
Started by Kevo, September 17, 2013, 12:30:18 AM

I was intrigued by this:,46208.0.html

I have had similar problems when singing, and attempting to express pauses, rises and falls (Yooo-OO-uuu??), and many other parts of poem and song, especially song. I would like if there was some specific, agreed upon format, but I know that can be limiting to other players, who simply wish their freedom. With that freedom though, comes greater possibility of miscommunication. There are specific ways to express tone, inflection, rests, pauses, stretches etc, but they are indicated by musical symbols and I simply cannot expect this to become something we use in Armageddon. With the advent of the technological, key-board using, internet culture,  perhaps we, as armageddon players (and staff) can create our own way of doing things?

Or, since that is a lot to ask, and a long collaborative project that could possibly never be fully agree upon, we could all share how we express these things ourselves, and tips for both newbies and veterans alike.

For instance, - for stretching out a note, ... for rests, ... ..., for longer rests?

I don't know. I am no musician, nor lyrical wordsmith, nor capable of always communicating my thoughts into words, especially text. I want someone smarter and better than me to do all of this work, so I can just rip their efforts and make my IG singing sound that much better.
Quote from: Scarecrow on February 21, 2014, 04:45:46 PMIn Zalanthas, people don't dig graves with shovels, they dig them with their own tongues.

You really can't convey the specifics of a melody with prose.  Don't bother trying, I say.  Just do your best to express the character of the song instead.

I posit that Arm, in many ways, is a mixture of poetry and prose, but I see your point.

Are you always this super active, MM, or are you stalking my posts specifically?
Quote from: Scarecrow on February 21, 2014, 04:45:46 PMIn Zalanthas, people don't dig graves with shovels, they dig them with their own tongues.

Poetry doesn't convey melody easily either.

Not sure what you mean by super active.  I post a lot in general.  I'm up later than usual.  I'm not singling you out specifically.  I rarely pay attention to who posts what and what else they've posted.

Moe is everywhere, like Santa.
Quote from: Wug on August 28, 2013, 05:59:06 AM
Vennant doesn't appear to age because he serves drinks at the speed of light. Now you know why there's no delay on the buy code in the Gaj.