Tek hears you. Tek don't care.

Started by Natious, September 27, 2012, 06:40:57 PM

September 27, 2012, 06:40:57 PM Last Edit: October 04, 2012, 03:59:36 PM by Natious
Have you always wanted to be this guy?

Well, TOO BAD!
We are offering the next best thing. It's that time again, ladies and gentlemen!

We're taking applications for one blue robed templar.

What we need from you:

- Your character's name, noble family and description.
- An outline of your character's personality
- A brief description of what you hope to accomplish with this character, and what you anticipate from the role.

Things that will help you get selected:

- Previous leadership roles, especially in military orientated clans.
- A good working knowledge of Allanak and southern culture is absolutely essential.
- A commitment to sponsored roles

This role call closes after the 4th. You've got all until next Thursday to write this up, so get 'em in if you're interested. As always, file a role application request to Arm of the Dragon.

*Megazord not included. Please, no Zordon's.*

Just a reminder that this ends tonight.

Get 'em in!

This is now closed. Thank you to everyone who applied! You ought to have your answers shortly.