New Poison Ideas

Started by Dresan, July 17, 2014, 10:18:53 AM

July 17, 2014, 10:18:53 AM Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 10:21:53 AM by Dresan
I still say it should be a bit more random. Animals should be twinks too!  ;D

Alright I got another idea some of you might like better:

New poison: Blindness concoction
Description: As its uncreative name suggest this poison causes blindness for three to four IC hours. It cannot be found naturally in the wilds as most other poisons. Instead this poison is brewed into a vial from mixture of not so totally easy to get plants and animal parts. While this poison is temporary and not deadly, people are somewhat more susceptible to it then common poisons. Experienced fighters often seek it out in order to use it in training fighting truely blind, often sipping the vials causing them to go blind for 1 IC hour.

Pro:  Bad-asses use poison to train, blindfolds are for sissies. Unlike peradine it lasts through combat.A Blind person fights terrible, less so if they are skilled at blind-fighting so still a nice bonus regardless to the attacker. Who needs m-desc hiding masks/cloaks when you can just blind your opponent.

Cons( or pros depending if you are the victim): Person can still run away, maybe get to safety, person can still put up a fight. Very short duration.

Quote from: Dresan on July 17, 2014, 10:18:53 AM
I still say it should be a bit more random. Animals should be twinks too!  ;D

Alright I got another idea some of you might like better:

New poison: Blindness concoction
Description: As its uncreative name suggest this poison causes blindness for three to four IC hours. It cannot be found naturally in the wilds as most other poisons. Instead this poison is brewed into a vial from mixture of not so totally easy to get plants and animal parts. While this poison is temporary and not deadly, people are somewhat more susceptible to it then common poisons. Experienced fighters often seek it out in order to use it in training fighting truely blind, often sipping the vials causing them to go blind for 1 IC hour.

Pro:  Bad-asses use poison to train, blindfolds are for sissies. Unlike peradine it lasts through combat.A Blind person fights terrible, less so if they are skilled at blind-fighting so still a nice bonus regardless to the attacker. Who needs m-desc hiding masks/cloaks when you can just blind your opponent.

Cons( or pros depending if you are the victim): Person can still run away, maybe get to safety, person can still put up a fight. Very short duration.

I can imagine a whole new way to causing terror in da nights.

*shiv* Whoops. Oh you can't see? Let me help open your eyes. *flip coin to let mark survive or die*

I'm not sure a poison that immediately blinds people on swallowing it or being stabbed makes... sense? Maybe you can roll to toss it at someone's eyes, blinding them temporarily.

Then again I'm not sure the instant action of most of the other poisons (or alcohol or spice) makes sense either.

Carry on....

It would not be hard to give it a timed script.

Poisoned....tick...your vision dims, See only 2 rooms and neg to scan....tick, vision dims, See one room, no scan.....tick, vision dims, see only same room, no watch, no scan, if night, you are blind even with lights....tick...blind....however many ticks later, reverse the process.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

Quote from: X-D on July 17, 2014, 11:55:28 AM
It would not be hard to give it a timed script.

Poisoned....tick...your vision dims, See only 2 rooms and neg to scan....tick, vision dims, See one room, no scan.....tick, vision dims, see only same room, no watch, no scan, if night, you are blind even with lights....tick...blind....however many ticks later, reverse the process.

I dig this.
i love being a nobles health points

July 17, 2014, 02:05:51 PM #5 Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 02:08:30 PM by Delirium
Quote from: Barsook on July 17, 2014, 11:56:08 AM
Quote from: X-D on July 17, 2014, 11:55:28 AM
It would not be hard to give it a timed script.

Poisoned....tick...your vision dims, See only 2 rooms and neg to scan....tick, vision dims, See one room, no scan.....tick, vision dims, see only same room, no watch, no scan, if night, you are blind even with lights....tick...blind....however many ticks later, reverse the process.

I dig this.

