Service Guarantees Citizenship!

Started by Rathustra, August 25, 2011, 07:37:51 AM

August 25, 2011, 07:37:51 AM Last Edit: August 25, 2011, 07:40:24 AM by Rathustra
It's an ugly forest, a BUG forest! A forest hostile to life as we know it...


The Sun-King needs -YOU- to protect his divine, sovereign rule over the Gol Krathu against foes who would seek to snuff out His Immaculate Light! Enemies are arrayed on all sides and it is only through the correct application of correct thought that the North can succeed.

(Neil Patrick Harris not included.)

We require one or more Templars to step forward from within Muk Utep's pyramid and administer clarity within and without His Ivory City. Will you don the red of the Order of Jihae and lead the mobile infantry Sun Legions to victory, or wear the white mantle of the Order of Lirathu and look to educate the populace in the finer aspects of civility and keep His City running... smoothly.

Your submissions must be presented to your local High Precentor by the 1st of September, 2011 and should include the following:

Account name
GDB account name
Name of your proposed character
House of your proposed character
Description of your proposed character
Background of your proposed character
(If you are not very familiar with the House you are applying for, we can provide some guidance, but just keep it vague if you're unsure.  You can revise the background assuming you are approved and are given access to the documentation.)
Your usual playtimes and your expectations of future playtimes
How familiar are you with Tuluk and Tuluki politics?  Pick a letter and explain.
A.  Very Familiar (I make up a new Tuluki parting phrase every RL day that is some variation of "walk in/on/around His _____," and I know each House like the back of my hand--which, of course, has a seven-pronged star on it.)
B.  Familiar (I can find my way around Tuluk and know, in general, what is going on with the Houses, but am not too familiar with the internal affairs of each one.)
C.  Slightly Familiar (I know where the Sanctuary is and I know that there aren't any gemmers and that they hate magick, but who do I bow to?)
D.  Not Familiar (Striasiri?  I used to own a '98 Dodge Striasiri.)
E.  Other (explain)
And a brief overview of what you hope to achieve/get out of the role.

Oh, boy.... this is gonna be -great-!
<immcom> Petoch for your thoughts?

Tick Tock.  Time is running out, if you intend to apply.
"It is pleasant, when the sea is high and the winds are dashing the waves about, to watch from the shores the struggles of another." - Lucretius

Applications cease in 6 hours! (11PM BST, 4PM EST).

Seriously... wow.  We're gonna do our stuffs one way of the other.  This is just a chance to be wearing an interesting face when it all goes down!

<immcom> Petoch for your thoughts?

We need another Neil Patrick Harris Jihaen Templar for the Tuluki War Machine!

If you think you've got what it takes to kick ass in the Sun King's name, please submit an application before the 18th of November!



We need two more Neil Patrick Harris Templars - one Red and one White to take the fight back to the Bugs!

Apply now - recruitment ends at midnight GMT on the 9th of February!