Give us a moment or two, huh?

Started by Marshmellow, January 30, 2011, 10:27:58 AM

Lately, my biggest pet-peeve is when people don't give others a moment to type.  Person A: "Seeya later, right?"  Person A leaves.  Person B, meanwhile was typing a think or a feel, and then after finishing that is typing up a response... and Person A has logged out or left or whatever.  This has happened to me numerous times lately.

I can understand that people can be rushed, but sometimes giving someone just 15 seconds is all you need.  This game has its moments where you have to move quickly, but chatting with someone in a tavern or the like, or over the Way when everyone's in a safe location, or even just standing on the street-corner of a populated city with law enforcement... yeah, you could wait 15 seconds, couldn't you?

This public service announcement brought to you by the Holy-Crap-Just-Wait-A-Second Foundation.
"I am a cipher, wrapped in an enigma, smothered in secret sauce."
- Jimmy James, the man so great they had to name him twice

I feel you, and I'm often in the same boat - especially if people rush off directly after a misunderstanding, leaving me with no possibility to clear things up. It can be pretty frustrating.

I'm one of those people who sometimes needs to leave suddenly and might really not have 15 seconds. So, ah... I apologize if this inconveniences you at any point.

Actually, I think you deny yourself the closure to a scene as much as you deny others too.  You may be missing things you'll wish you hadn't later.
"I am a cipher, wrapped in an enigma, smothered in secret sauce."
- Jimmy James, the man so great they had to name him twice

Or you could just RP accordingly.

"Yeah, Amos is the kind of guy that will up and leave without warning. Doesn't strike me as reliable."

January 30, 2011, 11:26:10 AM #5 Last Edit: January 30, 2011, 11:28:19 AM by Kalai
Indeed, but that happens anytime I can't play, not just when I abruptly can't play because the family needs me for something.  :P

And if I'm leaving for OOC reasons I'll try to give a hint at that, unfortunately it can come out a bit nonsensical if I'm really rushed.

So if someone says something on the lines of 'I really gotta go feed my erdlu a nap' and runs off quickly, um... well laugh at them.  :D

I've been having this problem with other people recently too. Also, when you're following others and they're talking to you as you walk along, they're entering in their emote or speech and then -immediately- continuing to move along so you:

a) Have trouble catching what they're saying or emoting before it scrolls away.

b) Have trouble attempting to respond at all because everything is out of sync. They talk, you get a response out like four or five rooms later.

Slow the fuck down people please and give others a chance to view what you are doing/saying and to respond. Thanks.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

From experience, a lot of new people take a few go rounds with the mantis head to realize that while they plod along down the road, anyone behind them is building up this volcano of lag that spews forth your last few commands when they finally pause for a moment.  I'm pretty far away on the old interwebs so this is extremely frustrating.  Unless I'm running,  I go with a Tuluki beat in my head.....and...
move, two, three, four, and move, two, three, four, emote, two, three, four.....

I'm guilty often and often, I'm just too tired to play and help create a worthwhile scene.
Anonymous:  I don't get why magickers are so amazingly powerful in Arm.

Anonymous:  I mean... the concept of making one class completely dominating, and able to crush any other class after 5 days of power-playing, seems ridiculous to me.

I tend to do it when I have to quit, because I tend to have to quit suddenly.

Sorry? :D
QuoteSunshine all the time makes a desert.
Vote at TMS
Vote at TMC

Quote from: Marshmellow on January 30, 2011, 10:51:42 AM
Actually, I think you deny yourself the closure to a scene as much as you deny others too.  You may be missing things you'll wish you hadn't later.

I hate that. I get that alot with some players. They are too much in a rush to get their next emote in, so you are actually responding to something they already said four lines back or they just leave before you can type anything out. Yes, I agree, slow down!

Unless a raptor is about to kill you there is no rush. Not everyone can type fast, and I do type average speed, but you get those that are super typist, and you are playing catch up.

If someone leaves before I finish talking to them, my characters just think, "That's one rude fucker."

So just how long is someone supposed to wait now, because someone -might- be wanting to two-finger type a final emote?

> '(with a wave) Shade.
> think Do di do di dit dit do.
> think Da de de di dit dit dah!
> think Di dee dee do dit dit dee!
> think I have to get out of he-arh!
> think I must be in the cle-arh!
> (finally plodding away) n
Lunch makes me happy.

