Utep Appreciation Station - The Akai Sjir.

Started by Rathustra, September 10, 2010, 02:09:33 AM

Under the Sun King's glorious form, the only shadows are those he allows to persist.

We're looking for a new blood member of the Bejewelled Hand to prowl the rooftops of Tuluk's Warrens and spread Northern Superiority through expression of the subtle arts.

Inhabiting an unusual niche in an otherwise highly stratified and traditional culture, the Akai Sjir produces a thoroughly unique breed of Tuluki.

So, to quote Shalooonsh:

Quote from: "Faithful Lord Looonsh"
Do you like to to wheel and deal with the lowest of the low as well as the Chosen and Faithful?
We have a place for you.

Like to skulk about, liberate oppressed possessions, share secrets and mill rumors?
We have a place for you.

Like rubbing shoulders with everyone that owns a chipped sid?
We have a place for you.

Like chipping your name into the world by producing unique crafts?
We have a place for you.

Like turning combat into an art form in order to demonstrate elven superiority?
We definitely have a place for you.

No matter what your preference, the Akai Sjir elven tribe in Tuluk can find a use for you.

Interested? Then plant a role request, cc'd to the Akai Sjir to us, including the following:

    * Account name
    * GDB account name
    * Name of your proposed character
    * Description of your proposed character
    * Background of your proposed character
    * If you aren't familiar with the tribe, flesh out your background as best you can, and if accepted we can fine-tune it.
    * Your usual playtimes and your expectations of future playtimes
    * Knowledge of the Tuluki social structure, rules, etc is preferred, but not required.

Applications end on the 17th of September at Midnight EST.

Slight time-zone related extension to this - applications will close in ten hours from now. Get in those neckers!

A reminder that as a Kjurr of the Akai Sjir you'll be able to beautify the Sun King's city with you and your tribe's art - any art. The Warrens will be your home and the rooftops your highways and you'll be a dirty, no-good sharpear who cuts as deep with their tongue as with their knives.

Get in those last-minute applications and serve the Sun King as a proud, sticky-fingered citizen!

This is now closed, thanks to everyone who applied, we'll be in touch with our decision soon.