Half-breeds and sexual equality

Started by NOFUN, March 17, 2011, 12:10:59 PM

Quote from: eska on April 20, 2011, 05:02:32 PM
You drunk again??

What do you mean again?  I don't think he's been sober in years.
Quote from: Dalmeth
I've come to the conclusion that relaxing is not the lack of doing anything, but doing something that comes easily to you.

Since Ghost resurrected this thread, and it's been on my mind, I'd just like to say gender equality is not well represented on this game, in my experience.  Being mindful of this has actually brought to my attention what a male-oriented world we, in reality, still live in.

Also, having seen plenty of attractive, well-played females IG that don't have a bunch of males drooling over them, I'm going to have to say, your 'ugmo ladies' may just be receptive (or proactive) to all the lame horndoggin'.  I think it has more to do with OOC interpretations of real-life gender roles.

Anybody ever seen a female PC be the dominant, aggressive sexual Alpha, and succeed?

I could be totally wrong (or sheltered)!

Quote from: Kismetic on April 21, 2011, 09:20:41 AM
Since Ghost resurrected this thread, and it's been on my mind, I'd just like to say gender equality is not well represented on this game, in my experience.  Being mindful of this has actually brought to my attention what a male-oriented world we, in reality, still live in.

Also, having seen plenty of attractive, well-played females IG that don't have a bunch of males drooling over them, I'm going to have to say, your 'ugmo ladies' may just be receptive (or proactive) to all the lame horndoggin'.  I think it has more to do with OOC interpretations of real-life gender roles.

Anybody ever seen a female PC be the dominant, aggressive sexual Alpha, and succeed?

I could be totally wrong (or sheltered)!

I think you're right, it's definitely not perfect.  I also think we do a pretty crack job at trying to keep equality despite most people's tendency to classify people based on sex or gender.
QuoteSunshine all the time makes a desert.
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I've never played a crazy bite your ear off woman, but, I know I've run into a couple alpha women in the game. ;)
Case: he's more likely to shoot up a mcdonalds for selling secret obama sauce on its big macs
Kismet: didn't see you in GQ homey
BadSkeelz: Whatever you say, Kim Jong Boog
Quote from: Tuannon
There is only one boog.

Quote from: Kismetic on April 21, 2011, 09:20:41 AM

Anybody ever seen a female PC be the dominant, aggressive sexual Alpha, and succeed?

I could be totally wrong (or sheltered)!

Yeah I've seen this a lot. Most memorable badass leaders I've had have been females.

Sergeant Sha, Midge, Felysia, Eunoli, Laila, Broken Wing, too many gypsies.  You must have been a sheltered person not to have seen at least one dominant, aggressive matriarch.

Bela the Butcher, Ceylara Borsail, Fathi (the character), Pearl Terash, countless Atrium Hostesses and female nobles that I'm forgetting. These are just some that stick out in my mind.
↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → b a

My god, I just got taken on a whirlwind tour of memory lane.

Quote from: a strange shadow on April 21, 2011, 02:10:07 PM
My god, I just got taken on a whirlwind tour of memory lane.

You better start believing in ghost stories a strange shadow. You're in one!

I am not talking about dominant female roles, here.  I'm talking about sexually dominant female roles.  The woman who's like, "Muff.  Eat it.  NOW."  To be fair, I've interacted with three of the female characters you listed, and none of them gave me the impression of sexual dominance (but again, I could be sheltered, ahahahaha).

Quote from: Kismetic on April 21, 2011, 03:01:27 PM
I am not talking about dominant female roles, here.  I'm talking about sexually dominant female roles.  The woman who's like, "Muff.  Eat it.  NOW."  To be fair, I've interacted with three of the female characters you listed, and none of them gave me the impression of sexual dominance (but again, I could be sheltered, ahahahaha).

Maybe you weren't hot enough.

Quote from: Yam on April 21, 2011, 03:06:42 PM
Quote from: Kismetic on April 21, 2011, 03:01:27 PM
I am not talking about dominant female roles, here.  I'm talking about sexually dominant female roles.  The woman who's like, "Muff.  Eat it.  NOW."  To be fair, I've interacted with three of the female characters you listed, and none of them gave me the impression of sexual dominance (but again, I could be sheltered, ahahahaha).

Maybe you weren't hot enough.

That -is- true.  Still didn't see it going on.  Having known a couple of those players, too, I'm thinking your assertions may be inaccurate in the lurvins department.  I've only played two "hot" characters, to memory.  The rest were fairly average and/or marred, some in brutal ways.  So ...  there is always that!

Now that I think of it, though, I do know -one- player that fits this criteria, and though one of her PCs was mentioned, and doesn't fit the bill, I know other PCs she played that -were- this way.  But, my point is  ...  the ratio is way off!

be the change~

But this is about half-elves.

Don't fuck half-elves. They aren't people. Fuck a kank instead.

You're right, damn.  I read this thread from the beginning, and still managed to majorly derail from the original equality question.

Haha, whoops.

Quote from: Is Friday on March 18, 2011, 08:13:47 AM
Quote from: NOFUN on March 18, 2011, 08:08:50 AM
The same thing could be said for muls, who are almost always slaves despite being, from a coded point of view the best race. Though a HG seems to make a much netter slave, easily manipulated, not nearly as likely to go berserk and kill it's owner and since they're almost more common would be alot cheaper.  Though I suppose owning a tamed mul would be a sign of power
Muls are the race with the most disadvantages, in my opinion. Stop thinking about D&D stats, and start thinking about roleplaying.

Not by a long shot.

