Opening for Tuluki Noble

Started by Lacustre, July 23, 2011, 08:12:34 PM

We are accepting applications for a new PC noble in Tuluk.

As one of His Chosen, you hail from a proud bloodline dating back to the conquest of the Gol Krathu by the Sun King Muk Utep and the founding of Tuluk.

Your family has endured attacks by the Dragon, the great Elemental Cataclysm, a long and arduous southron Occupation, the recent Flood, and has emerged intact and ready to take part in this new era of Tuluki prosperity.

Viable options are members of House Dasari, House Kassigarh, House Uaptal or House Nagean.

Please include:
Quote from: RecycledAccount name
GDB account name
Name of your proposed character
House of your proposed character
Description of your proposed character
Background of your proposed character
(If you are not very familiar with the House you are applying for, we can provide some guidance, but just keep it vague if you're unsure.  You can revise the background assuming you are approved and are given access to the documentation.)
Your usual playtimes and your expectations of future playtimes
How familiar are you with Tuluk and Tuluki politics?  Pick a letter and explain.
A.  Very Familiar (I make up a new Tuluki parting phrase every RL day that is some variation of "walk in/on/around His _____," and I know each House like the back of my hand--which, of course, has a seven-pronged star on it.)
B.  Familiar (I can find my way around Tuluk and know, in general, what is going on with the Houses, but am not too familiar with the internal affairs of each one.)
C.  Slightly Familiar (I know where the Sanctuary is and I know that there aren't any gemmed and that they hate magick, but who do I bow to?)
D.  Not Familiar (Striasiri?  I used to own a '98 Dodge Striasiri.)
E.  Other (explain)

No deadline announced yet, but still get your applications in as soon as possible.  Once we have enough or have been suitably floored by a good one,  a deadline or closing of this call will be posted.
"It is pleasant, when the sea is high and the winds are dashing the waves about, to watch from the shores the struggles of another." - Lucretius

July 26, 2011, 01:44:12 PM #1 Last Edit: July 26, 2011, 01:47:36 PM by Rathustra
Bumping this to reclaim the highest spot in Staff Announcements, which this role undeniably deserves.

Joining the Northern Nobility right now entitles you not only to a swish estate, the finest silks, a weighty purse and the possible governorship of a qynar but will put you amidst an engaging political web that values 'creative' solutions and the subtler approach to wringing power. You'll also be entering onto a stage populated with commoners vying to serve as aides, partisans, or perhaps in a more shadowy manner.

Not sure you can stomach the political arena all the time? Then beyond the walls, Tuluk is faced with its own unique set of problems, problems that, as a noble, you are best equipped to engage however you wish!

Will you be the Nageani who chronicles this King's age and plumbs the depths of the Ivory's written knowledge? The scion of Kassigarh who's purse props up the Sunk King's battlements and paves the North Road? The Dasari from whom springs forth a new school of herb-lore or who's poison coats a hundred unseen daggers? Or perhaps you'll be the long-sighted Uaptal noble, who makes or breaks careers on the backs of your chalton herds and who is never far from the mind of a Jihaen in need of a war-beast.

Whichever house you choose, you'll find a city ripe for your machinations and things to do from day 1. Even if you're on the fence - go for it!

From the shadows of the Grey Forest, an unquenchable tzurahro chitters hungrily.
<immcom> Petoch for your thoughts?

This role has been filled! Praise be the SUN KING. May his new sacrifice Chosen live for a thousand years, and a thousand more, Suk-Krath willing.

Responses are being sent out. Thank you to everyone who applied!

October 21, 2011, 02:30:20 PM #4 Last Edit: October 21, 2011, 06:21:00 PM by Rathustra
We're looking for one or more(!!) new Chosen to take up the reins and drive His City into disaster glory as a member of House Dasari, House Kassigarh, House Uaptal or House Nagean!

Please include the requested information from the OP along with your short and long term plans for your Noble hopeful!

Might help to mention that this call will end on the 29th of October!

This ends tomorrow, so don't delay - all you can eat ginka pie awaits!

The opening has... closed! All who applied will receive word in the next day or two.

Ever wanted to practice your slave-whipping technique? Be a water magnate? Improve your horticultural skills? Perhaps try your hand at investment banking? Be a prolific writer and loremaster? Be the closest thing to a Ferrari dealership in the known?

We're looking for a new Tuluki noble drawn from either Winrothol, Tenneshi, Dasari, Kassigarh, Negean or Uaptal!

Please get your role application requests in before the 10th of May!

This closes tonight at midnight BST/7pm EST/6 CST.