Lowest of the low

Started by lordcooper, October 05, 2010, 08:50:02 PM

At the risk of ... You know what, fuck it.

Here's how I see half-elves, this week:

Half-elves are hated more than elves not because of what they are but what they represent - it's the same reason that (oh fuck am I really going to go there? yes, yes I am) Henry has to kill Charles Bon in Absalom! Absalom! - half-elves are, unequivocally, the "nigger that's going to sleep with your sister" - and why in Light in August Joe Christmas is not just killed but castrated, too. In layman's terms - half-elves are hated because they represent the mixing of races, not because they are worse than either race in and of themselves. In fact, the fact that they're more employable than elves proves this - that, anyway, it's a different sort of racism entirely. Half-elves are mulattoes, and provided they look more human than elvish, that's okay - until, of course, the truth comes out. Hate them, yes, but you wouldn't necessarily shun them as you would an elf, either - not in the same way, anyway. Let them work in your kitchens and on your estates, because it is - I guess - an inclusive hate. You shun elves and they're dirty outsiders, but they have their own culture and society and they're basically alien to you, anyway. They don't care, they have their tribe. But half-elves? It's worse for them because they're under the illusion that they can be accepted by a culture or race and they cannot be - they're drawn in, treated better than most elves at first blush, but it's skin deep. Beneath that, there's vicious racism - even worse than with elves, but much more subtle, too. It's the difference between attacking someone on the street and beating them unconscious and taking someone back to your home, employing them in your household, and burning them with cigarette butts, telling them they're dirt, and dehumanizing them utterly under the guise of kindness.

Why are there no famous half-elves?

If a half-elf achieves fame, they are absorbed into the culture they most resemble - or, at least, the fact that they're a breed is typically glossed over: they become either elf or not elf - look at Langston Hughes, Nicolas Guillen, Barack Obama. They're all breeds, but at the same time they're not described as breeds at all, with the possible exception of Guillen (Cuba has a disproportionate population of breeds, so the race division there is less distinct) - they're elves, because they most resemble elves. In fact, they are what every elf should aspire to - they are the most intelligent, artistic, well-known and articulate elves around... and that's because they're half human. And they're still shunned by the humans who call them good elves.
A dark-shelled scrab pinches at you, but you dodge out of the way.
A dark-shelled scrab brandishes its bone-handled, obsidian scimitar.
A dark-shelled scrab holds its bloodied wicked-edged, bone scimitar.

Quote from: Wolfsong on October 07, 2010, 12:16:27 PM
At the risk of ... You know what, fuck it.

Here's how I see half-elves, this week:

Half-elves are hated more than elves not because of what they are but what they represent - it's the same reason that (oh fuck am I really going to go there? yes, yes I am) Henry has to kill Charles Bon in Absalom! Absalom! - half-elves are, unequivocally, the "nigger that's going to sleep with your sister" - and why in Light in August Joe Christmas is not just killed but castrated, too. In layman's terms - half-elves are hated because they represent the mixing of races, not because they are worse than either race in and of themselves. In fact, the fact that they're more employable than elves proves this - that, anyway, it's a different sort of racism entirely. Half-elves are mulattoes, and provided they look more human than elvish, that's okay - until, of course, the truth comes out. Hate them, yes, but you wouldn't necessarily shun them as you would an elf, either - not in the same way, anyway. Let them work in your kitchens and on your estates, because it is - I guess - an inclusive hate. You shun elves and they're dirty outsiders, but they have their own culture and society and they're basically alien to you, anyway. They don't care, they have their tribe. But half-elves? It's worse for them because they're under the illusion that they can be accepted by a culture or race and they cannot be - they're drawn in, treated better than most elves at first blush, but it's skin deep. Beneath that, there's vicious racism - even worse than with elves, but much more subtle, too. It's the difference between attacking someone on the street and beating them unconscious and taking someone back to your home, employing them in your household, and burning them with cigarette butts, telling them they're dirt, and dehumanizing them utterly under the guise of kindness.

Why are there no famous half-elves?

