, 2016, 12:58:30 AM

Should hide and sneak be split into separate skills with their own skillcaps/gains for those PCs who can hide/sneak in both?

No. Leave it all as it is.
Split 'hide': Divide hide into city/wilderness versions.
Split 'both': Yes, divide hide AND sneak into city/wilderness versions.
Split 'sneak': Split sneak into wilderness/city versions but leave hide alone.
Other, explain.
I'm trying to see the otherside of this, really I am. But I fail to see the problem. I hunt in real life and I feel like there's a huge difference in learning to walk without sound, downwind, and trudge along at that pace for miles and sneaking, sulking, hanging back in the crowd, making yourself as inconspicuous as possible. I see a big difference between painting yourself up, covering your scent, and lying motionless for hours and being able to blend in with the crowd or stand in a corner shadow without sticking out like a sore thumb.

The only change I for see from splitting the skills, and please I'm more than willing to listen to the disagreement, is that you wouldn't get good sneaking in the desert by practicing in the city and vica versa.
Quote from: fourTwenty on June 11, 2007, 08:08:00 PM
Quote from: Rievroleplay damn well(I assume Kazi and fourTwenty are completely different from each other)

Did you just call one of us a dick?

While I could see that, there would be some carry over. I know whenever I'm playing a dual-terrain sneak, I try to RP that out, but I'm not going to go sneaking far out into the desert until I'm pretty durned good at it. Far as I can tell, unless you have dual terrain, you have to go out into the desert to practice if it's sand sneak, or if it's city sneak, in the city. Certain concepts would overlap however... which you could apply to the other. Concepts like misdirection, cover, camouflage for the appropriate environment, would carry over. Even city sneaks have to blend with the environment when there's not much in the way of crowds in the street. Obstacles, distractions like thrown sand, feigning surprise at something behind your enemy, blindspots, moving quietly, shuffling tracks to leave deceptive hints of where you're headed, a sweeping step to move caltrops out from underfoot in the darkness, these could be applied to both.

I mean, I don't think you should never walk out in the sands, but I think seperating them is a bit more extreme than leaving it up to the player's discretion.
Quote from: Nyr
Dead elves can ride wheeled ladders just fine.
Quote from: bcw81
"You can never have your mountainhome because you can't grow a beard."
~Tektolnes to Thrain Ironsword

They definitely should be separate, just like slashing and piercing are separate.  As far as I've read in past threads it's just a limitation in the code.

I'd love to see more limitations placed on hide/sneak in general.  Much slower movement while hidden, reduced look distance, inhibited scan, popping out of 'hidden' if you get an Alas, you cannot go that way.
The neat, clean-shaven man sends you a telepathic message:
     "I tried hairy...Im sorry"

Just like piercing and stabbing are seperate, which, good luck finding a stabbing sparring weapon these days. If you have to ask why that's a problem, you spar too much.
Quote from: Nyr
Dead elves can ride wheeled ladders just fine.
Quote from: bcw81
"You can never have your mountainhome because you can't grow a beard."
~Tektolnes to Thrain Ironsword