Magickers and Their Role and Opportunities

Started by wizturbo, October 20, 2015, 07:42:23 PM

Quote from: Marauder Moe on November 17, 2015, 01:54:17 PM
For a lot of that stuff, I feel you can and should find out IG.

I do agree with needing more clarification in regards to the law, though.  I've been surprised a lot by what does and doesn't trigger crimcode in the quarter.

Not sure about the can, maybe the should for some of them, but...

You can't find out how 1,2,3, or 4 are supposed to be IG.  Except, perhaps, by observing other PC gemmed.  Given those gemmed are likely making everything up as they go along because, you can't find out how 1,2,3, or 4 are supposed to be IG?  It's all pretty much hearsay and guesswork as the gemmed or maybe an enterprising Templar try to create a culture.  Even then, that culture will fade almost as fast as the PC, because there is nothing documented and certainly nothing stamping it as "the way it is".

So +1 to a little documentation sent the way of the gemmed, sort of "what your new life is like in the Gemmed Quarter and the temples".

I wouldn't want the docs to be public. Maybe given on request to players of gemmed, especially if the concept is that they had lived in the quarter for a long time.
Useful tips: Commands |  |Storytelling:  1  2

Possible solution for documentation for char-gen-gemmed (and would also work for any options selected in the hall of kings, even mundane non-magicks):

When the player opts to get the gem in the HOK/pre-game area, they get a 2-paragraph blurb about what it "means" to be gemmed in Allanak. Also the game would recognize their element in HOK, not just in game, and would give them a single sentence giving directions from the Gaj to their temple (since someone who was already gemmed, would know by now where their temple is). Example:

>buy #4

>You are about to buy a gem. You understand your character is allowed to work on his/her magick within
his/her temple. The temples are semi-safe constructs within the elementalist quarter, where mages are segregated
by their element. However, there is a covered plaza in the northwest corner, in which the public is allowed to
congregate. You are likely to find other mages there, socializing and working on non-magick tasks in each
others' company. While there are natural clashes of elements, such as vivadu (water) and krath (fire), gemmed
mages have learned throughout the kings' ages to tolerate each other and to some extent, work together to do
the Highlords' bidding through the commands of His templarate.

>Do "discuss" with the various NPCs in the entries of each temple you can access, to see if they have any
tips for you.  As you come with only your starting six spells at the lowest power, it can be assumed you have
only recently begun attempting to access your spells, and therefore are not practiced in them even if your
character has been educated on their use.

>You may find the following help files useful: magick power reach mood sphere. In addition, you can
access your specific spell helpfiles as they show up on your skills list; remember to preface the spell name
with the word "spell."

help spell magick missile help spell banhammer of doom

>From the Gaj, turn east til the crossroads. Up the main road, Vivadu's Way. Then go until you reach
the green-haired mischief, turn right, then left, then up the hill to grandmother's house. Your temple
is in the basement.

>The towheaded cerulean-eyed toddler throws you a dull black gem from her mother's hip.

Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.