Just plain murder....

Started by Zharal, August 09, 2003, 02:21:48 AM

(sits back grinning as he thinks a moment)...If your a well skilled assassin
and never can be seen, wouldn't you want to see what the Newbe charater
talking about and doing as far as Rping is concerened, or is it better just to
strike the weak and the hell with everything else...

shame shame... vagular display of force.

I'm having trouble understanding you here, but I assume that some assassin just killed your character? Maybe you did something to offend them. Maybe you had something they wanted. Maybe they are just psychotic. Who knows....

shame shame... vulgar display of imperspicuity.
quote="CRW"]i very nearly crapped my pants today very far from my house in someone else's vehicle, what a day[/quote]

And just in case anyone doesn't know what the hell Lazloth's saying.. ;)


\Im*per`spi*cu"i*ty\, n. Want of perspicuity or clearness; vaguness; ambiguity.

Guess what it comes down to is who really gives
a damn.....Not me, otherwise Id given up writing
character desc years ago.....

Yeah, well..

You should always consider newbies- and how they 'get' the game as a whole- rather than concentrating on how 'weak' they are.

Don't think of them as new PCs, but rather, as people that've been around just as long as you- the newbie decked out in scrab shell armor constantly wielding a pair of bone bastard swords could be a legend in the way of combat.. or the strongest bugger to walk the streets in years.

Sure, concentrate on helping them, but don't just kill them because theyre all automatically weak and unskilled.
"The most important thing is to find out what is the most important thing." -- Shunryu Suzuki

I think the problem with experienced players killing newbie players' characters lies not in the ease of coded killability (especially if you're talking about an assassin vs. a warrior) but in the knowledge and experience gap between the two.

A few examples...under fire, an experienced player knows that your chances of getting away are greater if you run a few rooms, then walk the rest  of the way back to safety, once you've put some distance between you and your assailant.  Some newbies I've seen will continue to run until they're exhausted and far from safety, trapping themselves.

Newbie players often sleep or rest their characters in really dumb places, which again, makes them easy targets.

Newbie players often travel around without first orienting themselves to safe places, so when they get attacked, they have no idea -where- to go, and end up sitting ducks.

The problem here, is the in-character nature of these screwups:  if your rat bastard raider catches someone asleep off the North Road, or your skanky, backstabbing 'rinther catches someone bleeding profusely and wandering through the 'rinth, in-character, it's pretty much a done deal.  It's not a question of how or why the character got there, it's a question of what the raider or assassin would do under those circumstances.

If your character is murdered under these circumstances, take it as a learning experience.  In fact, I'd argue that having died to another player's character, you've learned more than you would've if you'd survived for a few days longer and died to a gith or a dirty, muscular man.
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

Quote from: "Synthesis"
A few examples...under fire, an experienced player knows that your chances of getting away are greater if you run a few rooms, then walk the rest  of the way back to safety, once you've put some distance between you and your assailant.  Some newbies I've seen will continue to run until they're exhausted and far from safety, trapping themselves.




Running a couple of rooms and then walking is ultra lame.  If you are running for your life - run for your life, don't just saunter along.  How twinkish of anyone who does this.  This totally falls under the category of ignoring the game and using the code.  If you are freaked out and running - then run.  Don't walk and 'pretend to run.'  Very lame.

I agree with the rest of the post.  If you are bleeding and are lying in an alley your life won't be long lived.  If you sleep on the road, once again, your life won't be long lived.  

Good luck to all the newbies and don't take it too hard if your character dies.  It is part of the game and possibly one of the most enjoyable parts.  Death is fun.

QuoteRunning a couple of rooms and then walking is ultra lame.

Yeah, what the hell? If I was in the desert in real life and someone attacked me I'd first run a few leagues and then, when I was starting to get out of the danger, I'd continue to run more and more leagues and sweat and exhaust myself rather than start walking and conserving energy.

It's  posts like the above, where someone screams twink, that make me wish anonymous posting was disabled here.
"We pay for and maintain the GDB for players of ArmageddonMUD, seeing as
how you no longer play we would prefer it if you not post anymore.

-the Shade of Nessalin"


But it sure makes sense to me also to run to get out of immediate danger then pace yourself. Even if you are mind-boggled and crazy scared you might get ..gasp..tired and slow down in my opinion. I really don't think thats twinkish. Someone will undoubtedly come and say why its sooo bad. I think one emote like pants as he slows his pace with a nervous glance over his shoulder would suffice after they slow down. Also supposedly the rooms are pretty far apart. A human would probably not run 20 miles back to town. Ah well.