Honestly, I'd love to see this sort of thing in effect for anything applicable - poison, alcohol, spice, etc. Make it more granular instead of an on/off binary thing. I think some of them have been adjusted to act like this, but I feel that with the rare exception (such as heramide or terradin) most of them should be more gradual in nature.

In general I would love to see a far wider variety of poisons and cures, as well.

Perhaps a poison that makes you go calm (unable to perform aggressive actions), poisons that give you a sense of terror (flee from any combat until it wears off), etc.

I'm sure veterans of the code know where I'm going with this - give mundanes more coded options for their arsenal.

idea Herbderp

Herbderp helpfile description: this is a fast-acting but not particularly long-lasting neurotoxin that causes the victim to suffer from spatial neglect, while also causing dizziness and impacting one's sense of direction.

Herbderp coded effects: direction sense skill becomes completely ineffective, you can't use the "directions" command, and the N,E,S,W are permuted at random for an in-game hour or two... N might take you W, for example, and you'd have to figure out which is which to get anywhere (e.g. back to the city).  Combat becomes a joke - you can't hit anything.
The neat, clean-shaven man sends you a telepathic message:
     "I tried hairy...Im sorry"

July 17, 2014, 05:02:01 PM #7 Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 05:12:06 PM by Dresan
Quote from: Delirium on July 17, 2014, 02:05:51 PM
Quote from: Barsook on July 17, 2014, 11:56:08 AM
Quote from: X-D on July 17, 2014, 11:55:28 AM
It would not be hard to give it a timed script.

Poisoned....tick...your vision dims, See only 2 rooms and neg to scan....tick, vision dims, See one room, no scan.....tick, vision dims, see only same room, no watch, no scan, if night, you are blind even with lights....tick...blind....however many ticks later, reverse the process.

I dig this.

Honestly, I'd love to see this sort of thing in effect for anything applicable - poison, alcohol, spice, etc. Make it more granular instead of an on/off binary thing. I think some of them have been adjusted to act like this, but I feel that with the rare exception (such as heramide or terradin) most of them should be more gradual in nature.

In general I would love to see a far wider variety of poisons and cures, as well.

Perhaps a poison that makes you go calm (unable to perform aggressive actions), poisons that give you a sense of terror (flee from any combat until it wears off), etc.

I'm sure veterans of the code know where I'm going with this - give mundanes more coded options for their arsenal.

While I like the idea of more diverse poisons of perhaps different (hopefully greater) strengths, (much greater) potency, and deadliness then we currently have, i got to say the idea of giving any poison, spice or anything else slow timed effects would destroy the entire point of them. Most people can already stands and spam eat cures to most poisons already. The entire benefit of war spices is to smoke them before going off to do something dangers, sorry but the fact that most of these things work instantly is what makes them useful and wonderful to have in the game.

Its a playability vs realism issue.  And in this case I need to side with playability not to mention it doesn't go against realism at all either. One drink totally making someone completely drunk and pass out? Yeah like we haven't ever met people like that before.  :-\

Last but not least, there are chemicals that when ingested in RL life can cause blindness, they are rare but it exists so the idea of a poison that ingested or in the blood stream that causes blindness in this game is again not that big a leap of faith in terms of realism.   The benefits however of being able to blind someone (temporarily) by poison or other means is huge. I vote for poison though since the code already strikes a nice balance of skill/defense/chance already.  

I want a reverse Terradin that fills your inventory with poop to the point of encumbrance, and continues to fill it up no matter how much you junk until you take an antidote.

A poison that makes you unable to understand language until an antidote is taken / some other endpoint. Easy to code, set all language skills to 0.
Useful tips: Commands |  |Storytelling:  1  2

A poison that doesn't show up in your sc/stat, and takes a day for you to notice, then you slowly suffer for another day, writhing in agony until you seize so hard your spine snaps. You don't die, you just remain at "stunned an unable to move" the rest of your pc's life.

