Play in Rinth

Started by nauta, January 26, 2015, 11:55:47 AM

Quote from: yousuff on January 26, 2015, 03:22:53 PM
Quote from: HavokBlue on January 26, 2015, 03:06:33 PM
I've been randomly sapped and/or blood burn backstabbed in the Rinth several times. Just hours after chargen, on occasion.
git gud skrub I don't think I've ever had that happen to me before. Maybe you were on the wrong side of town?

I've had elven PCs randomly assaulted by other elven PCs in the eastside, and human PCs assaulted by other human PCs in the westside before they'd ever interacted with another PC.

I've also had relatively successful rinthi PCs, including one that managed to assume control of a westside gang within about a week of chargen. I love the rinth, it was what sold me on Armageddon. I just don't always love the mindset of some of the people there, or the way the reality of that part of the game does not reflect the documentation, or that there is no option for elven PCs to join a clan.
All the world will be your enemy. When they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you; digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed.

Every time I've played in the Rinth, people have gone out of their way to both:

A) Make me know that I'd get fucked up if I fucked up, and

B) Make me know that I'd be taken care of (as in, given chances to make money and be protected) if I got in good with the right people.

In other words, exactly as it should be. Kudos to those people.
It is said that things coming in through the gate can never be your own treasures. What is gained from external circumstances will perish in the end.
- the Mumonkan

I think the elven thing is a glaring problem. One of these days I'mma do an elven family rolecall for a virtual tribe in the labyrinth and work on getting it coded. In all honesty, I think the best way of going about this would be rolling a merchant and mastercrafting a unique tent and claim some territory for your tribe. Might be interesting ;)

January 26, 2015, 04:04:36 PM #28 Last Edit: January 26, 2015, 04:06:20 PM by CodeMaster
Quote from: nauta on January 26, 2015, 02:05:18 PM
Quote from: HavokBlue on January 26, 2015, 01:48:01 PM
Jaxa Pah when

I actually had:

(b) a non-Guild clan

But erased it, because (1) I love city elves, buuuuuuut I assumed people would derail into another city elves thread and (2) in the end, the rinth doesn't really need a coded clan, period, in my view.  Gangs come and go, and it works out naturally somehow without any coded whatever.  The one thing that is needed is that clan to interface with the templars / southsiders, and that, I guess, is precisely the job of the Guild.

I do think:

(c) A save room eastside would be nice - no locked doors or anything, but a way of keeping rinthers inside the rinth instead of having to go southside to store whatever crappy crap they accumulate.  Plus, the save rooms generate plots: protecting them and shaking people down from stealing from them.

I think Jaxa Pah and city elven tribes that recruit is a fraught concept - these are powerful and influential tribes (per the docs), but they want[ed] "surrogate" family members for some reason... really, why would such a group interact with outsiders except to exploit them?

(But I too fear this thread becoming a city elf thread, so let's just let them be the misfit children of Zalanthas and leave that for another one of those threads.)

Regarding nauta's (b) -- I feel like most of the available clans represent the Zalanthan "elite" (the 'rinth included).  I would love to see an open clan in the 'rinth that wasn't necessarily a Zalanthan superpower:

- A ragtag group of spice couriers
- an Oliver Twist-style crew of pickpockets
- Fencing and counterfeiting
- the cooks who turn any one of the tavern's dubious "ingredients" into something that looks edible
- Dirty deeds done dirt cheap

These entities certainly exist virtually, and the Guild probably keeps tabs on all of them.  Some of them might not even care if you're an elf or a dwarf or whatever.

(c) would be nice too, if it doesn't already exist somewhere.  A couple save rooms described as garbage heaps where you could use the bury code would be cool.  "Hideouts" for the aforementioned clans consisting of a single save room with few if any amenities.  Although part of 'rinthi culture is, I guess, keeping almost everything you own on your back.
The neat, clean-shaven man sends you a telepathic message:
     "I tried hairy...Im sorry"

Love the rinth, would play again 10 out of 10.