Meant to say that this was within city limits.  Outside, sure, whatever, do what you want.  Run a couple of leagues while being chased and then start walking.  Good idea.

Most people can run from one end of the city to the other without running out of MP.  I don't see how it would be twinkish to run then walk.  Hell, if the other person keeps running they are just going to catch up and still have enough MP to do a few more laps around the city.  Running then walking is just a stupid tactic in the city when it would be much easier, safer, and quicker to keep running.  If someone wants to use stupid tactics, let them instead of crying 'twink'.

QuoteMeant to say that this was within city limits. Outside, sure, whatever, do what you want. Run a couple of leagues while being chased and then start walking. Good idea.

I've done some pretty crazy/mischievious/jackass things before and have been chased by quite a varied number of people. I'd run a couple of blocks/halls, turn into an alleyway/street/other hallway, slide my hands into my pockets and continue walking as if nothing happened. It worked every time because it never called too much attention to myself and I would blend right into a crowd. To translate this into Arm terms:

The angry man tries to subdue you, but you wrestle away.

Shoving the angry man away, the slim, green-eyed man turns and bolts down the street at full speed.


You start running.


A narrow sidestreet


A four-way intersection


You start walking


A bustling street

Your new ldesc: The slim, green-eyed man walks along at a casual pace here.

Or just continue walking south. I guess this situation makes me a real-life twink who defies the code of Earth. I'm going to stop now though because one of these days Jesus, Allah, or Budda is going to notice my actions and take away all of my karma.
"We pay for and maintain the GDB for players of ArmageddonMUD, seeing as
how you no longer play we would prefer it if you not post anymore.

-the Shade of Nessalin"


I have disagree with 'Death'....to me the idea of continuing to run until you're exhausted, whether in the city or not, seems unrealistic and unwise.  

Running to put some distance between you and the threat, then walking so that if necessary you could run again seems wiser to me.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

From the point of view of someone who has RL had to outrun danger in the desert:

Running like a scared idiot is only going to make you in to a dead idiot.  If you are being chased by something (in my personal experience, I was in a canyon when I actually saw an approximation of 'The spotted, mangy gortok has arrived from the west') you need to first gain some distance, preferably by distraction (in this case, throwing my knapsack with 3 packages of hotdogs), and after you attain that distance, you need to take stock of your surroundings and realize your chances of survival by utilizing the environment (in my case, by going up... luckily I did not try to climb, but slip.  Your vision goes black.)

And Death, on the subject of twinking... well... I like to stay away from twinking whenever possible, just like everyone who prefers to be known as a roleplayer instead of a munchkin.  But the fact is that NPCs are *rabid* munchkins.  They don't stop to emote how they're chasing you, they don't get lost... they're like Terminators.  You can't argue with it, you can't reason with it, and it absolutely will not stop until you are dead.  An NPC driven death in the middle of the wastes, with exceptions, are rarely fun for the player.  Living by utilizing the code, and telling the story afterwards... much, much more fulfilling.

Carnage:  Awesome, AWESOME example.  You twink you.  
:twisted:  :twisted:
Yes. Read the thread if you want, or skip to page 7 and be dismissive.

Words I repeat every time I start a post:
Quote from: Rathustra on June 23, 2016, 03:29:08 PM
Stop being shitty to each other.

I've seen people speed walk away from other people just because they knew that they could change directions a few times and since that person had to hunt every room they'd be able to get away. Hell, I had a human WALK away from a running delf I was playing using the same technique. I beleive that sort of thing is what they consider fairly lame. And something I also think is really lame and something that a person new to the game probably won't do.

Either if you run for a little bit then walk... People take SO much advantage of the code in this essense because it's easy to shake someone following you and then you just change directions alot. Even if the person following you is running they won't be able to keep up.

As for killing someone outright just because they are a newbie... Well I think you should RP to your higher standards with everyone unless they prove to you that they are going to take advantage of you. Like in the above example... I'd probably would RP nearly as much as I did if I saw the guy again. Because he got away from a running elf by walking, just because he forced me to hunt every time to be able to see where he went. The bad thing really was he was bleeding REALLY bad and it made tracking him really easy but still had the same wait state as normal.

21sters Unite!

My RP is better then your RP.

Nyah, nyah!
quote="Teleri"]I would highly reccomend some Russian mail-order bride thing.  I've looked it over, and it seems good.[/quote]