This happens in bar brawls too.  Someone will pose standing up, and looking threatening, and then without waiting for a pose, will start spamming the code to hit their target, giving no time to pose before two or three shots have gone off.  It's super annoying, people need to chill out a little.

Quote from: maxid on January 30, 2011, 05:00:20 PM
This happens in bar brawls too.  Someone will pose standing up, and looking threatening, and then without waiting for a pose, will start spamming the code to hit their target, giving no time to pose before two or three shots have gone off.  It's super annoying, people need to chill out a little.

i hate bar brawls as it is. Takes forever for me to land a hit. LOL.

But it gets annoying because someone will spam the hit without much rp and i'm just standing there like " calm down guy"
I remember recruiting this Half elf girl. And IMMEDIATELY taking her out on a contract. Right as we go into this gith hole I tell her "Remember your training, and you'll be fine." and she goes "I have no training." Then she died

It would seem that even in a brawl, with spam hitting, you stand as good a chance to still smack them back, since there is an action reaction not matter who it typing hit, least I think there is. Though spam hitting is bad.. agreed. Just a positive note to a negative.
The funny little foreign man

I often hear the jingle to -Riunite on ice- when I read the estate name Reynolte, eve though there ain't no ice in Zalanthas.

Quote from: Salt Merchant on January 30, 2011, 04:32:05 PM
So just how long is someone supposed to wait now, because someone -might- be wanting to two-finger type a final emote?

> '(with a wave) Shade.
> think Do di do di dit dit do.
> think Da de de di dit dit dah!
> think Di dee dee do dit dit dee!
> think I have to get out of he-arh!
> think I must be in the cle-arh!
> (finally plodding away) n

It's always easy to exaggerate. However, the OP suggests: 15 seconds. That is roughly the amount of time I wait around for final responses, and seems to provide time for people to type their farewells with all their fingers.

As to the OP itself, I would prioritize saying bye and ending the conversation over throwing out a think. As a general rule, I would prioritize any interaction with a fellow player over internal RP. It keeps things moving smoothly in case the other player needs to go.

Also, I think if you really need to go immediately, throwing out an OOC is fine. You're explaining an OOC situation (the urgency to quit out of the game).

I often leave before you can respond deliberately. This is an IC action.

I tend to just leave too, for IC reasons.
i love being a nobles health points

Generally, yes, there is a time that I will wait.

However, keep in mind that situations change things.  This is a coded game, with automated processes and times. cannot afford to wait around.  Sometimes, there are things that need rather immediate attention.  So on and so forth.

I can think of experiences all over the place where delay costs a lot more than allowing an emoted or said response makes up for.  So when things are hurried...don't mind that emotes don't come as much, or that things are cut off.  Gotta beat the timer, because it does not stop to emote.

Granted...if you have nothing better to do, not a whole lot of reason to not delay, unless you actually secretly just don't like that person, or don't care, which may be IC responses as noted above, heh.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

I always tend to leave a moment or two before departing, although I often think i'm looking like a mug when I hang on incase anyone if writing out anything and it looks like my character is just not leaving.
Someone says: I imagine the festivities have worn you thin... Well good. I plan on leading patrols over the next month, that would turn even your shriveled manhoods into sturdy poles of destruction.

Usually, if my PC leaves before the other can or does respond it is by design. Usually being that he simply does not care or does not want to bother, whatever, it is IC.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

Quote from: X-D on January 31, 2011, 06:57:24 PM
Usually, if my PC leaves before the other can or does respond it is by design. Usually being that he simply does not care or does not want to bother, whatever, it is IC.

My pc's are usually the same way. Unless of course my speedy retreat is indeed because oocly I just gotta go.
A staff member sends you:
"Normally we don't see a <redacted> walk into a room full of <redacted> and start indiscriminately killing."

You send to staff:
"Welcome to Armageddon."

You know, I can understand if it is IC to leave promptly...

...but I'm talking about over the Way too.