I want that poison.

idea Haphelisk

Haphelisk helpfile description:  This poison has no harmful physical effects, but burdens its victims with an acute sense of being suffocated or strangled.  Its effects are exacerbated by tight or constrictive clothing, especially on the head or neck.  The only commonly known cure for this poison is time.

Hapelisk coded effects:  Halves maximum stun unless the victim isn't wearing an item on his/her neck, and/or his/her head.  The tail end of the poisoning has the victim unable to communicate using say/tell/shout - just whisper.
The neat, clean-shaven man sends you a telepathic message:
     "I tried hairy...Im sorry"

A poison that cut off all psionics could be useful.

Quote from: FreeRangeVestric on July 17, 2014, 10:03:23 PM
A poison that cut off all psionics could be useful.
i love being a nobles health points

Quote from: Barsook on July 17, 2014, 10:11:15 PM
Quote from: FreeRangeVestric on July 17, 2014, 10:03:23 PM
A poison that cut off all psionics could be useful. would be awesome as hell.
Part-Time Internets Lady

Thing is dresan. Most people here are not even worried about poisons that are deadly in own right. Most are interested in simply different or greater utility.  At least that is my takee and desire. to spamming taking cures. That all alone is a utility. My raiders often use certain poisons...not so the the poison will kill the mark but simply because they have to slow down or stop to take cures.  Also..there is no reason why a cure need work instantly either or fully cure all the effects....which is the case with one poison already.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

July 18, 2014, 04:29:51 PM #16 Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 04:50:13 PM by Dresan
Quote from: X-D on July 18, 2014, 12:55:50 AM
Thing is dresan. Most people here are not even worried about poisons that are deadly in own right. Most are interested in simply different or greater utility.  At least that is my takee and desire. to spamming taking cures. That all alone is a utility. My raiders often use certain poisons...not so the the poison will kill the mark but simply because they have to slow down or stop to take cures.  Also..there is no reason why a cure need work instantly either or fully cure all the effects....which is the case with one poison already.

When I mean deadlier poisons, I don't mean a new poison that makes your sergeant's fat head explode instantly.

And while I would love to be able to mix different types of bloodburn I find on the ground together and concentrate it into a stronger poison with with a slightly greater hp reducing effect, it is still not really what I mean when I say deadlier. Peraine and
Heramide are more then enough in terms of deadly poisons in my book because they leave you in a vulnerable state IF they take hold. To me, making deadlier poisons is basically taking the poisons we do have and brewing them, or mixing them in a way so that when we do coat the knife and toss it at the dwarf, who rolled endurance as a his first priority stat, there is a slightly greater chance it will take hold.

In terms of new poisons, yes utility poisons such as blindness, stopping psi abilities, or fear poison you can use on someone mount are great ideas. However, i still wish there were different versions of the poisons we do have, some which could have a better chance to take hold again that giant or dwarf on the first strike. Again I not talking about reinventing the wheel, in terms of coming up with new poisons that bring a person hp under -10, since for the most part I do think we are already set already.  In short I suppose I wish there was a poison-making skill that allowed you to mix some poisons up and make something not found in the wilds, still I concede that might be way way too insanely strong I mean both peraine and terradin in the same blade or arrow, that has a better chance of bypassing my resistances, geez I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that .

All that said, I still don't like the slow acting idea poison or even cure ideas very much it feels like it would make poisons more annoying to use and be a victim of at the same time.

Well, let me address the "slow acting" Point first. I, at least, am not talking about 60 second ticks, and 3-5 minutes to reach full strength, More like 10-15 second ticks and under a minute to potency. I believe this gives a better scene. So much better then, an arrow flies in a strikes you, you don't feel so well, you cannot move, emote etc. Is that scene better or is it better to see, an arrow flies in from the east, you don't feel so well...think shit, Your movements become more sluggish...look south, An elf is running become more sluggish, your body feels rather rigid,  think....great...where is that pack...time passes, elf think Why has my pack not slowly open your pack. think too late, emote something about slowly turning to face the elf..tick, your muscles lock completely.