If a half-elf achieves fame, they are absorbed into the culture they most resemble - or, at least, the fact that they're a breed is typically glossed over: they become either elf or not elf - look at Langston Hughes, Nicolas Guillen, Barack Obama. They're all breeds, but at the same time they're not described as breeds at all, with the possible exception of Guillen (Cuba has a disproportionate population of breeds, so the race division there is less distinct) - they're elves, because they most resemble elves. In fact, they are what every elf should aspire to - they are the most intelligent, artistic, well-known and articulate elves around... and that's because they're half human. And they're still shunned by the humans who call them good elves.

Jaster Sandeye.  Shatuka Iir'ijah.  Hawk.  There's a couple others.

There's one running around right now who's been famous forever, but no one knows it, because of how he plays it.  Awesome stuff.

Kudos to you, the guy who knows who he is.
Yes. Read the thread if you want, or skip to page 7 and be dismissive.

Words I repeat every time I start a post:
Quote from: Rathustra on June 23, 2016, 03:29:08 PM
Stop being shitty to each other.

I think I know who you're talking about. We salute you, Mr. Inconspicuous Famous Half Breed Trash.

Anyways, I'd say that as far as race goes, opinions of the populace would perhaps vary amongst individuals, much like this thread.
All the world will be your enemy. When they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you; digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed.

But they're not -famous-. Well known OOCly, and among a few old PCs, sure. But you ask an Amos who the hell any one of those people were and they'll probably shrug.
A dark-shelled scrab pinches at you, but you dodge out of the way.
A dark-shelled scrab brandishes its bone-handled, obsidian scimitar.
A dark-shelled scrab holds its bloodied wicked-edged, bone scimitar.

Elves may be liked less than breeds. And elves may be less employable than breeds.

But I think that elves have a manner of carving out niches for themselves that breeds lack. This often makes them the providers of valuable services that would be unavailable elsewhere.

This, coupled with the fact that elves always seems to back each other up when threatened, would make them a difficult to pick on.

So, to this end, I would suggest that breeds are more likely to be picked on because they are more often isolated and less useful.
Now you're looking for the secret. But you won't find it because of course, you're not really looking. You don't really want to work it out. You want to be fooled.

My view on this thread, which is a good one (the thread, not my point):

I think I'm looking at the issue at a different angle. Some people are looking at it as who's most hated, or even who's most successful. What I got from the OP, the question is who's the scum. And it's the mutts. It's what shapes the very foundation of their character.

Quote from: Spoon on October 07, 2010, 02:27:56 PM
My view on this thread, which is a good one (the thread, not my point):

I think I'm looking at the issue at a different angle. Some people are looking at it as who's most hated, or even who's most successful. What I got from the OP, the question is who's the scum. And it's the mutts. It's what shapes the very foundation of their character.

I have to agree.

To a human, elves are scum. To an elf, humans are scum. But these two groups will both agree that the half-breed in the corner is the worst kind of scum.

Dirty breed...can't even tell it to stick to its own kind.  >:(
"Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry."
- Samuel Clemens

Half-breeds are by far, the lowest of the low in my book.  Not because they are vile or disgusting.  It is because they are sad and weak of spirit.  They are dirt to be trod upon.  Forced to serve then discarded.  They are a bastard race.

Only one PC death of mine has made me upset, and it was my longest-lived half-breed.  When he died, I felt like a real person, someone I know, had actually passed away.  I find the half-breed mentality an amazing experience.  I spent so much time in his head that he became a real person.  I feel like he still exists, somewhere.

For anyone caring to read the synopsis of that particular half-breed, here it is:

A half-elf ranger is abducted by a powerful magick user and forced to be its slave.  He lived in a cave so long it had him haunched over like a gith.  Eventually his captor dies, so the half-breed wanders alone and by some miracle manages to survive.  He eventually rises to a meager level of power in magick himself, cleans up, looks more human.  He then spends years trying to find a path and purpose.  During that time, his ability to wield magick grows as well.  He attempts to mingle with peoples of every race, trying to impress them all.   From the vilest of the vile, purest of pure, and most savage of savage, he tries to earn their acceptance.  As soon as one group begins to accept him, he withdraws from them and works on another group, never quite feeling like he fits in.  He is confused and lost, perpetually.  He always feels different and eventually begins to regard himself as a different race altogether.  He wants guidance, but nobody will stand to serve as his example.  He wanders around  and uses his magickal power to help some while causing mischief to others for lack of direction.  He is constantly misunderstood.  Eventually he is hunted by people all over the world, even the few people closest try to murder him after he turned his back to them.  Others who don't want to kill him want his power.  Those who don't get his power try to kill him.  This drives him to the brink of insanity.  Everything that happens after this is a bit too IC to discuss and a bit fuzzy, because even I don't completely understand the details. 

