Tektolnes doesn't need you. You need Tektolnes.

Started by Italis, May 31, 2012, 06:31:55 AM

We're taking applications for another blue robed templar.

What we need from you:

- Your character's name, noble family and description.
- An outline of your character's personality
- A brief description of what you hope to accomplish with this character, and what you anticipate from the role.

Things that will help you get selected:

Previous leadership roles, especially in millitary orientated clans.
A good working knowledge of Allanak and southern culture is absolutely essential.
A commitment to sponsored roles

This role call closes after Monday the 4th. You've got all weekend to write this up, so get 'em in if you're interested. As always, file a role application request to Arm of the Dragon.

This is now closed, folks. Thanks for the applications, we'll be looking over them and making a selection shortly.