
Started by creeper386, December 30, 2014, 08:35:29 PM

So, I'm not sure where to put this, but since it's about code I guess thats why I'm trying here.

Count ... How does it work? Helpfiles say count object container ... No matter what I do I get "Count the <object> in what?"

Is this broken? Am I doing it wrong and the helpfile needs to be updated? Does this only work on some containers? Worn containers, in inventory etc?
21sters Unite!

Works with containers held or on the ground.  Not Worn.
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What Barsook said. This works on items in a room... Without a container it gives information about your inventory... The only containers this doesn't work on are containers you are wearing. Personally, I think that needs to be fixed.
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Alternative is to use

"key stone <container>"

and it will enumerate all of the stone items in the container - the last number telling you how many there are.  This works on containers that are worn.
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     "I tried hairy...Im sorry"

Ahh thanks. I thought for sure I tried count with something in inventory with same result but I guess it was all being worn. Yeah. That's frustrating. At least update the helpfile with that information if it can't be fixed/while being fixed.

That's CodeMaster I'll try that.
21sters Unite!

You can also Key . container and that will show everything.
Quote from MeTekillot
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Quote from: creeper386 on December 30, 2014, 11:46:59 PM
Ahh thanks. I thought for sure I tried count with something in inventory with same result but I guess it was all being worn. Yeah. That's frustrating. At least update the helpfile with that information if it can't be fixed/while being fixed.

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