Serial Killers

Started by Zharal, December 19, 2011, 06:09:33 PM

December 19, 2011, 06:09:33 PM Last Edit: December 19, 2011, 06:40:32 PM by Zharal
I had to start this thread after reading the psychoath topic.  How do you feel serial killers should be played?  The only reason I ask is it seems the best serialkillers(  I dont mean the avarage killer or raider, this is arm and that is a part of the game, Im thinking of serial killers as a specialized individual that goes to the root of his emotional core.)
where very personable, friendly and often time where even well known by there victems. After reading the last topic, I found there to be a lot of thoughtfull Ideas and just am just curious on your
thoughts on how one would be played and in and also important what ways would'nt become frowned apon from the imms.(example being. if it where accidently missunderstood that a character is out on a twinking, pk KILLING spree or if hes actually is playing a valid part of his storyline and being)   I 've never been one to do PK's, always takes from the game in my opion.
But if such a character or characters where to exist, wouldn't he end up being the best of friends will all he comes in contact with and if  a certian idea or trigger  arises
from one of his associates/friends, for example says and off comment, or does and action that fires up the pyschopath in the indivdual and he starts planning the demise of the individial while still
being a good frind to his target and showing no signs of the situation at hand.  Hmmmm Perhaps its a role that you have to keep the imms notified of your actions and the thoughs behind them on a regualr basis so they can be up to date so you dont look like a killing twink....

December 19, 2011, 06:24:11 PM #1 Last Edit: December 19, 2011, 06:31:28 PM by Synthesis
Before we get started, let's make sure we're maintaining a distinction between people who kill primarily because it's their business, and people who kill for pleasure.  That is, thugs and hit men aren't necessarily serial killers.

Also, it's probably important to draw a line between killing because it makes sense within the gameworld vs. making sense within the code structure and the meta-elements of the game.  (E.g. it doesn't make sense for a common thug to kill everyone he mugs within the gameworld, but it makes much more sense when you consider meta-elements such as easy identification, lack of anonymity, the "it's a small world" phenomenon, OOC communication, etc.)
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

If I remember right, I recall one of the staffers saying they would prefer players to not spawn as mass murderers, and would rather them get that way (deluded) through IC actions.

QuoteA female voice says, in sirihish:
     "] yer a wizard, oashi"

Half the fun of roleplaying such a character would be the development of the personality.  Maybe you had a mate which was brutally murdered, then you go on a rampage to avenge them.  When all your enemies are rotting under the desert sun, you find you can't stop killing. 

Suddenly, you become Dexter Morgan.
Tekeli-li! Tekeli-li!

December 19, 2011, 06:54:16 PM #4 Last Edit: December 19, 2011, 06:57:10 PM by Zharal
I agree that it should be something that develops ig. Slowly manifisting itself as perhaps a mental illness or a sittuation that changes the person mentally or even breaks there pysic but again it starts to crate a fine line between insanity and a natral pretator, not for coin or pleasure but because for some reason ofcorse made up ingame that causes the person to have to try and kill anouther being., or become vindictive and spend his life on the persuite of setting up his target to create and art of death that is extremly hard to capture.  Only on the thought that in rl most serial killers can go many years, some most there lives and never get captured. Aslo just one last thought, many serial kills go into a dormant stat, they can go into seculusion for many years with out killing again...

Quote from: Zharal on December 19, 2011, 06:54:16 PMOnly on the thought that in rl most serial killers can go many years, some most there lives and never get captured. Aslo just one last thought, many serial kills go into a dormant stat, they can go into seculusion for many years with out killing again...
Sounds like a good excuse to ignore that aspect of the character when things get too hot and/or no easy targets present themselves.

Quote<A lot of stuff plus...> Only on the thought that in rl most serial killers can go many years, some most there lives and never get captured. Aslo just one last thought, many serial kills go into a dormant stat, they can go into seculusion for many years with out killing again...

