Calling all Bor-Fale

Started by Brokkr, April 25, 2015, 05:27:29 PM

Linked Events

April 25, 2015, 05:27:29 PM Last Edit: April 30, 2015, 02:13:58 PM by Talia
Tek was totally in his tower creating the perfect noble for us, the Bor-Fale, when suddenly things were totally like:

Oopsie!  In light of this, we need both a Borsail and a Fale.

You grew up surrounded by opulence, wealth, and privilege in Allanak.  You've had the best comforts the city can provide, and servants to see to your every whim.  You've had a nice, comfy life, free from the distractions and dangers outside your estate.  And then, let me remind you, things were like:

And suddenly you were thrust into the public life.  Told things would be...interesting.

  • If you are applying as a Borsail, recall that within the last King's Age your family was very nearly destroyed in a catastrophe during an attack on Allanak. Your character would likely not have been alive during this event, but it has certainly left its mark on the family legacy. Living out of estates in the Merchant's Quarter (but looking forwards to moving back into the Noble Quarter), Borsails strive to remain deserving of their status as Premier House, while trying to recover from their family's disastrous losses. Borsail remains the richest and most influential family in Allanak; what your character can accomplish with such advantages is up to you.
  • If you are applying as a Fale, please keep in mind that your character is still a noble of Allanak and expected to behave like one. While some eccentricism and foppishness are certainly in character for Fale, concepts that are too silly will likely not be chosen for the role. Your servants, of course, have no such restriction, so you may feel free to build a retinue for your amusement and that of your peers! As a mid-tier House, Fale is seen somewhat less haughty than Borsail or Oash, but no less conniving.

Applicants should be able to:

  • commit to playing actively
  • have a familiarity with Allanaki society, culture, and politics
  • be self-starters with passion and energy for their roles
  • be willing to play a political role, engaged in politics

In your application, please describe why you feel we should choose you based on the criteria above, and include a proposed character name, description, guild/subguild, a brief background/concept, and proposed ideas/plans for your noble. Got questions? First, check out the helpfile for Sponsored Roles and the documentation on Allanak and its noble Houses, and then feel free to ask in your request or on the GDB as appropriate.

Applications are due in the request tool no later than Friday, May 1 at 12 pm EST.


Starting immediately, we are changing the way we take applications for southern noble roles. We will now be putting players on an interest list for future roles, with their preferred houses for play noted. This means that even if you do not want to play a southern noble right now, if you are interested in playing one in the future you may submit a Role Application to the house of your choice (Borsail, Oash, Tor, or Fale); and just let us know whether you've got immediate or future interest.

We are hoping that this will help us to keep southern noble roles more consistently filled (as we will just be able to tap players from the list), reduce down time where we have fewer nobles in Allanak, and be able to catch interested players when they are in between roles rather than missing them.

The total number of nobles in play in Allanak is planned to be 6 to 8 at this time.

Accordingly, I am extending this role interest call until midnight server time on Sunday, May 3rd.
Quote from: Decameron on September 16, 2010, 04:47:50 PM
Character: "I've been working on building a new barracks for some tim-"
NPC: "Yeah, that fell through, sucks but YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIREEE!! FIRE-KANKS!!"

This is now closed, thank you to all for applying!
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