Haggle sell offer goes...backwards?

Started by JackGibbons, June 12, 2015, 12:21:55 PM

Has anyone else noticed a bug along these lines?

First, suppose a character that actually has the ability to haggle.


offer widget
X says I will give you 43 coins for a shiny widget


offer widget 47
X says I will give you 37 coins for a shiny widget

Trying to ask for more money means he gives you less than when you didn't even try to haggle.
> who

There are 0 visible Immortals currently in the world.

There are 0 players currently in the world, other than yourself.

"Only the Lonely" - Roy Orbison

Yes. Haggle has been acting strangely. When I would normally expect it to go up, it stays in the same place or goes down.

By trying for a higher offer you are, in fact, trying to haggle.  And doing it poorly enough to make him angry.
Former player as of 2/27/23, sending love.

The behavior of haggle definitely seems to have changed, though.

It's a bit confusing, unless I'm somehow completely mis-remembering the last time I had a character with haggle.

This is a bug that results from trying to haggle over damaged or dirty items. If your item is damaged or dirty, do not try to haggle over it. Your haggle skill will be used to actively make you less money (it's not a failure when they offer less, it's actually a success).

You're right. It's a damaged item.

Okay, that explains why I wasn't seeing it all the time. Thanks!
> who

There are 0 visible Immortals currently in the world.

There are 0 players currently in the world, other than yourself.

"Only the Lonely" - Roy Orbison

Yeah, this bug has been around for years.  I just use the "offer" command and then immediately close the deal when it comes to dirty and damaged items.
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A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

Huh I never thought of it as a bug. I thought it was intentional. I mean think about it - you bring some piece of shit nasty smelly damaged crap to someone and say you want more than he originally offered to pay for it. So he says "you know what? Fuck you. I rescind my original offer, and now offer you LESS."
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

Quote from: Lizzie on June 12, 2015, 03:57:51 PM
Huh I never thought of it as a bug. I thought it was intentional. I mean think about it - you bring some piece of shit nasty smelly damaged crap to someone and say you want more than he originally offered to pay for it. So he says "you know what? Fuck you. I rescind my original offer, and now offer you LESS."

It's a bug. The price only lowers if you're successful at your haggling. If you fail, they don't lower it.

I bugged this in-game and a staff member told me it wasn't a bug, it was just the shopkeeper playing hardball.
The neat, clean-shaven man sends you a telepathic message:
     "I tried hairy...Im sorry"

Quote from: Narf on June 12, 2015, 03:59:11 PM
Quote from: Lizzie on June 12, 2015, 03:57:51 PM
Huh I never thought of it as a bug. I thought it was intentional. I mean think about it - you bring some piece of shit nasty smelly damaged crap to someone and say you want more than he originally offered to pay for it. So he says "you know what? Fuck you. I rescind my original offer, and now offer you LESS."

It's a bug. The price only lowers if you're successful at your haggling. If you fail, they don't lower it.

It would have to actually be coded to do that. It's not something code would do by mistake.

As Codemaster said - it's the merchant playing hardball.

You succeeded a skill-check, and it pissed off the merchant.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

Yes, but I thought pissed off merchants simply refuse to lower their prices further, not that they say 'forget what I just said about taking it for 35, now I'll only give 12 in compensation for you having the gall to ask for 37'.
Have you seen them do this behavior on items that weren't damaged or dirty?
> who

There are 0 visible Immortals currently in the world.

There are 0 players currently in the world, other than yourself.

"Only the Lonely" - Roy Orbison

It isn't based on a successful skill check.

Any time you use 'offer' even without attempting to haggle, the price of a dirty/bloodied/whatever object will go down.  It's an automatically coded thing that has nothing to do with whether you have the 'haggle' skill or not.
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