I was going to write up a long post, but I'm tired.

It's best not to get your information off of tv shoes or fiction/pop culture or dramaticized accounts. My recommendation is if you want to play a serial killer, is to do a lot of research on it from a variety of sources, especially on the different psychopathologies that can lead people to become serial killers. Just from looking over a lot of the stuff posted here, there's a lot of stuff that's actually not correct and trying to generalize why people kill, especially in the form of serial killers just doesn't really work very well. All characters should really be who they are, with a what they do second, whatever they play. If you want to play any 'tricky' or abnormal role based on rl stuff, real research is your friend.

What makes a person a serial killer, answer that and you might be able to make a compelling character. Note that the term 'a serial killer' did not rise up only until a few centuries ago. Not because mental illnesses that made people  serial killers did not exist, but because there were plenty of ways of exercising the 'urges' without being coined a serial killer. Hell, how many people were considered great and brave warriors during the dark ages, who had those very same urges, but due to easy influx of enemies to kill, were never considered evil or sick. How many serial killers worked in Inquisition? Was Thomas Tarquemada a serial killer?

Same goes for Arm. You might want to play out Dexter Morgan, but ask yourself ... why? Why do you have to hide your killer nature, if you can just go join Byn, Kurac, or Militia. You will have plenty of opportunity to exercise your murderous sadistic qualities and people might actually pay and praise you for it.

Of course your murderous nature may be more extreme. In which case you are a rampaging murderer. But if that's the case, then it's doubtful that you have any kind of social skills to be a serial killer 'a le dexter' instead you a are little more then an animal. Such things do happen, and in the past times ... were quickly proclaimed to be possessed by the devil, hunted down like a rabid dog, and slain.

A hitman is a little different, since they might end up needing to take down people who are not nobodies, not breeds, and not enemies. People who have political clout and DO have connections who will exact revenge. While of course hitmen might be serial killers as well, but odds are they wouldnt be very successful at what they do, just due to the sheer amount of noise they would produce and the fact that they would be working for free.

I think it could be a great role if done in good taste. There's a lot of panic in the OP about being smacked by the Imms for going on a killing spree... I really can't see this happening unless it's been done incredibly clumsily and without much thought. You should really be spending a long time gearing up to the actual killing. Serial killers are not going to be famous on Zalanthas... if you kill five people in ten years no-one's going to be shocked.

I suggest picking merchant. I can imagine picking an assassin would likely corrupt the concept.

I don't like those serial killers that kill just to do it. The ones who will kill anyone they get a chance to kill.

I prefer the ones with a method to their madness. Like the one's who only kill blondes, or only kill people that accept gifts from them if they offer them, or something like that.

The creepo killers are the best killers.

Pic Related...

Quote from: James de Monet on April 09, 2015, 01:54:57 AM
My phone now autocorrects "damn" to Dman.
Quote from: deathkamon on November 14, 2015, 12:29:56 AM
The young daughter has been filled.

I killed Captain Crunch, now the Militia is after me.

The funny little foreign man

I often hear the jingle to -Riunite on ice- when I read the estate name Reynolte, eve though there ain't no ice in Zalanthas.

I give you kuddos Dar, I like an agree with a good portion of your thoughts. But I think the lime between a killer and a serial killer is getting a bit tangled in my
opion. In Arm anyone can be a killer.. its a way of life. You want to kill join the byn or get a blade and die in the sands trying to take out a scrab.  Perhaps the
concept of a serial killer doesnt fit into arm, but I dont belive this not to be so.  My thoughts are that a Serial Killer as a norm ( I can be wrong here plz ust go with it)
Is not a killer, doesnt join the police to shot somone when the time is right. I belive they are usally very normal folks, have normal jobs and good friends but there
is just somthing not quite right and when the moment presents itself, an opertunity or possible the person wears just that one pair of shoes that trigers you into
a serial killer mood.  At this point one could spend months to years setting up the perfect situation to gain the most pleasure out of his act.  Remeber alot to
most serial killers follow the same method of action.  Over time the method can change slightly but there usally the same.  And sorry Im not much on T.V. I do alot of

You could play a serial killer who likes to hunt Chosen or Faithful in Tuluk. That would go against the grain, and it would both necessitate great skill at killing and getting away with it, as well as social skills to get in close or appear as distant from your true nature as is possible. You'd have to hide your true nature very carefully.

