Put On the Pimpcloak with Kadius

Started by Welda, September 03, 2011, 04:33:09 PM

Are you great-looking? Have a flair for Allanaki style?
If you are not afraid to get involved in politics and you want to be obscenely rich while drowning in silks, intrigue, and style,
you might be exactly the one we are looking for.
We need someone who can put in a decent amount of playtime, who sends in regular reports and is generally awesome.
The deadline is midnight EST September 10th.

So send in your role application now.... if you've always dreamed of putting that purple and blue pimp coat on:

This deadline has been extended to Thursday 15th.

The applications have closed.  Thanks to everyone that applied.  We'll have a decision and emails out soon.

Once again we are looking for one totally-awesome Kadian!This time it's a role based in Tuluk.

The deadline for role applications is 7th December.