Tuluki RPT - 22nd of September, 9 PM EST

Started by WWYD, September 16, 2012, 05:22:50 AM

Details are available in game, via IG board or local rumour mill.

Please note that this is NOT the weekly RPT. Anyone believing otherwise can report to the nearest Faithful for mandatory disappearance.

into the tuluki protection program

heh, heh

because you'll need protection

offered by disappearing

(i'm implying you'll die to save yourself from a more brutal, mob-lynching)

it's been a while since tuluk had a good lynching

it's really obnoxious to make text this small, but i'm curious if anyone will bother reading this. hi!

Moved some posts to Moderation. Please do not clutter RPT posts with unnecessary posts, greetings, etc. Stay on topic and play nice.
Nyr: lifesaver hishn to the rishncue

Gathering will probably start in about two hours.  :) Be there, or be thin air.

im saying youll get disappeared ok

oops, that was supposed to be teeny!

Just a heads up that we might be starting a little later then anticipated. Sorry!

Extremely sorry for the late start, guys. I hope those that attended had fun!

Big thanks to everyone who turned up! And thanks to WWYD for getting everything together!
Quote from: Marauder Moe
Oh my god he's still rocking the sandwich.

Second that. Well done.
Death is only the beginning...

Ah, damnit. I meant to log on for this but I totally passed out at like 7 PM. :-p