There really is a lot of ways one can play a serial murderer. From Richard Trenton Chase chaotic evil kill-anything-for-no-reason type to more sane and organized type like, say, a copy of countess Bathory or some shit like that, you could have a powerful, rich individual with steady supply of slave meat and reason to torture and kill them. Also, not every serial killer has to have MO or even to murder all the time. I think that a less than capable soldier who scores a kill once in every blue moon but spends his nights in vivid fantasies to be far more interesting than some emotionless and capable Dexter clone.

Crimelibrary is a great site for those interested in serial killers (and other types of criminals in general):

December 24, 2011, 09:20:09 AM #14 Last Edit: December 25, 2011, 09:26:07 AM by DustMight
What is the attraction of playing a serial killer?

It always strikes me (my perspective, as flawed as it is) that these types of characters are an attempt to play killers with no real regard to the game world.  Is it a "I'm a killer, I don't care! Hahaha!" kind of thing?

Why not play someone who is mean and brutal and likes killing and has his/her own twisted logic and is deeper than a crazy? Why define them as a serial killer?  What do you get with that definition?  What does it free you, as the player of the character, to do or act out?  What do you gain?

Is is the attraction of playing the unrepentant villain?  The "evil guy?"  In my mind the best/worst evil guys are the ones that in RL run our corporatocracy, not the ones who run amok killing wayward folk for a number of years.  These so-called serial killers kill maybe 20, 50, 100 people in their lifetime while the former thousands, perhaps millions.  

Playing the guy who is "bad" because of the life around him forces him to be that way seems infinitely more interesting to me.

I remember playing at length with a famous character X.  Great character, supportive, helped out, taught - really enjoyable.  Everyone in his little group got close to him, loved him, was loyal to him.  Then came the time when he tricked me, got me alone and killed me for very IC plausible reasons.  At that point when he was just about to send my character to the dirt, he fessed up that he had also killed my characters best friend many months ago (that character had gone missing) for discovering a secret about him that up until then had only been a rumor.

So in on swell foop, nice guy turns to bad guy (was really a bad guy all along - maybe, maybe not), shows no mercy and explains everything all at once revealing our worst fears were true and that indeed we had tricked ourselves.

Was he a serial killer?  No.  Far more interesting.  Far more subtle.  The highest of RP.  Kudos to that player.

December 24, 2011, 09:59:44 AM #15 Last Edit: December 24, 2011, 10:05:21 AM by Coat of Arms
I'm pretty sure playing a serial killer is generally frowned upon by staff, but if you can actually pull it off in a way that doesn't do more harm than good to the game, you can probably get away with it. The problem is that that's very difficult to achieve in such a role, and it's most often attempted by the type of player who has no other way to make their characters relevant. An actual bona-fide serial killer is practically never attempted, but you get your fair share of people who kill whenever the thinnest excuse comes up, and that's what hurts the game.

If you were to play a serial killer in a less harmful way, the first thing to consider is that your targets don't always have to be PCs. Whenever you kill a PC for no reason, you've almost certainly hurt the game in some way, even if you can justify it with your background. A meaningless death accomplishes nothing while a death that comes as the consequence of actions sustains the game. It can also create more roleplay than it takes away through the death of said PC, but this is rarely the case when they were killed for the sake of killing.

