Newbie Idea

Started by quickslash, October 18, 2010, 10:14:14 AM

I'm new and I love the game. Hi.

So I have a suggestion that shouldn't hurt anyone's immersion and might save a few idiot newbies like me a beloved char:

Before a Gate [N S]

There are walls and a gate here.

100hp 100mv 100st> n

You notice that there is a blinding sandstorm in that direction. Type "north !" to continue anyway.

"In a game of chess you can never let your adversary see your pieces."

Seconded, although it would be nice if this applied for all indoor-outdoor transitions.
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

Quote from: Delirium on August 04, 2014, 10:11:38 AM
fuck authority smoke weed erryday

oh and here's a free videogame.

People have suggested the same for walking into rooms that are clearly dangerous, i.e., "you notice a cliff-face up ahead, and an interminable drop."

Hardcore players insist you should just type "look n" and "weather n" first, before going in.

Well, you can probably figure out some neat way to make typing all that easier in your client, hint hint.

There is a "weather" command, which new players might not know about. People can't be expected to know each and every command that exists, or even to look for a help file on each and every command. If you don't know the command exists, you don't know there's a help file for it. And most games don't have a weather command so it isn't intuitive that a new player would think to look for one.

But yeah - there -is- a way of knowing what the weather is like through the gates to the west: "eather west"
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

Maybe a warning toggle?
Quote from: LauraMars
Quote from: brytta.leofaLaura, did weird tribal men follow you around at age 15?
If by weird tribal men you mean Christians then yes.

Quote from: Malifaxis
She was teabagging me.

My own mother.

Not a fan of extra typing.

I'd rather just be able to see weather when I 'look' in a direction.

>look west
To the west are sand dunes.
A tremendous sandstorm obscures the area.
[Very Far]
A tremendous sandstorm obscures the area.

Quote from: a strange shadow on October 18, 2010, 03:59:05 PM
Not a fan of extra typing.

I'd rather just be able to see weather when I 'look' in a direction.

>look west
To the west are sand dunes.
A tremendous sandstorm obscures the area.
[Very Far]
A tremendous sandstorm obscures the area.


I like both the idea of a toggle, and being able to see the weather when you look in a direction.  It's kind of silly that you can't see that huge freaking sandstorm on the horizon.
Former player as of 2/27/23, sending love.

I completely agree.  If older players want to toggle it on/off that's fine, but you shouldn't just walk off a cliff haphazardly or into a sandstorm without a warning if you want it.

Would this extend to sinkholes/chasms?
A dark-shelled scrab pinches at you, but you dodge out of the way.
A dark-shelled scrab brandishes its bone-handled, obsidian scimitar.
A dark-shelled scrab holds its bloodied wicked-edged, bone scimitar.

Quote from: Wolfsong on October 18, 2010, 06:19:17 PM
Would this extend to sinkholes/chasms?

Most sinkholes and chasms are described, either in the surrounding rooms, in the 'look <direction>' description, or in the exit description.  Weather is weird and kind of broken in that you can be in perfect weather in one room, and unable to see in the next, and unless you just know where those weather divides are, or you obsessively type 'weather <direction>' in each room, it's pretty easy to get blindsided and trapped by a storm that completely screws you over.

I think the seeing any level 4 or higher sandstorms in the look direction would be a good idea, combined with changing all "air" rooms to be consistent. There are some rooms that say "On a ledge above some stuff" but it is a climb-check room, whereas others aren't. I've had characters very much hurting because I assumed "Hey, I will climb to the edge, and look down, and see how far it is."

Both sandstorms, and 3+ room drops should be somewhat obvious at some point before you run into them. This would, in point of fact, make things easier, but it is also a bit of a suspension of disbelief that one room west is a level 5 ferocious skin melting sandstorm, but the one you are in is "the air is as calm as the sand."
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.

To be honest on the sinkhole/chasm thing, I wish you could look down them and see a really good room description -before- you have to commit to a climb check.
Alea iacta est

You guys gotta stop trying to make this game safer its never going to happen.

Sandstorms can come out of nowhere, and unless someones character is running around the world putting up signs with picutures of long drops or falling rocks on them... How would you know there a huge drop coming up ahead of you? 

It's all part of the game.. learn to enjoy losing.
The glowing Nessalin Nebula flickers eternally overhead.
This Angers The Shade of Nessalin.

Quote from: perfecto on October 19, 2010, 01:02:29 AM
You guys gotta stop trying to make this game safer its never going to happen.

Sandstorms can come out of nowhere, and unless someones character is running around the world putting up signs with picutures of long drops or falling rocks on them... How would you know there a huge drop coming up ahead of you? 

It's all part of the game.. learn to enjoy losing.

Heh, well, to be honest, it never happened to me. Not sure how I dodged that bullet so far.
Alea iacta est

Quote from: perfecto on October 19, 2010, 01:02:29 AM
You guys gotta stop trying to make this game safer its never going to happen.

Sandstorms can come out of nowhere, and unless someones character is running around the world putting up signs with picutures of long drops or falling rocks on them... How would you know there a huge drop coming up ahead of you? 

It's all part of the game.. learn to enjoy losing.

Actually, it's not true.  There are plenty of us who have lost many a great character to falling off the shield wall before there was coded protection from doing that.  It became safer to walk that road. Is this good?  That's another question.

Yeah.... Nearly every awesome special-app I've ever had was killed by something silly like this.

Walking into the silt sea during a blinding sandstorm-- Sure, the sandstorm's one thing, but wouldn't you at least notice the feeling of water-like silt licking about your boots and legs before he takes the plunge into the unforgiving insta-death of the Sea?

Or crazy-massive five-room drops of unsurvivability.... The "e" and "w" keys are close together! In a world where I can't, "lulz, I goofed and hit "w" instead of "e", rez pls!" for a beloved character, I would be all for having an "Are you positive? It's instant death!" warning or somesuch.

I mean.... It's already in place for the Shield wall! Why is the Shield Wall the only one with this feature? Hell, you'll more than likely survive a Shield Wall fall-- just ask any Bynner!

Quote from: DustMight on October 19, 2010, 01:24:55 AM
Actually, it's not true.  There are plenty of us who have lost many a great character to falling off the shield wall before there was coded protection from doing that.  It became safer to walk that road. Is this good?  That's another question.

I guess that was my point.  I've lost so many great characters to rediculous ends and I've continued to play for the last 15 years.  Think of it as the wild card.. much like in real life.. good people die all the time in crazy sporadic ways and the world is shocked by it.. but it keeps happening. There's just no way out of it, these things happen.
The glowing Nessalin Nebula flickers eternally overhead.
This Angers The Shade of Nessalin.

Quote from: a strange shadow on October 18, 2010, 03:59:05 PM
Not a fan of extra typing.

I'd rather just be able to see weather when I 'look' in a direction.

>look west
To the west are sand dunes.
A tremendous sandstorm obscures the area.
[Very Far]
A tremendous sandstorm obscures the area.

And while we're at it:  you shouldn't be able to see three leagues through a tremendous sandstorm, just because the room you're currently in is at 0-level storm.

I actually had someone toss a throwing knife at me from a league away while I was in the middle of a blinding (as in: you can't see shit even at high sun) sandstorm, because the room north was clear skies.  Kinda silly.
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.