Roleplaying spar and combat damage

Started by Lizzie, March 20, 2014, 09:18:41 AM

I wouldn't disagree with either of you.

Key to enjoying all the facets of a game is seeing it from the various angles.

Byn stints, Merchant Houses, hardly a year played. I'll vouch for the Byn. Merchant houses are fun, too, but a different flavor. Haven't tried a noble house, sorry guys, too, um, restrictive for me (also, see reason for not trying militia). I like playing an independent a lot too. Would like to try a militia role, but my humans don't tend to live very long.

In the end, schedules, OMG! I love this stuff, but if I could just opt-out be sort of an underpaid, freelance tag-a-long and show up for training sessions when I wanted to after a certain time frame, sacrificing the food, shelter and storage bit, yeah, I'd go for that.

The grizzled, bearded woman sends you a telepathic message:
        "Looks like we're going to be spider food again, you want to make some coin?"

You send the grizzled, bearded woman a telepathic message:
        "Always, Sergeant, let me finish chopping up this hooker first."
Quote from: Nyr
Dead elves can ride wheeled ladders just fine.
Quote from: bcw81
"You can never have your mountainhome because you can't grow a beard."
~Tektolnes to Thrain Ironsword

Underpaid freelancers are partisans in Tuluk. ;)

And sure. I've made it my goal to try out as many clans as I can. I'm pretty close to having tried most of them, even in small capacities. I think to assume the worst out of anything is short sighted and will just ruin your own gameplay in the end.
Case: he's more likely to shoot up a mcdonalds for selling secret obama sauce on its big macs
Kismet: didn't see you in GQ homey
BadSkeelz: Whatever you say, Kim Jong Boog
Quote from: Tuannon
There is only one boog.

The best clan for a newbie is whatever clan currently has that special mix of patient leaders and productive underlings who can provide the necessary structure and presence to teach said newbie how to play the game.

Sometimes that's the Byn, sometimes it's going to be a different clan. But you can be sure that the newbies will find their way to wherever they need to be, and you can do your part by keeping your own tabs on which clan that is, and nudge said newbies in that direction when you can.

What's good for the newbies is good for Arm.
Brevity is the soul of wit." -Shakespeare

"Omit needless words." -Strunk and White.

"Simplify, simplify." Thoreau

Is that why I keep getting newbs?

That's nice of you guys.

Keep it up.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


Over the years, my guess is that I've played approximately 100 days of playtime in the Byn across several characters.

The log I posted is an outlier in the Byn experience - an exceptional case where a new player (who I had just been helping learn some syntax not an hour before) perhaps decided he was bored.  There were no other players around at that off-peak time we were on, and I was unfortunately AFK, so it transpired as it did.  I understand that he was chastised by the imms, but my request for ressurection was denied nevertheless.  In all my years of playing, this was the first and only time something like this had happened to me, and I've not heard of something like it happening to anyone else.

Somewhat more common are "sparring accidents" such as MOF alluded to - these are incidents where one party is unprepared, or one party is otherwise so grossly overpowered, and/or does not have the mercy flag on, where that even though it's unintentional, someone dies.   As pointed out, these can happen in any clan, though the Byn perhaps being one of the largest clans at any given time, with likely the most sparring happening as a result day-to-day, may see these happen perhaps somewhat more frequently than elsewhere.

And as Fujikoma pointed out, there are some rarer intentional attempted murderizing situations that occur, but those are really rare from what I've seen too.  Hopefully there is some good rp going down surrounding these though, and if so, I'd say that'd a bonus, not a detriment!

Still, even in all my time in the Byn, I can count the total incidents of all types of death or even attempted death from the above occurring on two hands.  That's pretty rare.

If you are considering the Byn and you are a new player (or old, for that matter), please don't let my log deter you.  I only posted it because I thought it'd be funny as a reply (though it wasn't very funny to me at the time!).  The Byn to me is a defining experience for this game - within, you'll find a very well-defined and active subculture, the game's breath of character/racial/social interaction all while cast in a see-the-world through a gritty, commoner-low lens, and it's sometimes breathtakingly exciting, sometimes routine and mundanely not-so-exciting bokeh background which is quintessential Armageddon.  Surely, it's not everyone's cup of tea.  Some people don't like rigid schedules.  Some don't like pseudo-military hierarchy.  But to miss out on it and refuse to play even once in it - in my opinion, you're missing out on an intergral part of the game.

