IDEA: Stamp items!

Started by Fujikoma, December 07, 2014, 11:34:26 AM

December 07, 2014, 11:34:26 AM Last Edit: December 07, 2014, 01:37:16 PM by Fujikoma
Ok, hear me out on this, it's going to seem frivolous at first but I think it would be cool as heck. Mastercrafted "stamp" items. Depending on the skill involved these could take different forms, but would, of course, require a mastercraft submission for that particular craft skill for the stamp item. When held or wielded, besides giving a small bonus to the skill, when a crafter finishes crafting any item of that particular crafting skill, it would then stamp the item, tacking on an extra line or two of personalized text to the mdesc of that item, like a worn, embroidered leather patch for clothing, or maybe an inscription of a symbol of Nilaz on a sword. I think this would be neat as HECK, and could be as limited or widespread as the crafter in question wanted them to be. Old stamps of significance might carry great value, perhaps have superstitions surrounding the powers of the symbol, and be irreplaceable, and, with the tool wear-code, could fade into obscurity in time, whereas others might be used to just stamp out subversive images on sheets of paper to be scattered to whira from the rooftops, into the streets below.

I see a lot of potential and  would like to know what others think.

EDIT: Ok, so perhaps my examples weren't clear, here's what I'm envisioning: master woodcrafter decides they don't like Lord Fanceypants Oash and decides to strike back, in the only way he's able, by making crude representations of him. If he's the first to do it, he would have to first mastercraft a set of flyers from a plank of wood or a log. This flyer should likely require the use of a woodblock stamp as a tool, and have a recipe like: craft plank dye 2.dye 3.dye into flyers, the woodblock would have to be in hand.

Step two would be to mastercraft the actual woodblock stamp of Fanceypants Oash in a rather steamy, erotic embrace with a naked elf, such as: On this flyer, you see a printed image of: The sleek-haired, regal templar embraces a nude elf amongst a midden heap as throngs of people gawk or point in disgust.

Obviously the code's going to be pretty complicated, because it's woodworking and you don't want this image ending up on, say, a toy erdlu or something equally rediculous.

Step three: hire shady network of sneakies to dispense said flyers by planting them in people's possessions, must be tested for trust, must not be a spice addict-snitch that would sell me out for a pinch of tho, because the blowback is going to be terrifying.

Wow! That's a lot of spite! But, psychological warfare is a plot of its own, there are many other potential uses, still, with how complicated it is, I don't see it being done, I just wanted to bring it up.

EDIT AGAIN: Or say, a master bladesmith decides he wants his own mark. Only he can craft these particular acid etching pens, but he mastercrafts this elaborate pen with which he signs his work: etched carefully on the side of the blade, just below the hilt, a swirling grey vortex surrounded by mystical runes. Why he's doing this, who knows? Maybe he's insane, maybe he's a dwarf, maybe he's... who cares, he's defacing perfectly good blades with this crap and that's perfectly alright because he wants to.

Now, this is not as complicated, because it uses the swordmaking skill, there's no need to limit the etching pen from being used on any of the available recipes. Anyway, continuing with our tale, powerful warrior buys sword, rides out and gets, scrabbed. Then the scrab wreaks havok with the sword before, also, being slain. Eventually, blades marked this way, known to be made by this particular crafter, gather an accursed legend of being darkly powerful blades destined to kill their wielder (Muramasa, anyone), some seek them out to destroy them, some seek them out to collect them, and a few brave, reckless souls, for the power they reportedly possess.

Wow, suddenly that generic bone longsword has some kind of meaning to people, just because of this, and there's people competing to gather these things because, plots. Nevermind it's just a generic bone longsword with no special properties besides a little stamp, suddenly it's a source of conflict, all because one scrab got an insane stat roll. Not saying this would happen, but other stories could develop. Perhaps someone takes a disliking to this bladesmith and has his pen stolen, then starts selling his blades to disreputable folks to harm his reputation?
Quote from: Nyr
Dead elves can ride wheeled ladders just fine.
Quote from: bcw81
"You can never have your mountainhome because you can't grow a beard."
~Tektolnes to Thrain Ironsword

This seems more like a plot suggestion than a code suggestion.  Mastercrafting exists.  The real question here would be whether this would be feasible to pursue in-game or not (as manufacturing paper isn't really something people can do at this time, and this gets into the grey area of writing and art and that whole mixup).  Beyond that, though, this isn't really a code suggestion, or at least I'm not seeing it as one.
Quote from: LauraMars on December 15, 2016, 08:17:36 PMPaint on a mustache and be a dude for a day. Stuff some melons down my shirt, cinch up a corset and pass as a girl.

With appropriate roleplay of course.

December 07, 2014, 01:38:45 PM #2 Last Edit: December 07, 2014, 01:52:39 PM by Fujikoma
Sorry, I know I wasn't clear, I modified my original post in an attempt to clarify my intent. It's a thing, that could be coded. I'm just throwing in their potential things it could be utilized for.

EDIt: Ok, so I KNOW there's parchment in game, so there's that. Technically, it's not writing, it's just adding a little something extra to an existing recipe.
Quote from: Nyr
Dead elves can ride wheeled ladders just fine.
Quote from: bcw81
"You can never have your mountainhome because you can't grow a beard."
~Tektolnes to Thrain Ironsword