...and it does seem to be a general trend, of late.  Is it IC for everyone to do that all the time?
"I am a cipher, wrapped in an enigma, smothered in secret sauce."
- Jimmy James, the man so great they had to name him twice

I tend to think that when it's not IC, it's OOC.  Sometimes, someone really needs to log out right now.  Or is trying to avoid getting drug into another conversation that'll last for another two hours of their sleep.  But that's just me.
Former player as of 2/27/23, sending love.

I've left quickly for IC and OOC reasons, and this thread won't make me do it any differently.  Sometimes, I gotta jet and don't want to break immersion for anyone present.  Sometimes, my PC takes offense to someone/something/something said/something done/has to go take a piss. 

If it's IC, I'll probably fire off hemotes and semotes as appropriate so that it can be seen, though.
Quote from: LauraMars on December 15, 2016, 08:17:36 PMPaint on a mustache and be a dude for a day. Stuff some melons down my shirt, cinch up a corset and pass as a girl.

With appropriate roleplay of course.

Quote from: mangler on January 31, 2011, 12:41:57 PM
I always tend to leave a moment or two before departing, although I often think i'm looking like a mug when I hang on incase anyone if writing out anything and it looks like my character is just not leaving.

haha, I think that, too, sometimes. 

I understand when people have to leave, Nyr.  I'm talking about all the other times.
"I am a cipher, wrapped in an enigma, smothered in secret sauce."
- Jimmy James, the man so great they had to name him twice

Contact quickleavingpersonfella
psi Quit walking away douche, I wasn't done speaking. Listen when I speak fag! lol

A staff member sends you:
"Normally we don't see a <redacted> walk into a room full of <redacted> and start indiscriminately killing."

You send to staff:
"Welcome to Armageddon."

Eh, I'm kind of ambivalent about the whole idea. On one hand, it's not at all difficult to throw out an emote or two about your departure, or briefly explain it over the Way in some fashion, which would give time for other people to do whatever they want, whether it's to say something to you or try to kill you, or anything in between. On the other hand, the only person really missing out on anything is the person that's rushing away. The other person will tend to find something better to do.

Quote from: Marshmellow on February 01, 2011, 05:04:08 AM
I understand when people have to leave, Nyr.  I'm talking about all the other times.

At least you can deal with this IC, unlike people who don't use punctuation.  I'd call this a very easy pet peeve to get over.
Quote from: LauraMars on December 15, 2016, 08:17:36 PMPaint on a mustache and be a dude for a day. Stuff some melons down my shirt, cinch up a corset and pass as a girl.

With appropriate roleplay of course.

I sometimes tell myself to slow down a bit in conversations. But I don't think it's a black and white thing of 'Everyone slow down!'.

One of the things that put me off waiting for ages for a reply is those players who are watching TV, looking in other windows, coding, and doing all sorts at the same time as playing Arm. Do I have to waste my time waiting til they decide to come back to the conversation? No.

Also, when you only have a small amount of time to see someone in game, and/or one of you may have to log off at any moment, your playtimes hardly ever match up and you all have a lot to talk about/pass on, sometimes you have to splurt it all out so you know everything is stated, then play the puzzle game of talking about three conversations topics at the same time.

Or, as other people have said, sometime you have to OOC leave, or IC your character doesn't really give a shit about what the other person has to say etc. It doesn't bother me if people sometimes think my character's are gabbling, rude cows because of it.

There's plenty of reasons people might be doing it, and if someone's going too fast, just play it IC - maybe ask them to slow down a bit or let you get a word in sometime. I'm sure they'll understand what you mean.  

I also agree with:
Quote from: Cutthroat on January 31, 2011, 07:46:05 AM
As to the OP itself, I would prioritize saying bye and ending the conversation over throwing out a think. As a general rule, I would prioritize any interaction with a fellow player over internal RP. It keeps things moving smoothly in case the other player needs to go.

I agree, Nyr.  This can be handled in IC fashion.  This was really supposed to be an awareness thing... if you're not in a rush, don't act like it in game, because people will start reacting to it ICly.
"I am a cipher, wrapped in an enigma, smothered in secret sauce."
- Jimmy James, the man so great they had to name him twice

Quote from: hyzhenhok on January 31, 2011, 09:43:33 AM
I often leave before you can respond deliberately. This is an IC action.

