Bash Door.

Started by WanderingOoze, July 27, 2014, 08:17:21 PM

Ive seen much discussion about how to improve the sneaky-types skills and
general shit-they-can-do. What about those big lumbering burly types who
dont muck about with sneaking and skulking, what if they want to get into someones
house uninvited?

I dont know if this is possible already if it is and I just havent come across it, just ignore me.
I think we should be able to break doors down. A lot less subtle, yes. More likely youll get
caught, sure. But if say angry Bynner knows some sneaky skulk thief who stole his favorite
soup spoon lives in this apartment, and doesnt want to go to the arm or templarate, and doesnt
want to employ the services of some lockpicky person, why shouldnt they be able to bust that bitch down
((assuming they are strong enough)) and march in to take matters into their own hands?

The Ooze is strong with this one

Quote from: 8bitgrandpa on June 28, 2016, 12:01:20 AM
You are our official hammer, Ooze.

Malachi 2:3

You could say this topic has been "bashed" to death.

but, nah, i've been waiting for the ability to bash through doors and jump in bed with mudsexers for over a year

Whatever happens, happens.

I wished up once when I got locked into an abandoned building with a flimsy door/lock. I was like "Yo my PC has AI strength, and this paper-thin shanty-door is keeping him out. Can I bash this fucker down?"

Instead they just unlocked the door for me. :(

+1 for Bash Door.

+1 for the realism

(and can some one make me a meme for this?)
i love being a nobles health points

Try wishing up. I've been in an apartment when a half-giant decided to bash in through the door.

Quote from: RogueGunslinger on July 27, 2014, 08:22:35 PM
I wished up once when I got locked into an abandoned building with a flimsy door/lock. I was like "Yo my PC has AI strength, and this paper-thin shanty-door is keeping him out. Can I bash this fucker down?"

Instead they just unlocked the door for me. :(

Nothing stopping you from emoting it out. I have.

Quote from: BadSkeelz on July 27, 2014, 09:35:48 PM
Try wishing up. I've been in an apartment when a half-giant decided to bash in through the door.

Quote from: RogueGunslinger on July 27, 2014, 08:22:35 PM
I wished up once when I got locked into an abandoned building with a flimsy door/lock. I was like "Yo my PC has AI strength, and this paper-thin shanty-door is keeping him out. Can I bash this fucker down?"

Instead they just unlocked the door for me. :(

Nothing stopping you from emoting it out. I have.

Unfortunately, "emoting out" does not necessarily translate to "actually done/codedly represented". If you do it in a realistic way, staff will often play along, but there isn't always a staffer available to do it, and if you're stuck in an apartment for 45minutes that is no way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.