Weekly Role-Play Challenge

Started by Taven, October 06, 2011, 02:18:44 AM

I think if you roleplayed in every single room you pass, you wouldn't get much done, but making it part of the journey is good.  Also, it's a courtesy, as there is a lag that only allows says and emotes and other passive commands to be used.  I wish psi was part of that list.

Yeah. I guess I should also mention I only ever play city dwellers. Derrrrrp. If I was outside with a mob on my ass, I'd speedwalk as fast as I could away.
Case: he's more likely to shoot up a mcdonalds for selling secret obama sauce on its big macs
Kismet: didn't see you in GQ homey
BadSkeelz: Whatever you say, Kim Jong Boog
Quote from: Tuannon
There is only one boog.

Quote from: boog on November 01, 2011, 09:37:01 AM
I rarely ever speedwalk through places, especially if I'm with a group or with another person, roleplaying. I think, sometimes, I piss people off by going so slowly and 'seeing the sights'.

Or smelling the urine sachets, so to speak.
Quote from: Synthesis
Quote from: lordcooper
You go south and one of the other directions that isn't north.  That is seriously the limit of my geographical knowledge of Arm.

Quote from: Thunkkin on November 01, 2011, 08:46:25 PM
Quote from: boog on November 01, 2011, 09:37:01 AM
I rarely ever speedwalk through places, especially if I'm with a group or with another person, roleplaying. I think, sometimes, I piss people off by going so slowly and 'seeing the sights'.

Or smelling the urine sachets, so to speak.

Hey, now, that really taught me how to get around Tuluk!

But really, even adding an emote to your traveling can be quite nice, and it doesn't take that long either, to add:
s (with a haggard limp)
e (shaking her money-maker)
w (waddling and bowlegged)
Case: he's more likely to shoot up a mcdonalds for selling secret obama sauce on its big macs
Kismet: didn't see you in GQ homey
BadSkeelz: Whatever you say, Kim Jong Boog
Quote from: Tuannon
There is only one boog.

I was saw someone emoting while fleeting a pair of carru. I stopped to admire their determination. Later I looted their corpse. I looted it with -extra- RP though, to honor their RP cajones.

I emote during fights with Carru if I think I'm gonna win the fight.

Quote from: Saellyn on November 02, 2011, 04:18:07 PM
I emote during fights with Carru if I think I'm gonna win the fight.
>A carru sends you sprawling and into the next room when you're fully healed.
>Opps, once more.
>Yow, stop doing that carru!
>em finds a mantishead.

QuoteA female voice says, in sirihish:
     "] yer a wizard, oashi"

I pretty much speed-walk everywhere.

Emote walking doesn't echo to the player, does it?  Maybe I've been doing it wrong.

Quote from: DustMight on November 02, 2011, 08:16:14 PM
Emote walking doesn't echo to the player, does it?  Maybe I've been doing it wrong.

Like what I mentioned above? Nope. Also, targeting doesn't work in walking emotes, either.
Case: he's more likely to shoot up a mcdonalds for selling secret obama sauce on its big macs
Kismet: didn't see you in GQ homey
BadSkeelz: Whatever you say, Kim Jong Boog
Quote from: Tuannon
There is only one boog.

s (strolling in with some immersion breaking syntax on ~belt)
Quote from: Synthesis
Quote from: lordcooper
You go south and one of the other directions that isn't north.  That is seriously the limit of my geographical knowledge of Arm.

Taking your time is also nice if you're a breed or elf, and you have slower PCs following you. Don't leave them behind unless you're doing so on purpose!

Quote from: RogueGunslinger on November 02, 2011, 05:48:43 PM
I pretty much speed-walk everywhere.
I pretty much sneak everywhere :P
Sometimes, severity is the price we pay for greatness

    Quote from: Taven on October 30, 2011, 01:41:22 AM
    Challenge #4: The Slow-Down Movement Challenge

    • If you look at a PC, let them react before continuing onward

    • If you're planning on quitting out or leaving a room, do so slowly to give people a better chance to react

    ^ This. Being fairly new it's sometimes demotivating when people either emote with the speed of light (while I'm still figuring out a particular command of some sorts, or read the descriptions) or enter and leave a channel instantly.[/list]
    Sometimes, severity is the price we pay for greatness

    I really ought to remember to update this. I should post on Monday (thus I will always remember to update on Mondays, and so on), but if I don't seem to be, interested people are welcome to bump it.
    As of February 2017, I no longer play Armageddon.

    It would be cool if it were more prominently displayed, somehow.  
    How 'bout your just bookmark it, DustMight?   ;)

    Challenge #5: The Semote and Emote Challenge

    This week's challenge focuses on semoting, and when semotes overlap with emotes. A semote is a silent emote, and can be used when you're sneaking or magickally concealed (the public docs suggest such a thing is possible), or if you don't want a passed out person to see an emote. It should only be used when the action makes no noise, or is supposed to be quiet. Obviously, the use of this will be more useful to some people more then others, but it will hopefully make everyone think.