I am a terrible writer.  I wish someone would write his story.  I don't know if this is even possible.  I would buy the book, that's for sure.

Quote from: Sephiroto on November 20, 2010, 04:17:38 AM
Only one PC death of mine has made me upset, and it was my longest-lived half-breed.  When he died, I felt like a real person, someone I know, had actually passed away.  I find the half-breed mentality an amazing experience.  I spent so much time in his head that he became a real person.  I feel like he still exists, somewhere.
I'd have to say, Sephiroto, that was really well-put and I can empathize completely with you.

In the 4 or so years that I have been playing, my half-breed was truly one of the most heart-twisting roles I've ever had and/or played.
Quote from: LauraMars
Quote from: brytta.leofaLaura, did weird tribal men follow you around at age 15?
If by weird tribal men you mean Christians then yes.

Quote from: Malifaxis
She was teabagging me.

My own mother.

rinthi breed defiler would be the best bet :)

Huge difference - ENORMOUS - between:

This appears very elflike in features, having the typical long ears and angular facial structure, skinny and tall for a humanoid, lanky and limber, etc. etc. etc.


This IS an elf.

One is *implying* that it's an elf, and leaves it up to the reader to interpret it.

The other leaves no room for interpretation, and -cannot- be roleplayed around. That IS an elf. It isn't a breed who looks like an elf. Even though it can't speak allundean, it insists on riding, it doesn't belong to a tribe - the description *instructs* the reader to *know* that this is an elf.

Personally I don't think you should be allowed to have it both ways. If you play a breed, it can LOOK like one or the other, but any "directive" in the mdesc making any other decisive claim should not be allowed.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

Please do not detail anything about your existing and current PC (or anything within the past RL year for your PCs).  I removed a post here that did that.
Quote from: LauraMars on December 15, 2016, 08:17:36 PMPaint on a mustache and be a dude for a day. Stuff some melons down my shirt, cinch up a corset and pass as a girl.

With appropriate roleplay of course.

Quote from: Nyr on December 29, 2010, 02:07:36 PM
Please do not detail anything about your existing and current PC (or anything within the past RL year for your PCs).  I removed a post here that did that.

err, sorry... X)

also: i had a question on my anthropology test. there's a real word for this i think.

The Yellow people have, not now but in the historical past, been socially and economically superior to Blues due to suppression of the Blue's equal rights. Skip to present: a Yellow person and a Blue person get married, and have a child. Then child is Green, but is called Blue by their society. This is an example of what?

Too bad I can't remember the word for this.
Quote from: Qzzrbl


Quote from: Cindy42 on December 31, 2010, 08:06:21 AM
also: i had a question on my anthropology test. there's a real word for this i think.

The Yellow people have, not now but in the historical past, been socially and economically superior to Blues due to suppression of the Blue's equal rights. Skip to present: a Yellow person and a Blue person get married, and have a child. Then child is Green, but is called Blue by their society. This is an example of what?

Too bad I can't remember the word for this.

Hypodescent? (I cheated and looked up one-drop rule on Wikipedia.)
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

Quote from: flurry on December 31, 2010, 11:06:34 AM
Quote from: Cindy42 on December 31, 2010, 08:06:21 AM
also: i had a question on my anthropology test. there's a real word for this i think.

The Yellow people have, not now but in the historical past, been socially and economically superior to Blues due to suppression of the Blue's equal rights. Skip to present: a Yellow person and a Blue person get married, and have a child. Then child is Green, but is called Blue by their society. This is an example of what?