I mean, killing is easy, for me it is more about the scene..

Now then...being able to mix poisons....I am down with that...course I think if you did you run the risk of nullifying one, both of them or having an odd balance if they did work...mix terradin and bloodburn and maybe this time the bloodburn is half as strong as normal but still 2x stronger then the terradin...The PC vomits but only loses 10% of the food/water he normally would. (IRL many -poisons- when mixed can actually neutralize each other...ask your local exterminator some time.)

I would not mind a skill to concentrate poisons...that could be cool. Of course if that was put in I would want poison actions on large creatures (Meks, bahamets, half-giants inix etc) To be more realistic when applied to a weapon...IE normal concentration applied to arrow striking any of them would still poison them but at DRASTICALLY reduced it would take several strikes to get to full unless it was a super concentrate master level...IE...successfully concentrated 10 terradin.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

July 18, 2014, 05:27:51 PM #18 Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 05:46:56 PM by Dresan
You know it would make a nice compromise to the idea of making poisons that take better hold or being more potent. For example, I want a poison that has a slightly better chance to take hold, but the compromise it would be slower acting as you say possibly giving a person a chance to take a cure or possibly get back to some safety. It would be a nice trade off I think.

I can see your point though, a slower acting poison like that would make for a more heart racing scene.

It'd be nice if cures didn't immediately 'cure' poison, but rather stopped the more damaging effects, while lingering effects (Slow Movement with Grishen, or just a slower stamina loss) lasted for a day or two.

It's somewhat annoying that Terradin (which should be a fucking deadly poison) can be counteracted with a one-two punch, as if nothing happened. It'd be cool if a lingering effect were -- it's difficult to keep food down for a day or two.

"You will have useful work: the destruction of evil men. What work could be more useful? This is Beyond; you will find that your work is never done -- So therefore you may never know a life of peace."

~Jack Vance~

cures effectiveness should be affected by endurance. Sometimes multiple cures might be needed. The 0/1 binary of poisoned/not poisoned could be replaced with a 0-100%.

Cures are fairly scarce, but if the cure works on its own every time, then the scarcity doesn't matter. The most valuable thing around should be a fully stocked medicinal pouch, with more role for cures that don't directly "fix" the 0/1 current binary. A whole new system could be derived based on that of mixed poisons, that have a little of this, a little of that, a cocktail to kill.
Useful tips: Commands |  |Storytelling:  1  2

Well, it'd also be cool if cures cured symptoms rather than specific poisons. That way you could have multiple cures that are all decently effective at curing things like 'uncontrollable vomiting' or 'nausea', and if one doesn't work, maybe the next one will, etc.

Endurance should play more of a factor into poison/poison cures. it'd be nifty it was a two way street -- Maybe you are more resistant to poisons, but also more resistant to the cures.
"You will have useful work: the destruction of evil men. What work could be more useful? This is Beyond; you will find that your work is never done -- So therefore you may never know a life of peace."

~Jack Vance~

I'm intrigued, are there cures in real life that can be negated through constant instake?

I've known one or two people to try to train themselves (not a spoiler because I don't know if it worked) who ingested poisons, and then the cures a short while after in a gradual attempt to become immune. Just food for thought, every question I have about that is obvious and would require that cure immunity become a thing.
Do yourself a favor, and play Resident Evil 4 again.

IIRC from Chem, some poison counter agents neutralize poisons chemically. (PoisonA + PoisonB = UnharmfulChemicalA + UnhamfulChemicalB)

In these cases, building up a resistance to either poison and/or cure wouldn't matter because the right combinations of chemicals in the bloodstream are just going to cancel each other out.
Quote from: Twilight on January 22, 2013, 08:17:47 PMGreb - To scavenge, forage, and if Whira is with you, loot the dead.
Grebber - One who grebs.

Buttercup: And to think, all that time it was your cup that was poisoned.
Man in Black: They were both poisoned. I spent the last few years building up an immunity to iocane powder.