Started by Darmon, January 23, 2015, 01:46:09 PM

I am looking for someone that has a pretty good handle on CMUD. I know how to use the basics but I wanted to get better with it. If anyone thinks they can help can you please send me a message?

Otherwise I'll start out slow and ask a question at a time. Like what is the difference between a macro and an alias. I use macros to do things like hit 'F1' to draw sword. Is an alias where you can type in something short to make it do a longer command? I.E. If I wanted to 'draw sword' I alias it to 'ds'?

Yes, that's what an alias is. For what it's worth, Armageddon has built-in functionality for aliases too:
But cMud and other MUD clients theoretically have the capability to have an infinite amount of aliases.

Hey, Darmon. I've only used CMUD briefly, but I can tell you that those terms mean the same things on other client's I'm more familiar with.

A "macro" is a hotkey that means it will send any text you want when you press a button. So you tap a button and it puts in the text AND hits enter.
An "alias" is another way to type in a command, but you still have to type it and hit enter yourself.

Generally you have few macros, since you have few distinct buttons on your keyboard that aren't already assigned. You could go crazy and make yourself a bar of macros for F1-F10, then shift-F1 through shift-F10, and alt-F1 through alt-F10 like this is WoW or LOTR or something, but that's kinda crazy if you ask me.

Instead you might use an alias. For example, if you had a scimitar on your hip, you currently have to type in 'draw scimitar' to get it out of a sheath. You can also get fancy, e.g. draw scimitar (with a flourish, a harsh rasping sound as the bone leaves its holster) blah blah. Now again, you could make a macro to send those words, but then you'd have to make yourself a chart or remember what each button does, and since it works immediately without hitting enter, you'd have to be really sure you didn't accidentally tap the wrong button. But as an alias, you could either set one up in CMUD called, say, 'ds', and now when you type in 'ds' to the input box, instead of sending 'ds' on to Armageddon, CMUD checks it and sees that you've made it an alias, and it sends "draw scimitar (with a flourish, a harsh rasping sound as the bone leaves its holster)" to Armageddon, which saves you a lot of typing. You can also ignore CMUD's alias system by not writing any and send 'ds' straight on to Armageddon. This is because Armageddon now has a feature that will check your text against a list of aliases that you've set up. Basically the only difference is whether you're more comfortable reading the CMUD manual for how to make an alias, or reading the ARM help page for how to make an alias.

I hope that helps clarify things. I don't use ARM's alias system since I'm comfortable with my client and just do it there. One perk to doing it in-game, though, is that you can't lose your settings. You can log on from anywhere without having to transfer your CMUD world file since they're stored on the game server.
> who

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"Only the Lonely" - Roy Orbison

Triggers. I tried using CMUD trigger to detect when a weapon is knocked out of my hand. To have me pick it up right away. I selected text from the end of the action where is says something like "... is deftly knocked from your hand." or whatever. I linked that to a trigger but it didnt work to grab my weapon. Any idea what I might be doing wrong?

Also IC someone told me when you reach and grab a weapon you are very vulnerable? Can anyone confirm this code wise?