A half-elf?  People don't fear feces.

People fear Muls and in turn a sort of respect is present with most of them, because of the raw power they hold. The same courtesy is often extended to half-giants in one way or another. I'm not saying this because of "stats" - though like it or not, the people controlling our PCs are just that...people. As much as you get into a character, there is still another brain controlling their thoughts, actions, and emotions.

It's been my experience that even players with max karma will let their OOC knowledge of races and guilds effect how they react in some situations. It's just a part of the game. Like it or not.

Eh, yeah, muls are possibly much less socially disadvantaged than many other races. No smart person would ever give crap to a mul, unless that person was a really skilled fighter. You can pick on half-giants, and they'll rarely ever bash your head in. But look at a mul wrong and he'll rip your teeth out.

They are of course, very disadvantaged in being hard to roleplay, sort of like a half-elf on meds. It's hard to play with the responsibility of being so damn emo, yet take on the OOC responsibility of letting players live.
Quote from: Rahnevyn on March 09, 2009, 03:39:45 PM
Clans can give stat bonuses and penalties, too. The Byn drop in wisdom is particularly notorious.

The Butcher scares me out of my mind.
Quote from: Qzzrbl


Quote from: Kismetic on April 21, 2011, 09:20:41 AM
Since Ghost resurrected this thread, and it's been on my mind, I'd just like to say gender equality is not well represented on this game, in my experience.  Being mindful of this has actually brought to my attention what a male-oriented world we, in reality, still live in.

Also, having seen plenty of attractive, well-played females IG that don't have a bunch of males drooling over them, I'm going to have to say, your 'ugmo ladies' may just be receptive (or proactive) to all the lame horndoggin'.  I think it has more to do with OOC interpretations of real-life gender roles.

Anybody ever seen a female PC be the dominant, aggressive sexual Alpha, and succeed?

I could be totally wrong (or sheltered)!

I have. And it was very amazing.

Quote from: SMuz on April 22, 2011, 03:06:05 PM
Eh, yeah, muls are possibly much less socially disadvantaged than many other races. No smart person would ever give crap to a mul, unless that person was a really skilled fighter. You can pick on half-giants, and they'll rarely ever bash your head in. But look at a mul wrong and he'll rip your teeth out.

They are of course, very disadvantaged in being hard to roleplay, sort of like a half-elf on meds. It's hard to play with the responsibility of being so damn emo, yet take on the OOC responsibility of letting players live.

Except that muls are viewed as property, not people. Even half-elves have the distinction of being treated like (filthy) second-class citizens.

Yes, muls are prone to violent outbursts, but this does not afford them a modicum of respect, rather it reinforces that this is a tool that is dangerous, like a chainsaw with no chain brake, hand guard, or chain catcher.

On that note, I don't understand why a mul would use their potential violent outbursts as a threat. When a hairless battering ram says something along the lines of, "I think yer cheating me. What would you think if I just raged in here?", it really stretches my belief. Can you really turn it on and off like a toggle?  ::)
"Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry."
- Samuel Clemens

Well, unless it was..

"Well I..."

*Mul suddenly smashes your head in.*

"Just checking."

Quote from: musashi on March 19, 2011, 08:31:25 PM
Quote from: Erythil on March 19, 2011, 08:12:47 PM
I feel compelled to point out that there must be SOME level of accepted difference between the sexes.  After all, it's an institutional part of Tuluki government that male templar tend more to war and females more to government and other things.

Yeah heh ... the whole "Armageddon has no gender type casting" thing smacks itself in the face when you start talking about the Tuluki Templarate. Best to just ignore those. They're the odd man out.

OTHER than the Templarate in Tuluk ... there are no gender discriminations in Armageddon.

To me, that means that anything you would normally consider a cultural gender stereotype is a no no.

The idea that women should be home makers.
That women should be the ones to raise the children.
That men should do the hunting.
That women should be subservient.
That men should be making the important family decisions.

It's kind of a natural assumption that women should raise the children, to a certain point. We have the tits. They make the food.

Other than that, I agree.

As for the men who protect the damsels...well, even I, as a submissive woman in real life, get protective of small, pretty things/people. If I am bigger and better equipped/prepared/whatever to fight things off, I will stand up for the smaller person...especially if they're pretty and charming.

I'm married to a genderfluid gal who I swear, if she was smaller, I would have a sereve Paladin complex, despite the fact that she's the dominant partner.

...That's not to say that other people aren't acting on the "women are weak!" motive. Just, if it were me, I only bother protecting the small, pretty, entertaining non-combatants. :D

If you're bigger than me, learn to run or fight.

The role of the female is probably different depending on the culture of the respective groups in Zalanthas, but this is an IG distinction, not an OOC one. As a whole, Armageddon mud is gender neutral (there is no inherent different between men and women (such as differences in code or limitations in coded guild/subguild selection if you are a male or female character)).
"And all around is the desert; a corner of the mournful kingdom of sand."
   - Pierre Loti

I want to point out, that should the need arise. I have been gene-spliced to produce tremendous quantities of lactic fluids.

^ if Sontarans [typo] from Doctor Who were a playable race.

Also zombie thread *nom*

June 24, 2011, 12:47:39 AM #97 Last Edit: June 24, 2011, 12:49:46 AM by Delirium
re: gender derail;

Say it with me now:

gender roles != gender inequality

Oh man, you guys got owned again.  Stupid breeds.  ;D

Quote from: Delirium on June 24, 2011, 12:47:39 AM
re: gender derail;

Say it with me now:

gender roles != gender inequality

^ This.