    Ideas: (use some of them some of the time, as you like)

    • Use semotes to describe how you are hiding in a tavern (or other local) - is it under the table? Is it in the dark corner? Is it in a thick cluster of people?
    • Use semotes to describe what a hidden PC is paying attention to - what are they looking at? What is their expression? Are they making any gestures?
    • Use an emote to give away a hidden PC - did they just make a stinky fart? Snicker at something? Yelp as someone elbowed them?
    • Use an emote to be ominous - Are you hiding in the wilds and leaves are rustling? Intentionally tossing rocks or leaving footprints? Breathing down the back of someone's neck?


    Hidden in a tavern:

    (sem:) You creeps slowly closer to the bar, sticking to the shadows and avoiding shards of a broken mug, eyes intent on two cloaked figures.

    (sem:) Sliding between people at the shadowed end of the bar, your gaze flicks to the figure in a mysterious cloak, and the tall figure in a mysterious cloak.

    Creeping on people in the woods:

    The tall, muscular-hunter sort is here, chopping wood.

    (psem:) Watching ~hunter, @ eyes narrow, and #me moves forward, brushing ^me hand against the shrub to cause a rustle.
    (EMOTE:) The leaves rustling in a bush nearby to ~hunter, possibly marking @ passing, or perhaps the wind.

    (sem:) As %hunter attention goes to the bush, @ silently creeps around, circling !hunter

    (sem:) Creeping forward, @ intentionally rustles another bush, smirking as ^me gaze goes to ~hunter
    (EMOTE:) From the other side of the clearing, another rustle sounds, the sound seeming more and more like @ is causing it and less like the wind...

    In the desert, magickally concealed (note that magickal concealment may or may not actually function as shown, this is just to give emoting ideas):

    (psem:) Sweat pours down @ face as #me trudges over the sand dunes.

    (EMOTE:) In the sand, footprints appear, dragging, as if @ was making them...

    (sem:) Trudging on, @ wipes ^me forehead with the back of a hand.

    (EMOTE:) Soft panting sound comes from near @

    A jozhal is here, being jozhal-like.

    (sem:) Shading ^me eyes from the brilliant mid-day light of suk-krath, @ squints at ~jozhal before smiling slowly, glancing around before spying ~pebble

    (EMOTE:) Rising into the air, ~pebble moves seemingly of its own accord as @ picks it up
    (sem:) It would be obvious to those who can see it that @ is picking up ~pebble

    (EMOTE:) Sending it flying through the air, @ tosses ~pebble, which hits the ground, skittering near ~jozhal, which starts and dashes off, scurrying behind a sand dune.

    drop pebble (having tossed it at ~jozhal) ~ lies here, embedded in the sand

    With someone in with an unlucky couple:

    A couple of lovers are here, passionately entwined in bed, and emoting vigorously.

    (sem:) Watching with fascination from behind a chair, quietly munching on a snack food, taking note of the various passionate positions being taken.

    (sem:) Creeping closer, hunched down and sticking to the shadows, @ moves closer to the bed.

    (EMOTE:) Suddenly, @ lets out a MASSIVE FART, which permeated the air, with an overpowering, vile odor!

    Quote from: semote helpfileSilent Emote                                                 (Communication)

       Silent emotes should only be used to express actions that are completely
    silent.  They will only show to people who can see you, so if they are
    asleep, dying, or otherwise unable to see you, they will not get any
    indication you did something.
       Semote supports a small language which allows you to refer more
    effectively to other characters. See 'help emoting' for more details
    on using the language.
       You can also use @ to place your short description arbitrarily within
    the emote.

       semote <message>

       > semote quietly moves around some boxes, trying to remain hidden

       > semote smiles to himself

       Avoid using this command for emotes that would physically interact with
    objects or characters.  They will not get a message if they can't see you.

       Read the helpfile 'Emoting' for more information on emoting in general.
    It has important information about how to refer to characters and objects.

       To get a possessive version of this command, use 'psemote'.

    See also:
       Emoting, keyword, psemote

    Quote from: emote helpfileEmote                                                        (Communication)

       An emote is an in-character expression of motion, or actions taken by
    your character.  The emote command is used to express your character's
    actions to everyone in the room.  Everyone will see your emote, whether
    or not they can actively see you. 
       You can use a special syntax for refering to other characters and objects
    in your emote.  See 'help emoting' for the details, and for some examples,
    see 'help emote examples'.

       emote <message>

       > emote waves to ~azroen
       What Azroen sees:  Jhalavar waves to you.
       What everyone else sees: Jhalavar waves to Azroen.

       You can also use @ or "me" to place your short description arbitrarily
    within the emote. If you leave out the @, your character's sdesc will
    appear at the beginning of the emote, as normal.