Too bad I can't remember the word for this.

Hypodescent? (I cheated and looked up one-drop rule on Wikipedia.)

yes, thank you :)
Quote from: Qzzrbl


I dunno what you people are smokin--but merchants get treated worse than any breed.
Quote from: Fathi on March 08, 2018, 06:40:45 PMAnd then I sat there going "really? that was it? that's so stupid."

I still think the best closure you get in Armageddon is just moving on to the next character.

Quote from: Is Friday on January 09, 2011, 11:57:34 AM
I dunno what you people are smokin--but merchants get treated worse than any breed.

actually, i bet they are--- they're out to take your money and everyone knows it, in a way that you can't go to jail for.
Quote from: Qzzrbl


I'm both stunned and impressed at how 'strongly' the racism runs against half-elves and maintained by the players.

I'm actually uncertain whether I'm even capable as a player of producing and maintaining that depth in mentality against or as a half-elf.

Educational thread.

Quote from: Mooney on January 10, 2011, 12:02:44 AM
I'm both stunned and impressed at how 'strongly' the racism runs against half-elves and maintained by the players.

I'm actually uncertain whether I'm even capable as a player of producing and maintaining that depth in mentality against or as a half-elf.

Educational thread.

I actually think it's easier to get into the mindset of a half-elf, than any other character type in Arm. They're like hormonal teenagers in personality - back and forth, subject to all the extremes of emotion that flicker on and off without warning. They're triggered by anything, and sometimes by nothing at all, only a perception of something. A "healthy" half-elven mindset is vaguely unstable. It's like, the opposite of being a sociopath. Someone who NEEDS, constantly. Sometimes he NEEDS to be with this group. Sometimes he NEEDS to be with that group. Sometimes he NEEDS to be alone. And even he isn't always sure what he needs, so it frustrates him. So he's a frustrated needy ne'erdowell, with the emotional stability of a pubescent teenager.

Just walk into your nearest shopping mall, find a bench, sit down, and watch the crowds for an hour. You'll see enough of them to have the schtick memorized :)
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

Quote from: Sephiroto on November 20, 2010, 04:17:38 AM
Half-breeds are by far, the lowest of the low in my book.  Not because they are vile or disgusting.  It is because they are sad and weak of spirit.  They are dirt to be trod upon.  Forced to serve then discarded.  They are a bastard race.

Only one PC death of mine has made me upset, and it was my longest-lived half-breed.  When he died, I felt like a real person, someone I know, had actually passed away.  I find the half-breed mentality an amazing experience.  I spent so much time in his head that he became a real person.  I feel like he still exists, somewhere.

For anyone caring to read the synopsis of that particular half-breed, here it is:

A half-elf ranger is abducted by a powerful magick user and forced to be its slave.  He lived in a cave so long it had him haunched over like a gith.  Eventually his captor dies, so the half-breed wanders alone and by some miracle manages to survive.  He eventually rises to a meager level of power in magick himself, cleans up, looks more human.  He then spends years trying to find a path and purpose.  During that time, his ability to wield magick grows as well.  He attempts to mingle with peoples of every race, trying to impress them all.   From the vilest of the vile, purest of pure, and most savage of savage, he tries to earn their acceptance.  As soon as one group begins to accept him, he withdraws from them and works on another group, never quite feeling like he fits in.  He is confused and lost, perpetually.  He always feels different and eventually begins to regard himself as a different race altogether.  He wants guidance, but nobody will stand to serve as his example.  He wanders around  and uses his magickal power to help some while causing mischief to others for lack of direction.  He is constantly misunderstood.  Eventually he is hunted by people all over the world, even the few people closest try to murder him after he turned his back to them.  Others who don't want to kill him want his power.  Those who don't get his power try to kill him.  This drives him to the brink of insanity.  Everything that happens after this is a bit too IC to discuss and a bit fuzzy, because even I don't completely understand the details. 

I am a terrible writer.  I wish someone would write his story.  I don't know if this is even possible.  I would buy the book, that's for sure.

you are not a terrible writer. that was an amazing story. i wish i could have seen it
Quote from: Qzzrbl