And to keep this somewhat relevant to the original thread - it's a great place to learn sparring RP!
Was there no safety? No learning by heart of the ways of the world? No guide, no shelter, but all was miracle and leaping from the pinnacle of a tower into the air?

Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse

For the record...mercy is NOT foolproof. 
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

Quote from: slvrmoontiger on March 27, 2014, 08:02:10 PM
Well perhaps everyone should to a stint with one of the GMH, and one of the noble houses in each of the cities.

They should. Each GMH, the rinth, RS, Luirs, the noble houses when ready. 

Makes for a better player.
I'm taking an indeterminate break from Armageddon for the foreseeable future and thereby am not available for mudsex.
In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.

Hit point regeneration could proceed differently.

The first few hitpoints above "mortally wounded" return very slowly.

The next few a little faster.

The next ten somewhat faster.

And so on. The top third would regenerate as quickly as they do now, sleep not being necessary.

This has the side benefit of making good physicans (and water mages) more valuable.

Quote from: Eyeball on March 28, 2014, 12:14:54 PM
Hit point regeneration could proceed differently.

The first few hitpoints above "mortally wounded" return very slowly.

The next few a little faster.

The next ten somewhat faster.

And so on. The top third would regenerate as quickly as they do now, sleep not being necessary.

This has the side benefit of making good physicans (and water mages) more valuable.

I really like this idea. It feels realistic. The worse the injury the longer it takes to heal, the more injuries you have, the longer it takes to heal. So yeah, this sounds like a great idea to me.

My favorite clans:

* AraSeik
* AoD
* House Oash
* The Guild (does that count?)
* Akai Sjir
Quote from: Agameth
Goat porn is not prohibited in the Highlord's city.

Makes me laugh my ass off thinking about a noob hunting another noob. Yes, I think any guild with a good leader and a somewhat active player base is great for newbies. As to role playing sparring injuries, my character is most likely an adult that has spent many years fighting, be it other humans or the treacherous beasts of the sands. They can take being beat bloody or onto their ass by padded wooden weaponry.

I'm basically in the "code is a guideline" boat.

More than anything, I base my RP of any injuries around circumstances. If I was dropped to 60/100 health by a series of  2-6 hp each grazes, I'm going to shrug it off as some bruises - if that. If was dropped to 60/100 hp in one or two shots, I might have a concussion, or a pretty serious gash. Similarly, if a human whacks me for 30 damage on a single hit, I'm going to treat it differently then a half-giant hitting me for 30 damage.

At the end of the day, I guess I really don't put much work into RPing out sparring damage. It's cool for exceptional injuries, but if you were to do it consistently for a decently long lived character in a sparring clan, it would get old really fast. I tend to reserve the effort for "real" injuries, which I will almost always RP out, and often immortalize in scars.
Quote from: musashiengaging in autoerotic asphyxiation is no excuse for sloppy grammer!!!

Jack's opinion is wise.

Also, his avatar makes me mentally go, "BANZAI!"

... I still miss that echo.

April 24, 2014, 07:10:39 PM #64 Last Edit: April 24, 2014, 11:54:02 PM by Chettaman
Is it bad that I imagine any sort of real outcome of fighting to be based on what's emoted?

Scenario:  badass wielding a mishandled battle axe
the badass chips you viciously on your neck.
The badass chips you very hard on the waist.
You slash the badass hard on his head.
through a Whirl around, the badass shoves the handle of his axe directly into your gut then elbows your nose. He lowers his head so that his helmet takes the brunt of your sudden recovery.

The badass chops you on the arm.
The badass chops you on the arm.
The badass' swing seems to only reach out before pulling at the back of your ankle. While you're still off balance, the badass shoves the head of his axe into your abdomen!

Of course... People rarely emote during battle. Against me. Be it sparring or to the death. Which is why I DO emote.
xD I get to determine what actually happened in the battle. Power play, you say? Then emote against me, dammit. I play for the story!

While I'm here in this sparring thread, I want to promote more sparring with actual weapons. Just emote not actually getting hit, but going through the training motions or whatever. Or heck. Go ahead and actually hit each other. Just do it more often. It's not like you don't go out and get clawed the eff up by critters with real claws anyway...

More edit*
Um.  To summarize: I would emote "appropriately" (If time permitted). If I was clearly mismatched, I would emote so. If the battle were back and forth, I would emote so. As I saw it anyway.
Live like God.
Love like God.

"Don't let life be your burden."
- Some guy, Twin Warriors