       You can use ":" in place of the actual word "emote" to do an emote.

       You can use emotes with some actions, such as 'stand,' 'sit,' 'look,'
    'talk,' 'sing,' etcetera, as well as with movements, such as 'north
    (limping heavily).' For more information on this, see 'help command emotes'

    See also:
       Emoting, emote examples, keyword
    As of February 2017, I no longer play Armageddon.

    See? I can update.  ;D

    Feel free to post the usual other examples, comments, suggestions, suggestions for future topics, and yada yada.
    As of February 2017, I no longer play Armageddon.

    November 29, 2011, 03:12:47 AM #43 Last Edit: November 29, 2011, 06:17:31 PM by evilcabbage
    shem hands shake, visibly, while ^me feet shift silently over the apartment floor.

    You:  The sneaky, anxious guy's hands shake, visibly, while your feet shift silently over the apartment floor.

    Them if they see you:  The sneaky, anxious guy's hands shake, visibly, while his feet shift silently over the apartment floor.

    Them if they don't see you:   mantis head.
    Quote from: Adhira on January 01, 2014, 07:15:46 PM
    I could give a shit about wholesome.

    Quote from: evilcabbage on November 29, 2011, 03:12:47 AM
    phem brows furrow, as ~me looks at ^me cards.

    To you:  The card-player's brow's furrow, as you look at your cards, a thin line of sweat forming at the brow.

    To anyone who notices:

    You notice:  The card-player's brow's furrow, as he looks at his cards, a thin line of sweat forming at the brow.

    This would actually be more related to Weekly Challenge #2 since what you were using is a HEMOTE, not a SEMOTE. It's a little confusing, I know. Basically, this week we're trying to focus on silent emotes, and when emotes need to be used in conjunction with them. So instead of your example, you might do something like...

    A table of people playing cards are here.
    You are here, hiding in the room.

    (sem:) You sneak closer, trying to mix with the crowd before slipping into the shadows near ~card.playing.table

    (sem:) Pausing near the table, you cast a quick glance over the players, to see if any are paying attention before moving in on ~dude

    peek dude
    You peek at the dude and see his card.

    contact employer

    psi Yeah, boss, he's got Wind of Life, you're screwed!

    The employer-man psi's you:
         "Nooooo, now my ultimate nemisis will make me dance in a thong! Why do I play kruth for dares?!"

    (PHEM:) Smirking faintly, @ glances at ~employer.dude

    The semotes will only show up to those who can see you, and I'm pretty sure that the phemote will as well, since it's a hidden emote. It's not technically "quiet," but to my knowledge there is no silent hidden emote. I could be wrong, however.
    As of February 2017, I no longer play Armageddon.

    shemote!  RP for the ladies.   8)

    Really, though, I believe that semote's functionality is built into hemote already, and you will never notice a hemote from someone you can't actually see.

    If anyone wants something to shemote hemote phemote whatever. I suggest contracting a very common ailment.


    Pick one and go to town. Kudos to any Tan Muark who start hemoting pepperbelly.

    Depends on if we're just walking around, or if we actually have somewhere to be, or something to do. In those cases it does piss me off.

    Quote from: Marauder Moe on November 29, 2011, 09:54:19 AM
    shemote!  RP for the ladies.   8)

    Really, though, I believe that semote's functionality is built into hemote already, and you will never notice a hemote from someone you can't actually see.

    Shemote doesn't actually work. NO RP FOR THE LADIES?! I mean HEmote works perfectly fine...  :P

    Really though, I disagree with you. Hemote is to "represent subtle motions that wouldn't be obvious to the room you are in" (quote from the docs). Thus, if you want to show how you're moving across the room or something that should be obvious to anyone who can see you, semote is the right choice.

    Quote from: Jeshin on November 29, 2011, 03:27:13 PM
    If anyone wants something to shemote hemote phemote whatever. I suggest contracting a very common ailment.


    Pick one and go to town. Kudos to any Tan Muark who start hemoting pepperbelly.

    This really has no relation to the current topic at all. But it is an interesting point, and I may use it for a future topic.

    It would be hilarious if PCs all over the known all got some disease the same RL week.

    Quote from: RogueGunslinger on November 30, 2011, 02:03:41 AM
    Quote from: Adj on November 30, 2011, 12:21:06 AM
    Quote from: boog on November 01, 2011, 09:37:01 AM
    I rarely ever speedwalk through places, especially if I'm with a group or with another person, roleplaying. I think, sometimes, I piss people off by going so slowly and 'seeing the sights'.

    You don't; I love it when people do that.

    Taven note: Added a semicolon to avoid being driven insane.

    Depends on if we're just walking around, or if we actually have somewhere to be, or something to do. In those cases it does piss me off.

    Well, you can always just ask them to walk faster, too.
    As of February 2017, I no longer play Armageddon.

    And make my character do something influenced by my own personal irritation? No thanks.