I do it OOCly and just accept it when people think it's IC.  :-\

Quote from: Nyr on February 01, 2011, 08:04:37 AM
At least you can deal with this IC, unlike people who don't use punctuation.  I'd call this a very easy pet peeve to get over.

I get that a lot sometimes. People not using proper capitalization or punctuation. When they spell things differently or something that indicates how the character talks, that's one thing. But when they simply don't bother using proper punctuation and the like, it can get rather annoying.

February 11, 2011, 02:44:55 PM #35 Last Edit: February 11, 2011, 02:50:26 PM by wizturbo
When I have to rush off for OOC reasons, I generally toss out an OOC "Sorry gotta jet".  It may break immersion, but I don't want people getting the wrong signals ICly for something that's purely OOC.

I really try to wait for you guys, but sometimes, you just take too god damn long.

I HATE waiting 5, 7, 10 minutes for a return emote for a return say. If you're going to be afk, say so. That breaks my immersion less if you "afk gone brb" rather than having me sit there alt tabbing because you're taking 50 years to reply.

If I'm bolting normally, I wait at least thirty to forty seconds. That's enough for an "em nods at ~name and waves or something" and a "think Sun King Almighty, she's got a cute ass."

If I gotta log, well, meh. You can still think and emote your wave, you just won't be targeting my character. No one said you couldn't wave at the 'departing figure of ~name'.
Case: he's more likely to shoot up a mcdonalds for selling secret obama sauce on its big macs
Kismet: didn't see you in GQ homey
BadSkeelz: Whatever you say, Kim Jong Boog
Quote from: Tuannon
There is only one boog.

Five, seven or ten minutes?  Yeah, that's a little extreme.  I don't expect you to wait on someone for that log, but a single minute isn't much to ask when you're not rushing, right?
"I am a cipher, wrapped in an enigma, smothered in secret sauce."
- Jimmy James, the man so great they had to name him twice

i give em two minutes. that gives me the excuse, if it wasn't something like the one conversation, those are different, to leave without needing an excuse, because IG i'm assuming the guy/girl had their mouth open and brainfroze or just wasn't going to say anything.

i do believe there are conversation where huge-ass pauses are needed but i've been playing for three years and i've only had one. you ever watched one of those movies?
Quote from: Qzzrbl


Quote from: Nyr on February 01, 2011, 12:13:17 AM
I've left quickly for IC and OOC reasons, and this thread won't make me do it any differently. 

Just realize this means Nyr plays....that's like Santa walking among us.  :o

I'm going to emote everything and every second.

I once played a game where this strange culture developed where people would oocly ask each other if they were free to go, even if the emotes had made it clear they were.

By all means, ladies and gents, keep speedwalking.

Quote from: Mooney on February 16, 2011, 07:53:30 PM
Quote from: Nyr on February 01, 2011, 12:13:17 AM
I've left quickly for IC and OOC reasons, and this thread won't make me do it any differently. 

Just realize this means Nyr plays....that's like Santa walking among us.  :o

I'm going to emote everything and every second.

I believe most of the staff still plays. They are all allowed to do so.

It can be frustrating but sometimes it's in character.  Sometimes you may be slow.  Sometimes they have to go.  Sometimes they just might not care.  My suggestion?  Roll with it!  I remember a certain character I had where -every time- she and her companion talked/disputed he would walk out on her first to cut her off.  She was already kind of feeble and it built up over time.  Finally one time she grabbed all her clothes and rushed out naked first and went to change in the dorms just so she could be the first to finally walk out, slam that door and snub him back.  Is it annoying?  Yeah.  :D But try not to take it to personally if you can.  A character walking out while you still have something left to say can be an excellent RP tool.  I for one think there needs to be -more- rude/gritty behavior IG.

Also, if someone walks out and you don't think they're intending to be rude work it in IG, Way them really quick or accuse them IG - "You always walk out when I'm trying to talk to you!"  Don't be afraid of confrontation if you gotta.  ;)

Okay, I still don't think everyone got the point...

I'm not saying, "Don't leave so that others have a chance to respond."  I'm saying, "If you don't want them to have to roll with it and take it IC, give them a chance to respond," along with the reminder, "Not everyone here types at 100 wpm, so chill a bit."
"I am a cipher, wrapped in an enigma, smothered in secret sauce."
- Jimmy James, the man so great they had to name him twice