So, target NPCs instead until killing a PC actually makes some sense. You could murder an NPC once per RL week for a month, leaving clues and asking staff to have witnesses spread rumors. That'll get a plot started and alert players to your presence without just killing a significant portion of the ones who are supposed to care. It's the presence of a serial killer that can create roleplay, not the deaths of PCs, this can happen once or twice along the way to emphasise the gravity of the plot and suggest to players that they can't just ignore it. If you just hide somewhere and gank someone now and then without providing the material to make a plot out of it, all you'll do is make some players lose their PCs and eventually you'll die to something. Going mainly for NPCs allow you to kill in a more visible way that allows you to not only attract player attention instead of deterring it, but also live long enough that your actions matter.

Never make a competition out of it. The goal shouldn't be to kill as many PCs as possible, that'll just make it a worse game for all your victims. Once you've managed to establish a plotline around your activities, you can kill a PC to make the plotline peak a little, but not until that death adds more than it costs. Your ultimate goal is to be a positive factor in the game, and it takes a lot of effort and consideration to not be OOCly destructive with a character whose purpose is to kill. This is why it's rarely worth doing.

I removed a couple posts. If you have a complaint about the way somebody is roleplaying, use the request tool. We do not tolerate call-out posts, nor posts with specific information about other people's characters.

Your Shoot Me In The Head request has been resolved. We do not have sufficient ammunition to process your request at this time.

Armageddon Staff

Yeah. I betcha the staff frowns on serial killing. They'd be like...dude, too harsh. Tone it down some.

Quote from: path on December 27, 2011, 10:15:29 PM
Yeah. I betcha the staff frowns on serial killing. They'd be like...dude, too harsh. Tone it down some.

We also hate blood. And swearing. And alcohol and drug use.

Try to keep it PG, guys.

Your Shoot Me In The Head request has been resolved. We do not have sufficient ammunition to process your request at this time.

Armageddon Staff

We keep up all this murder, corruption and betrayal and Westboro will start picketing our server.
Quote from: Agameth
Goat porn is not prohibited in the Highlord's city.

Quote from: Zoan on December 28, 2011, 05:22:33 PM
We keep up all this murder, corruption and betrayal and Westboro will start picketing our server.

Never read the Old Testament, have you?
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

Quote from: Calavera on December 28, 2011, 05:48:26 AM
We also hate blood. And swearing. And alcohol and drug use.

Try to keep it PG, guys.

Whaaaaaa? My favorite four things!
Tekeli-li! Tekeli-li!

Quote from: Synthesis on December 28, 2011, 06:02:54 PM
Quote from: Zoan on December 28, 2011, 05:22:33 PM
We keep up all this murder, corruption and betrayal and Westboro will start picketing our server.

Never read the Old Testament, have you?

In fairness, I don't think they have either.
Quote from: Agameth
Goat porn is not prohibited in the Highlord's city.

if i were ever to play a serial killer, which i would not because no interest, i would kill vnpcs and npcs and maybe a bird or two out of the sky on my way home, with a big grin on my face. my main OOC goal would be the creation of fear amongst other pcs, rather than killing the pcs themselves, unless the opportunity is too obvious and too good for the game to pass up.

just an idea.

Quote from: Spoon on December 20, 2011, 06:38:35 AM
I think it could be a great role if done in good taste. There's a lot of panic in the OP about being smacked by the Imms for going on a killing spree... I really can't see this happening unless it's been done incredibly clumsily and without much thought.
gorgio: someone who is not romani, not a gypsy.
kumpania: a family of story tellers.
vardo: a horse-drawn wagon used by British Romani as their home. always well-crafted, often painted and gilded

Quote from: Zoan on December 28, 2011, 09:40:22 PM
Quote from: Synthesis on December 28, 2011, 06:02:54 PM
Quote from: Zoan on December 28, 2011, 05:22:33 PM
We keep up all this murder, corruption and betrayal and Westboro will start picketing our server.

Never read the Old Testament, have you?

In fairness, I don't think they have either.

Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.