Kadian Family Member role available

Started by ashyom, September 30, 2003, 07:21:32 PM

Looking for someone who's interested in playing a Kadian family member.

This role...
-Will primarily be based in the north, but am also open to having a kadian in south.
-Will pprobably be primarily a merchant, dabbling in other tasks
-Will require patience both IC and OOC - particularly with clients.
-RP skills
-Requires a relatively good understanding of politics in whichever city you're to be based in.

Many may apply, few will be accepted.  If you're interested, please email me at ashyom@ginka.armageddon.org (and cc the mud) with whatever questions you might have.  Please include:  Your account name, your gdb name, whether you currently have a character or not, and any other pertinent information you want me to know about.

Applications are being accepted for Kadian House again.
Either North or South are acceptable.  Previous post's requests still apply.

If you haven't played a special app role, don't let that stop you from sending me an email to ask about it.

Merchant Role Available for Northern Kadius - human only.

This role is somewhat stressful initially while the player acclimates him/herself to the role.  But in my experience, after a couple weeks. s/he settles in beautifully.  It does take some OOC and IC patience for a variety of reasons -- I'd be happy to elaborate in an email.

You do not need a good understanding of politics, though some diplomacy is good. ;)  Some basic math knowledge is also good - heh.

What I do definitely need is: whoever is interested should be able and willing to commit to few to several RL weeks in this role.

Ashyom@armageddon.org, gilvar@armageddon.org, and mud@armageddon.org

Kadian roles are open again.  Previous requisites still apply.
We are looking for both Northern and Southern roles.

Email Ashyom@armageddon.org & Sanura@armageddon.org

Bumping the thread up.
We are looking for a Southern Kadian Family Member.
Requisites posted previously still apply.
Mail Ashyom@armageddon.org & sanura@armageddon.org


We are looking for a kadian family member to supplement the current player in the south.  Previous restrictions apply.

We are looking for candidates for the South, and possibly North as well. Previous prequisites apply.

Please email:  Ashyom@armageddon.org, karianna@armageddon.org and vanth@armageddon.org with your account name, your gdb name, whether you currently have a character or not, and any other pertinent information you want us to know about.