Will play again when....

Can't say more.
"Commander, I always used to consider that you had a definite anti-authoritarian streak in you."
"It seems that you have managed to retain this even though you are authority."
"That's practically zen."
― Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay

January 26, 2015, 05:24:38 PM #30 Last Edit: January 26, 2015, 05:54:07 PM by nauta
Quote from: wizturbo on January 26, 2015, 02:11:13 PM
I've never played a 'rinthi origin character, although I've been tempted to try one... I've avoided it mainly because of the following reasons:

  • Isolation from the rest of the player base

  • (Perceived) Lack of clan options/support - not many options in the 'rinth, and being from there limits clan options outside the 'rinth.  If I was a veteran 'rinthi player I wouldn't feel the need for a clan, but I don't like learning the ropes of an area as an independent.

  • PK/PvP stress - I like this sort of thing, but I don't like it 24/7.  I invest a fair amount of thought into my character concepts, I don't mind if they die, but I get annoyed if they die because I went afk to grab a drink for 5 seconds and someone seized that opportunity to stab me.  Yes, I know MOST players aren't going to do something lame like that.  But the concern about that will eat at me. Perhaps certain guild options can resolve this, if I feel like playing them/skilling them up.

(a) The rinth is far less isolating (due to its proximity to Nak) than, say, every other place except Nak (afaik), but there definitely is a lot of solo RP time if you want to play someone who plays in the rinth 24/7.  There are definitely lows where it can seem like you are the only PC around, but stick it out: they'll come out of the shadows eventually, and especially if you start murdering a few kids, hehe.
(b) I'm a newb and I figured out how to not die (after, um, my second or third PC) by just (1) not being a douche to the current PCs or NPCs and (2) lots of time just walking around getting to know the place, mapping it out.  I don't want to give anything away, but there are bad spots, so you will need to have someone take you under a wing eventually.  But the bad spots are pretty obvious.

I do agree that new rinth PCs might get bored... One reason I started this thread is that I was asked by staff when I sent in a PC report a long time ago if there were suggestions I had on the rinth.  One idea I had at the time was to have an "NPC hunting zone" with things like rats - something for people to do in their off hours like hunters get that isn't straight up twinking or just RP bizarre (killing kids, yeah!) 

(c) I can't reveal too much but let's just say you can survive a long time unhidden, weaponless and armorless. There is, to be sure, the stresses (just like a wilderness setting), but I think a lot of the PCs recognized the difference between a PC that wanted to RP and a twink PC that wanted to get cut down mercilessly. I do remember feeling something missing when I started playing a non-rinther city-bound PC - namely, the constant fear of getting ganked.  And, yeah, attacking someone AFK is a douche move.

as IF you didn't just have them unconscious, naked, and helpless in the street 4 minutes ago

I've never played in the Rinth.  Sometimes I'm tempted, but I'm worried there will be no one else playing there and I will be bored to tears.  If I'm going to do a Rinthi, it's not going to be one that comes Southside to hang out in the bars all the time.

I came very close one time.  I had an extended subguild application in and then someone I knew let it slip that they were playing up there, so I had to cancel it.  Now I have three other concepts I want to play more.  Maybe some year.
Former player as of 2/27/23, sending love.

Quote from: valeria on January 26, 2015, 05:34:53 PM
I've never played in the Rinth.  Sometimes I'm tempted, but I'm worried there will be no one else playing there and I will be bored to tears.  If I'm going to do a Rinthi, it's not going to be one that comes Southside to hang out in the bars all the time.

I came very close one time.  I had an extended subguild application in and then someone I knew let it slip that they were playing up there, so I had to cancel it.  Now I have three other concepts I want to play more.  Maybe some year.

The rinth is actually one of the only places I don't mind playing by myself. The virtual environment is both codedly and descriptively so much more alive than the rest of the world that spending a few days by yourself isn't really all that bad.

I love playing in the rinth.  "THUG LIFE".
Quote from MeTekillot
Samos the salter never goes to jail! Hahaha!