Do the work, Instead of just say I wish.

Started by Asmoth, January 17, 2016, 03:58:34 PM

As an offshoot to the decaying skins/pelts/hides etc.

I got to thinking, it's all fine and good to say, hey this should be this way!

But really it doesn't do us much good at actually making it a reality.

What does it take to make this change happen?

A bit of coding and we can't really help with that.

So what can we help with?

The description changes to the various rotted flesh of long dead animals.

While this may just be pissing in the wind, at least if the staff does adopt to take some type of change, maybe they will pull from what the players have submitted versus having to spend all the time throwing a builder on making descriptions up for rotted hides.

So here is my first entry, hope you guys join in and help, and maybe it will be the push to make it actually happen.

a tan strip of hide
a brittle, tan strip of hide.
New Description:
This used to be a viable strip of tan-colored hide from a chalton.  However, due to either time, improper storage or neglect, it now is hard and brittle to the touch, losing whatever value it used to have.

a rough brown hide
a smelly, brown hide
New Description:
What once perhaps was a nice pelt has been reduced to a mass of smell, damp hide that tears easily.  It appears that the viscera wasn't removed properly and due to that has caused rot to spread and make this unusable.

<19:14:06> "Bushranger": Why is it always about sex with animals with you Jihelu?
<19:14:13> "Jihelu": IT's not always /with/ animals

It's probably better to wait until a staff member actually calls for submissions of this nature.

You'll note that when the food decay code went in, there was no submission call for descriptions of decayed food items.  Currently, rotting food objects do not have a description change at all, they just have the word "spoiled" added to their short description.  That suggests to me that there is no code in place to change the main description of a rotted food object.

Your efforts, and the efforts of anyone you convince to join you in writing descriptions of rotted objects, could very well be in vain, even if an Armageddon coder does decide to implement decay for other object types in the game.
Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

Lol pelt rotting.

When merchants get looked at on a whole with their skills, then maybe. But not before. Playability > super-realism, especially when there's playability issues at the core of this change that would become even worse.
Be gentle. I had a Nyr brush with death that I'm still getting over.