Hoods Up, Knives Out - The Jaxa Pah.

Started by Rathustra, January 31, 2011, 10:26:00 PM

January 31, 2011, 10:26:00 PM Last Edit: January 31, 2011, 11:27:06 PM by Rathustra
The Labyrinth of Allanak is a quarter whose infamy has spread all across the Known to become a byword for ruthless, desperate poverty; it is a place that peels back the curtain on the festering rot of Zalanthan 'civilization' to reveal the putrid viscera of cruel savagery.

Then there are the elves...

Do you have what it takes to lie, cheat, steal, murder and swindle your way to the top of the largest trash heap in the Known? Can you take filth, sweat and blood and turn it into an empire? If so, we're looking for a leader to step forward and put the fear of the Jaxa Pah into the East Side as a Kanosh.

Applicants must:
  * Have a good history of responsible play.
  * Have a solid c-elf concept.
  * Have some background in leadership.
  * Have a willingness to operate alone, with little material support.
  * Never not believe in themselves.
  *Peak time is preferable, though if nothing else, just regular play is preferable.

Please submit a Role Application Request before the 8th of February at midnight EST with your account name, concept and any plans you have for driving plots in the 'rinth. Don't worry if you're not familiar with the Jaxa Pah as guidance will be provided.

This ends tonight. Don't be the elf who isn't covered in shit and get your apps in sharp(ear)ish!

This is now closed. Thanks to everyone who put in an application, we should be getting back to you soon.