IDEA: Announcements on the Main Webpage

Started by nauta, November 23, 2015, 08:54:23 AM

What if we put all those cool staff announcements on the main webpage (as well)?

I could just be the freak here, but it took me about three months to realize the gdb was here, and probably another few months after that to realize it was more than just nerds chatting about Fallout, but a useful part of the game (clan boards and staff announcements). IG when asked to join a clan via the ooc channel, I've overhead at least two people say they don't / refuse to use the gdb.  So, I have a hunch there's people out.

In general, the more we can put up on the main webpage under 'What's New?' the better is the position I'm staking here.

o Player-driven RPT Announcements

o Role Calls

o Updates

o Staff Announcements

o (Controversial) The Allanaki Rumour Board

o (Controversial) New Sponsored Roles (e.g., when fulfilled: two new Borsail nobles will enter the public sphere soon.)
as IF you didn't just have them unconscious, naked, and helpless in the street 4 minutes ago

An addendum:

I like what Nergal is doing over at topmudsites and mudconnect (or one or the other, I forget): he's announcing RPTs and things like that.

Related to this: if players are considering a MUD (or considering returning to a MUD), having /quality/ chatter up on an 'Announcements' page, easily accessibly from the links from TMS/TMC would maybe have some benefit.

Right now, people go to the main page, and they get 'News' which is mostly just code-related things (which is great); but maybe slipping in other announcements (a la the original post above)... or having a separate tab.
as IF you didn't just have them unconscious, naked, and helpless in the street 4 minutes ago